patinemas1988's Ownd

What will i need to take to university

2022.01.11 16:03

Better lighting is a great quick fix for a soulless dorm room. So the first thing to aim for is lighter and brighter. She also suggests co-ordinating the things you take with you to decorate your room.

It will create a calmer space than if you just chose lots of cheap items based on cost. Another tip is to bring rugs, cushions and blankets in the same colour scheme, but with different textures, which will give out "warmth and cosy vibes".

Finally, bringing brightly coloured throws and cushions for communal areas could help cover up dreary furniture - with the permission of your housemates, of course. It may sound like just another thing to look after, but the inexpensive, portable potted plant is definitely on trend at the moment. Not only can plants inject a bit of personality into a rented space, they offer a mood boost too. He also suggests bringing a journal or notepad with you, to help you take notice of how you feel by writing down your thoughts and feelings, which can be helpful if you're a bit down.

This is an old chestnut, but keeping your door open can help to make you look approachable. Keep the door open and suddenly people don't have to knock or guess if you're home. Studying Desk lamp Halogen Book chair - this saves a lot of neck strain if you are making notes out of a big book Notice board - useful for timetables, phone numbers, etc. Some halls may already provide one. Message board with erasable marker eg.

Bathroom Bath mat Bath and hand towels plus a flannel if you use one Basket for shower supplies Wash bag Toilet roll Box of tissues Toothbrush and toothpaste Soap - squeasy bottled soap is probably better. If you're sharing bathrooms then it's easier to transport and wont slip onto the floor etc. Laundry bag so your dirty clothes don't end up on the floor. And for dragging to the laundry or dumping on your parents to wash for you!

You know the way All Saints have Singer sewing machines collecting dust in their shop windows? You will of course need bedding. But you might not need to take it with you. Instead, take a look at our bedding packs. There are options for all bed sizes and a colour to suit everybody. Find out more about our bedding packs. Your floor or your flat will have one to share. Your landlords might even provide a cleaning service. You do need clothes and shoes.

So come on, let the DVDs go. Stick them in the loft or take them to a charity shop before you move. Some students arrive at uni carrying everything but the kitchen sink.

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