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What happens if you microwave magnets

2022.01.11 16:05

It has no effect on the function of the fridge. It is safe to say, that fridge magnets do not harm the function of your fridge , and you can still use neodymium magnets to pin stuff on your fridge. Your microwave already has some fairly powerful magnets inside which are part of what makes it work. It seems unlikely that sticking even the best neodymium magnets you can buy onto the case could cause any damage.

Are fridge magnets dangerous? Fridge magnets and decorative jewellery could be a killer if you have a weak heart, experts warn. A strong type of magnet used in many new commercial products can interfere with pacemakers and implanted heart devices with deadly consequences. Can you put magnets on stainless steel? Stainless steel appliances make your kitchen look modern and expensive, but there are downsides to the material. Not only does stainless steel often show fingerprints, but also it may not hold your magnets.

If the nickel content of the stainless steel is too high, the front of the refrigerator won't be magnetic. Can you store a microwave on its side? Use common sense when placing your microwave—or anything, for that matter—into a storage unit. Store it upright and don't put heavy items on top of it.

Toymeister Well-known member. Sometimes you want a good magnet or two for some project. Each microwave has two magnets used in the magnatron. This is a open framed device with some aluminium cooling fins attached to the cooking cavity behind the control panel. Joined Nov 11, Messages 13, The magnatron looks like something from a SiFi movie.

I have found that there is no easy way to get them open. Plan on doing some distruction. What kind of projects would need a couple large magnets? I have been racking my brain trying to figure out a good project using magnets. Click to expand ElectroLight Well-known member. Joined Sep 3, Messages 5, Some guys have constructed home brewed welders using micro wave magnets.

Joined Dec 8, Messages Ive been using hard drive magnets on my fridge for years, i don't think you can put any amount of paper between them and the fridge to cause them to fall off. When I was a kid, my Dad and I dismantled the first microwave I ever actually used. It had a single dial on the face, you had to turn it past 1 min.

We took the magnets out. Nah, not really. The magnetron is a cavity in which a wave is kept resonant and amplified through a strong magnetic field.

Not a beam, at all! Since this is a wave, and doesn't behave like a beam at the sizes of microwave ovens: Be a bit careful with your wording; this is all wave phenomena, so while you can reflect the e-Field of the wave, this is not a "specular" reflection like a laser pointer on a mirror. No, the energy can't be attenuated. There's conservation of energy. There's just constructive and destructive interference, leading to higher field strengths in some places than others. The energy in the interchanging electric and magnetic field is then absorbed by molecules of the food you're intending to heat and converted to exactly that: heat.

Generally, microwave ovens aren't allowed to emit any significant amount of EM radiation, especially not an amount able to hurt bystanders. A static magnetic field should have no adverse effect. Sign up to join this community. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams? Learn more. Microwave is important in the kitchen.

Yes, the temperature can significantly affect a magnet. For example, when you heat a magnet to over 80 degrees Celsius, it can lose its magnetic properties within the twinkling of an eye.

Magnets become demagnetized when exposed to high temperatures for a specific period or when heated at Curie temperature. The answer is yes and no. For those that have little children at home, chances are the kids could attempt to swallow the decorative piece on your fridge in your absence.

If they fall to the ground, someone might step on them and slip. Burning the decorative piece also has adverse health implications. Inhaling the smoke can lead to respiratory distress. Sarah is a homemaker and is passionate about fixing little things in and around her house. She loves to do DIY hacks and keeps on writing about those things in her blog. When she is not writing, she keeps herself busy with her twins Cathy and Mickey.