What makes beethovens 9th symphony special

2022.01.11 16:05

Talk about it: What have we missed from the list? The Ninth Symphony is arguably the single piece that inspired the methodology of musical analysis , a discipline of forensic musicological close-reading of the score that tried to prove just how unified and coherent a conception this symphony truly is underneath its chaotically diverse surface.

But those reflections and refractions on and of the Ninth Symphony must also encompass the ways in which the piece has been used as a manipulative ear-worm by less-than-savoury regimes. The Ode to Joy tune - which Beethoven composed as a motto for the whole world to take to its heart, to become a national anthem of humanity itself, something much bigger in its impact even than the anthems of nation states that had emerged by the early 19 th century - has been adopted as a the motto of dictatorships as well as democracies.

And the text! Completely puerile! So the question is: given that the Ninth Symphony belongs to the whole world, and is now the sum total of all of these imaginings over the last years, and its myriad performances and interpretations, what actually is it? It's the most epic of Beethoven's symphonies , both in length and performers utilized. The piece is scored for soprano, alto, tenor and bass soloists, mixed chorus, piccolo, two flutes, two oboes, two clarinets, two bassoons, contrabassoon, four horns, two trumpets, three trombones, timpani, bass drum, cymbals, triangle, and strings.

It was adopted as the European National Anthem in In , it became the official anthem of the European Union. When Philips started work on their new audio format known as a compact disc, many groups argued over what size it should be. They planned on having a One bright chap insisted that one CD ought to have the capacity to contain a complete performance of Beethoven's Ninth Symphony.

The duration ranges from about 65 to 74 minutes which requires a 12 cm diameter, the size of a CD. Beethoven was a compositional rebel , rejecting standard classical practices in order to write with emotion. While many of his contemporaries were disgusted, if not intimidated by this, his influence on composers to come after him, like Brahms, Dvorak, and Mahler, shows how important a figure he was. Emil Richardson September 10, at AM No other piece plumbs the depths of feeling and emotions.

Symphony No. Beethoven steadily lost his hearing while writing the symphony and was profoundly deaf when it was premiered on 7 May London even missed out on the premiere, which was held in Vienna on 7 May , but the British premiere was given on 21 March at the Argyll Rooms in London and a blue plaque, put up by the Royal Philharmonic Society, marks the spot. Still proud of their coup, the RPS continues to commission established and new composers today. Sadly for Beethoven the extraordinary expense of orchestra, chorus, and soloists ensured that profits were minimal, and he was still unable to pay off his debts.

Beethoven was too deaf to conduct Symphony No. At the Viennese premiere he sat at the side of the stage to give the beat. While it appears to follow a conventional four-movement symphonic model, its massive choral fourth movement was not at all conventional.