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Why is iceman omega level

2022.01.11 16:02

Uncanny X-Men clearly sets the precedent that Bobby can morph into any shape he wishes. The process won't necessarily be painless, as Emma Frost found the experience agonizing, but to be fair she was unwittingly attempting to revert to some sort of quasi-human shape, meaning her very bones were attempting to reknit themselves.

Furthermore, there's no reason to suppose it couldn't become easier with repetition. Iceman is one of the most powerful mutants on the planet, and his ice-powers essentially mean he can manipulate the entire world's atmosphere.

But Uncanny X-Men reveals there is another element of his powers, one that has never been explored since; he has the potential to be a shapeshifter as well. It will be fascinating to see if any X-Men writers toy with the idea further down the line. Tom Bacon is one of Screen Rant's staff writers, as well as a Peer Mentor for new writers and a member of the Care Team, offering support and a listening ear to members of the Comics group. A lifelong fan of major franchises including Star Wars, Doctor Who, and Marvel, Tom is delighted his childhood is back - and this time it's cool.

You can find him on Twitter TomABacon. Read original article here. Veteran games developer Interplay teases upcoming relaunch. Northern English verbal mannerisms being lost. By Shital Soni Last updated Jul 27, Brandon Zachary Articles Published. Denial of responsibility! In each content, the hyperlink to the primary source is specified.

All trademarks belong to their rightful owners, all materials to their authors. If you are the owner of the content and do not want us to publish your materials, please contact us by email — [email protected]. The content will be deleted within 24 hours. Shital Soni posts 0 comments. Prev Post Veteran games developer Interplay teases upcoming relaunch. Next Post Northern English verbal mannerisms being lost. He brought him to the school hoping that it might help him recover his memories. Bobby volunteered to take full responsibility for Warren.

Logan, Bobby, and Warren left Worthington Industries after a meeting, and while Warren took off his clothes and flew around, Logan and Bobby talked about their current situation. Bobby said that they had used up all their money to open the school, and if they didn't have a large infusion of money in the future, they would have to close.

Logan refused to close the school and decided to get more money. He left Bobby and Warren, but not before naming Bobby temporary headmaster, as Kitty hadn't been seen in two days. When Bobby discovers her Brood infection, he was one of the X-Men that shrunk down and went into her body to fight the Brood.

Later, Kitty vomited, causing the X-Men to be expelled from her body, after a very long and gruesome battle. Before Kitty was taken away, she kissed Bobby.

Contrary to Wolverine's wishes, Bobby decided to leave the school to join the battle alongside his fellow mutants against the Avengers. Iceman took part in a battle against Celestial creations, during which he was infected with a Death Seed of Apocalypse's power.

He lost control of his mind and almost froze the whole planet while also kidnapping his ex-girlfriends and nearly killing his father. Iceman almost killed Thor, when his ex-girlfriend Opal appeared and distracted Bobby, giving Thor a chance to shatter Iceman. Mystique, who was also pretending to be Iceman's ally, took Apocalypse's fragment for herself, but was stopped by the X-Men. With help from the X-Men, Iceman managed to collect his shattered mind and to become whole again, but the guilt for the many lives that were lost during his world freezing stint still haunted Bobby.

When the Terrigen Cloud became toxic for mutants, Iceman was one of the recruits in Storm's new team dedicated to protecting mutants from the Terrigen by leading them to X-Haven , in Limbo. Iceman and Nightcrawler managed to track Colossus to Egypt, where he ambushed them and almost killed them until another squad of X-Men came in to help. Iceman joined the X-Men when they declared war against the Inhumans after discovering that in a matter of weeks the Terrigen would render Earth completely inhabitable for mutants.

Bobby attempted to enter the dating scene through an online profile. This was partially in reaction to seeing his younger self happily with a boyfriend. However he was still struggling with his relationship with his parents, who did not yet know he was gay.

When visiting his father at the hospital a purifier attacked because of a young mutant. Bobby helped her but it only furthered the tension between him and his parents. He realized that coming out wasn't as simple as he had thought on a mission with his ex girlfriend, Kitty Pryde, who was upset she had to find out about his sexuality from Goldballs. When attempting to come out to his parents over dinner they were interrupted by purifiers.

In the reality created by Nate Grey and a Life Seed , a world where everyone on Earth was a mutant and relationships were strongly discouraged or illegal, Iceman was a member of Department X , the police force in charge of investigating and arresting dissident mutants. Iceman, Moneta , and Psylocke were first seen attempting to arrest X-Man Bishop for "engaging in a forbidden relationship" with Marvel Girl and his "third breach of the guiding principles.

Confirming guilt, Moneta placed a power inhibitor collar on him and deemed him "excommunicated". The group then removed all traces of Bishop's existence. While arguing over baking implements, Jubilee and Iceman were temporarily deafened by Luke's vocal amplification powers. Although they eventually put Luke on literal ice, the duo and Moneta discovered graphic mental images of the couple and debated how to humanely remove Luke's ice block back to the police van.

