levasoli1987's Ownd

How old is tintin in the books

2022.01.11 16:08

Some look older then they are. Sorry if you have, I must have just missed it. My villain ages are- Rastapopolous- about 40s or so. Seeing as he only had sideburns the first time Tintin met him in Cigars, he must have been around If Tintin aged about years over the comic series, I would say he is about in Alph-Art.

Krollspell- I always thought he was supposed to be an ex- Nazi, so at least 35 or so Jorgon- fairly young, Mitsuhiratu- hard to tell Anywhere from Ramon and Alonso- pretty young. Alan- ? Bird Brothers- , at least. They seem fairly old. So if Tintin was say, 14, in , that means as of February, , he would be about 22 years old. OptimisticTimelord26 you're right.

Tintin is 22 as of He looks older - could there be a chance he's about 30, but he looks older because he smokes and drinks? Smoking can make you age fast. But who knows? I really think he's in his mids earlys. Well, here is my rough guess age is at a range because the characters get older Tintin- Note:By The Secret Of The Unicorn he would be 17 as it was mentioned in the Xbox game Haddock: Professor Calculas 58 Thom p sons: Snowy: 3 or 4.

You accept to receive from Tintin. Plus d'informations. The series is composed of 24 albums, from the first album Tintin in the Land of the Soviets in to the last one, Tintin and the Alph-Art unfinished album.

Which character is shown levitating on the cover of the book "The Seven Crystal Balls"? Captain Haddock's blue jumper has what emblem stitched into it?

Which Tintin adventure unfolds entirely at Marlinspike Hall? In which adventure does Captain Haddock appear for the first time? Aside from the spelling of their names, how are Thomson and Thompson told apart? Among the following, which is not one of Captain Haddock's insults? Tintin's last complete adventure, Tintin and the Picaros, was published in :. The 24 albums of the Adventures of Tintin by date of publication. Discover the digital edition. Tintin is, of course, much more than the intrepid hero whose cause is just and whose heart is pure: he is the centre piece of a complex universe where we are placed face to face with our own reality.

Tintin: a unique palette of qualities, combining breathtaking tales, clear line graphics, and themes of universal appeal. Reprinted and published in ever greater numbers, the books are a source of inspiration for artists, writers, producers, and directors. Tintin personifies all of the universal values that are a mirror to everyone's own aspirations. Eternally youthful, the indefatigable reporter continues to conquer the world with unflagging, never-failing vitality.

In Tintin in the Land of the Soviets , our hero has his hair pulled forward for eight pages. I don't know To me, he was about fourteen or fifteen when I created him, a Boy Scout, and he has hardly moved on. Allowing that he has put on three or four years in the past forty In earlier adventures, Tintin and Snowy live alone in an apartment, but they eventually go on to stay in one of Captain Haddock 's spare rooms at Marlinspike Hall , giving the impression that Tintin is old enough not to need the influence and presence of parents or school.

In The Secret of the Unicorn , Tintin's passport states his birth year as , which was the year of his first appearance in The Land of the Soviets , estimating his age to be 15, while the official Tintin website states his age as between 16— Tintin is well-educated, intelligent, and selfless with morals that cannot be compromised.

He is efficient and responsible, does not smoke and rarely drinks, and is athletic he is seen doing yoga various times throughout the series, and does stretches and warm-ups in Prisoners of the Sun.

He is a skilled driver of almost any vehicle, including tanks, motorcycles, cars, helicopters, and speedboats. The final unfinished adventure, Tintin and Alph-Art , saw Tintin being led out of his cell to be killed, although it is very unlikely that he dies at the end of the story.

Assouline described the character as "obviously celibate, excessively virtuous, chivalrous, brave, a defender of the weak and oppressed, never looks for trouble but always finds it; he is resourceful, takes chances, is discreet, and is a nonsmoker. Michael Farr deemed Tintin to be an intrepid young man of high moral standing, with whom his audience can identify. His rather neutral personality permits a balanced reflection of the evil, folly, and foolhardiness that surrounds him, allowing the reader to assume Tintin's position within the story rather than merely following the adventures of a strong protagonist.

To the other characters, Tintin is honest, decent, compassionate, and kind. The reporter does have vices, becoming too tipsy before facing the firing squad in The Broken Ear or too angry when informing Captain Haddock that he nearly cost them their lives in Explorers on the Moon.

However, as Michael Farr observed, Tintin has "tremendous spirit" and, in Tintin in Tibet , was appropriately given the name Great Heart. By turns, Tintin is innocent, politically crusading, escapist, and finally cynical. Tintin is shown as a well-rounded yet open-ended character, noting that his rather neutral personality, odd given the evil, folly and foolhardiness which he encounters. Tintin has a tendency to tie and gag people, is often shown enjoying doing this.

Unlike other characters such as Captain Haddock or Professor Calculus, Tintin has no discernible backstory. His companions encounter old friends such as Captain Chester or Hercules Tarragon , yet Tintin only meets friends or enemies whom he met in previous adventures.