When is futurama season 7 coming out
No Yes. The Bots and the Bees. June 20, Comedy Central. A Farewell to Arms. Decision June 27, Comedy Central. The Thief of Baghead. July 4, Comedy Central.
Zapp Dingbat. July 11, Comedy Central. The Butterjunk Effect. July 18, Comedy Central. The Six Million Dollar Mon. July 25, Comedy Central. Fun on a Bun. August 1, Comedy Central. Free Will Hunting. S7, Ep1. Error: please try again. Fry must find a way to cope with his loss, so he builds a robotic Leela.
S7, Ep2. Zapp and Leela are alone on an unknown planet after their mission to destroy a death star fails, while the rest of the gang tries to save Earth from being the star's next victim. S7, Ep3. Fry and Bender compete to see who can get the most fans on their Twitter-like application on their new eyePhones, not knowing that it's actually part of Mom's evil conspiracy to unleash a new virus on people's brains. S7, Ep4. Amy gets together with Bender after she breaks up with Kif, which catches the ire of Dr.
S7, Ep5. Professor Farnsworth accidentally uncovers the blueprint for a mysterious Leonardo da Vinci invention, and he and his crew travel to Rome for answers. S7, Ep6. Bender discovers that he has no backup capabilities--meaning that he is mortal, and he and Hermes travel to Mexico so that he can take out his frustrations on his inspector.
S7, Ep7. Fry agrees to travel one minute into the future in Farnsworth's new time machine right before a big date with Leela, but they wind up going far into the future with no way to go back in time. S7, Ep8. It always keeps me smiling and has the best wit and humor on television today.
GolovA Aug 12, This is my favorite animated TV Series of all time, and it proudly deserves that title because it accomplishes a harmony of intelligence and humor, maintaining the ability to reflect our society through its prism of purity even though Something Fresh, Original, Unique, and extremely FUNNY!
This is my favorite animated TV Series of all time, and it proudly deserves that title because it accomplishes a harmony of intelligence and humor, maintaining the ability to reflect our society through its prism of purity even though set in the future. BigYoshiFan Aug 17, Futurama should be more popular cause at the moment its a bit like the wii u u say to someone futurama is my fav show they say whats futurama?
Although this show is truly great season 6,7 have been the best so far! Ndi Aug 9, I was beginning to wonder if this show was worth the hype.
As a long time fan, I was a bit disappointed but it picked up and, even though it no longer shines with every episode, some are brilliant and good enough to be on par with previous seasons. Normally, Futurama is a 10, but this I was beginning to wonder if this show was worth the hype.
Normally, Futurama is a 10, but this season gets a 9 because of a few mistakes. Still, it is head and shoulders above the rest, and well worth the wait. ForReals13 Sep 5, Zapp Dingbat C. The Butterjunk Effect C. Fun On A Bun B-.
Near Death Wish B-. Forty Percent Leadbelly C-. Saturday Morning Fun Pit C-. Calculon 2. Assie Come Home C. Leela And The Genestalk C. Stench And Stenchibility B. Meanwhile A. More From Metacritic.