When do storage units get auctioned
What should you do? This article will discuss your rights with regard to the storage company and what you can do to forestall an auction and get your goods back. The thought of losing one's possessions is heartbreaking and frightening. Many people use storage units to hold irreplaceable items, such as family heirlooms and original legal documents, in addition to clothing, furniture, and so on. If, however, you haven't paid your rent in the storage facility for a number of months, it is not uncommon for the facility to threaten to sell or discard your possessions, often via an auction.
This is ordinarily legal, so long as the storage facility gives notice of your default nonpayment and follows other procedures laid out in its contract with you. You'll want to research your state's law for limitations on what a storage company can actually do. The law might, for example, mandate that the storage facility notify you via a particular method such as mail or email or provide public notice of the upcoming auction. It is also likely to require a number of weeks waiting period between your default and any public auction, so as to give you time to pay off your debt and get your stuff back.
Now is also the time to review the fine print of your contract, starting with its definition of when you're in default. Expect to see something set between five and 30 days after payment was due.
At the point of default, the contract might explain that you will be denied access to your storage unit altogether. Although unlikely, there's a chance your contract violates the terms of your state's law, so contact a lawyer if you're seeing clauses that seem too egregious to be legal. Storage facility auctions usually occur either on the site of the storage facility or in an off-site location. Public notice of the auction is given, and third-party consumers can attend and purchase your items.
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September 13 7 crafty shed organisation ideas. August 25 10 tips to keep your storage organised. Looking for more information on storage auctions? Find out how to bid and what to expect during storage auctions!
View on Instagram. Those rules are: Bidders bid on the contents of the entire storage unit, not on an item-by-item basis. The auction of each unit is open, so there are no sealed bids.
The unit is sold to the highest bidder.