Nezumi revealed to Blob while being loaded into the police van that she was pregnant, the first pregnancy that the group had encountered in their careers. Flummoxed by her revelation, Blob consulted with his teammates for confirmation of the pregnancy and what to do with their pregnant charge. Eventually the group opted to unfreeze Nezumi upon their return to headquarters and decided what to do with her there. Moneta, hating the nature of their "crime", used derogatory words to describe the prisoners.

Iceman told her to stop with the word retrograde as it was a slur. On a following day, Iceman and Department X participated in a controlled burn of a nearby woodland, in order to give the X-Men a catastrophe to manage.

Bobby used his ice powers to build an ice wall around the entire blaze. When team leader Blob had been absent for a few days and Moneta threatened to take over his duties, Iceman and the team ignored her. Furious, Moneta verbally lashed out and called them paper pushers only concerned with intimacy violations.

Moneta then left in a huff, with Northstar translating her Quebecois explanation to the group. Iceman and his teammates were present the following day when Moneta accused Psylocke of pretending to wipe a recently arrested mutant's memory. Psylocke countered, stating that sometimes the memory erasure took awhile to stick. Iceman returned from checking on the prisoner, who appeared to be okay. Blob quickly came to Psylocke's defense, chastising Moneta for her accusations and pulling rank to quell her disobedience.

After sending Moneta home, Jubilee revealed to Blob the inhumane treatment of their prisoner Nezumi and the continuing uncertainty of how to deal with Nezumi's pregnancy. Days later, Department X investigated a tip of a dissident teenage party at a ramshackle former library.

The team soon discovered a group of teenagers, who Moneta insisted were in fact part of a "dangerous retrograde cult". Although the teenagers initially opted to flee, some members of their group rallied their cohorts to fight Department X, inspired by revolutionary Murshid En Sabah Nur. The trained officers quickly and reluctantly defeated the riled teens. Upon inquiry Moneta revealed that she had set up the encounter to prove the existence of the resistance.

Furious at her deception, Blob fired her from the department and ordered her memory erased. While cleaning up the mess from the fight, Blob and Psylocke shared an intimate moment.

Unbeknownst to the pair, Northstar picked up on the intimacy between the two and was deeply bothered by this revelation. Iceman in turn picked up on his discomfort and attempted to alleviate Northstar's distress through his patent teasing and touching. Unamused, Northstar broke contact and flew away. Upon returning to the office the next day, Iceman attempted to tease Moneta; Northstar chastised him for threatening her reconditioning. Blob and Psylocke showed up soon after and gave out assignments for the day, one of which was at a nearby theatre charged with showing inflammatory material.

Northstar accepted the assignment, zooming away before Iceman could be assigned to accompany him. Arriving at the theatre, Northstar was greeted by Rictor , the proprietor and an apparent friend.

Rictor, despite Northstar's warning, was nonchalant about Department X's interest in the theatre. Iceman showed up soon after, having opted to follow Northstar to the theatre out of concern for his well-being. This infuriated Northstar who demanded that Iceman butt out. Sensing the tension between the two, Rictor invited them up to the roof to drink with him. An explosion occurred soon after in front of the theatre, instigated by Jubilee, who offered the three of them to join her in rioting over their stolen and slowly-returning memories.

Iceman and the others happily accepted. Unbeknownst to the rioters and with Blob's encouragement, Psylocke released all of the memories she had stored in her mind, both from prisoners arrested by Department X and, apparently, her teammates. Soon after, Northstar remembered his past friendship with Iceman, jokingly calling him "otter-pop" a gay endearment referring to his ice-making abilities and physique. This fully snapped Bobby back to himself and he hugged Jean-Paul in remembrance.

Although not shown on panel, Iceman returned to the mainstream reality with the rest of the trapped mutants through Nate Grey's portals. Bobby was later seen drinking alongside Archangel and Beast at the celebration following the announcement of Krakoa as a sovereign nation under the United Nations and the first meeting of the Quiet Council of Krakoa.

Bobby then joined his ex-girlfriend Kate Pryde and others in helping mutants get to Krakoa by traveling aboard the ship The Marauder. Robert Drake has been stated to be an Omega Level Mutant. On a day-to-day basis, Drake's powers aren't capable of their highest level of performance, but this potential has been unlocked on some occasions by various encounters- specifically with Loki , [] Mikhail Rasputin , [66] and Emma Frost. Bobby is a Certified Public Accountant, a skilled ice skater, and can speak Spanish fluently.

While in human form Iceman possesses the normal human strength of a man of his age, height, and build who engages in moderate regular exercise. While in his ice form he is able to augment his strength. He is a fair hand to hand combatant. Like that of any trained athlete, Iceman's ability to perform is directly related to his daily physical health and current mental state. Under normal conditions, he can usually form ice continually for a period of about 5 hours before becoming mentally exhausted.