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When was the apocalypse of peter written

2022.01.11 16:09

Nonetheless, "we" prayed and "went down from the mountain, glorifying God, who had written the names of the righteous in the book of life. It is not to be confused with the one found at Akhmim, which was already quoted by several of the Church Fathers in the latter part of the second century.

A copy of this Ethopic Coptic one was first discovered in Then another was found amid the Nag Hammadi library in This Coptic version of the Apocalypse of Peter was well preserved, with only a few letters missing at the bottom of a few pages. Scholars think it was probably a translation of an earlier Greek document. Its many references to other New Testament documents suggest a later date, allowing them time to become authoritative.

As a Gnostic text, it takes the crucifixion to its docetic conclusion by describing a laughing Jesus who chastised people for thinking they would be made pure by clinging to the "name of a dead man. The text is comprised of three revelations that the Savior interprets for Peter.

It begins with the Savior sitting in the temple in the three hundredth year of the covenant. He was, once again, talking with Peter and praising him for his strengths while reminding him that he was specifically chosen to lead the remnant.

While the Savior was still speaking, Peter saw a mob of priests and others running up to them with stones, as if to kill them. Though Peter was fearful, the Savior assured him that the people were blind. Peter was to cover his eyes and then tell the Savior what he could see.

Obviously, he could see nothing. The Savior told him to cover his eyes again, and this time Peter saw a great light. In the light, the priests were praising Jesus. As a result, Peter realized that some people are blind and deaf, and he needed to exercise caution in what he revealed to them. Some people will not be capable of understanding the truth; in their ignorance, they will blaspheme.

Others will initially believe, but then they will fall away. If the immortal ones the Gnostics should mingle with these unenlightened people, the Gnostics would become prisoners of them and "they will cleave to the name of a dead man" in the hopes of becoming pure.

Though that might be their hope, it will not be the result; indeed, all of those people will be greatly defiled. Judgment awaits those who are blind, and, in the end, they will not prevail. There is also a transitional story about fruit-bearing trees and fig trees. Peter didn't understand the metaphor. His questions allowed the Savior to explain that the fig tree was Israel. Because it had not produced any fruit for years, the Savior gave the order to have it dug up.

The gardener, however, wanted to water and care for it, hoping it would bloom. Eventually, shoots would arise, referring to the Jews who believed that Jesus was the Messiah and had suffered martyrdom.

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