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Why is mom so mean to me

2022.01.11 16:02

Select personalised ads. Apply market research to generate audience insights. Measure content performance. Develop and improve products. List of Partners vendors. In terms of your relationship with your mother, obligations ideally revolve around loving them, being considerate of your mother's instructions, and staying mindful of their feelings during interactions. Mothers, on the other hand, have more demanding roles. Parents are required to provide for their children and protect them from danger.

However, a mother's most important job is to show their child love which is why the realization that your mother may not care for you in this way can be incredibly painful. This goes across the board with romantic and platonic relationships, our dealings with siblings, and very notably, with our parents. If your reason for assuming that your mother despises you stems from frequent hiccups with her, this may not always confirm hatred.

However, if your disagreements are far-reaching, and deviate from the typical reasons behind parental spats, this could indicate something more serious at play. The following are signs that might indicate that your mother has unkind feelings towards you. On one hand, listening to others give honest feedback about our work ethic, communication skills , or relationship with others can sometimes help in improving dealings.

However, being on the receiving end of harsh reviews can be incredibly hurtful, especially when the person giving it happens to be your mother. If your mother is able to find an issue with, or criticize everything about you , from minor matters such as your choice of clothing, or the amount of perfume you use—to serious areas like your choice of profession or a life partner, your mom may not always have harmless or good intentions toward.

As we all know and have personal experience navigating, there hardly ever seems to be enough time in the day to balance work, physical activities, as well as our relationships with others.

However, the wide gap may not always indicate any negative feelings your mother may harbor towards you, your mom could simply be overwhelmed and having a hard time sorting life and personal time with her children.

Many people describe their moms as warm, attentive, and kind. However, if your estimations of your mother are more along the lines of cold, abusive, or just plain cruel, this could be a worrying sign that your mother holds negative feelings towards you. Your reasons for feeling this way may stem from anything. Perhaps your mother makes her preference for your siblings obvious in her gifts towards them or in the way she communicates with them.

Or maybe your mom lashes out at you for no reason or ignores you and your feelings. For the most part, mothers offer a haven for their children. If you frequently receive poor treatment from your mother in the way of unkind words, repeatedly dismissed feelings, poor communication , or other cruel treatment, this can affect how you relate with her. Ideally, most adult children tend to be closer to their mothers, with mothers shown to be more involved and have better quality relationships with their offspring.

However, not all mothers fit into this mold, with some showing or holding obvious disdain for their children. This may be due to any number of reasons, as some mothers may suffer from depression, which causes them to be unkind or hostile towards their children. Medically Reviewed By: Stephanie Chupein.

If you struggle with your relationship with your parent or guardian, then know that you're not alone. It's incredibly common for children and parents to go against each other, especially during the teenage years. Sometimes, these problems even carry over into adulthood. If you often think, "My mom is mean," this article will provide you with tools to deal with that relationship more effectively.

Is Your Mom Mean? Often, it is due to a child's struggle for independence while still living under parental authority; the parent is trying to keep their child safe while the child bristles against the rules and consequences.

However, there could be more going on. Sometimes parents experience mental health disorders, wrestle with dysfunction from their own formative years, or live under significant physical, emotional, or financial stress. Responses to these stimuli can often present as anger or authoritarianism within the parent-child relationship, making interactions more challenging. If you find yourself struggling for independence when your parent does what they consider necessary to keep you safe, you may feel frustrated or angry.

Those feelings are understandable, common, and valid. You may find it helpful to start by sitting down with your parent at a time when things are calm and having a conversation about how to balance your desire for greater independence with their desire to protect you. Whether you're still a teenager or a grown adult, parent-child relationships are very complex, and they're often problematic. It helps to keep in mind that relationship struggles between parents and children are nothing new; in fact, your parents probably experienced similar feelings in their earlier years.

Also, try to bear in mind that your parent isn't perfect—they are going to make mistakes. If your parent snaps at you, nags you about an obligation, or lacks interest in something that is important to you, you might feel disappointed or angry. Words can hurt. Sometimes, people are rude, dismissive, or even hurtful when they're going through a stressful time. Many individuals find that talking with a therapist about their family relationships can provide clarity and support.

The licensed mental health professionals at BetterHelp can provide private online therapy according to your schedule.

They have helped many users work on communicating with their family members in healthier ways, and if you are seeking healthier communication, online therapy might be a good fit for you, too. If you want to improve your relationship with your parent , talk to them at a time that is not emotionally charged. Trying to get your point across while in the middle of a fight drastically limits your chances of success. Instead, talk to your parent calmly.

Say something like, "We seem to argue a lot, and I think we'd both like to improve our relationship. Even the most chill relationships between mothers and daughters have their bumps in the road. It's pretty much impossible to always be on the same page as the people who raised you, especially as you get older. But if your conflicts with your mother seem to go beyond what's typical and into an area that leaves you feeling sad, helpless, or bad about yourself, then the two of you may have a toxic relationship.

A toxic relationship is one based around anger, emotional manipulation, and other negative and hurtful feelings, instead of mutual support. Toxicity in a family dynamic can be a hard thing to stomach, experts say. And the issues can continue into adulthood. After all, you can't exactly dump your mom and then jump online to look for a new one. The guilt and blame that society places on the shoulders of children who are estranged from their parents can often feel like motivation enough to suffer in silence.

So if you think you might have a toxic relationship with your mother, then read on for six of the most common signs.

It can be hard to have compassion for yourself when your mother took care of your physical needs but ignored your emotional ones. A study published by the American Psychological Association found that children who suffered from emotional abuse dealt with the same rates of anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, and suicidal impulses as children who had experienced physical and sexual abuse.

Emotional neglect from mothers can have lasting consequences. As Peg Streep, author of Mean Mothers , put it in Psychology Today : " Daughters raised by dismissive mothers doubt the validity of their own emotional needs.