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Why cichlids fight

2022.01.11 16:09

After each bout, the loser was separated from his opponent and put back in his original tank. Within minutes, his eyebar returned, and he looked like all the other dominant males again. The fights were staged in a square tank divided into several compartments.

A lone male observer—the "bystander"—was placed in a cubicle in the center of the tank. Surrounding him were five smaller compartments, each with a solitary male rival identified simply as A, B, C, D or E. Researchers made sure that the bystander and his five potential rivals had never met. Although the bystander remained alone in his cubicle and never swam with the others, he was allowed to observe a series of fights between rival pairs—A vs.

B, B vs. C, C vs. D, and D vs. Researchers manipulated the fights so that A would dominate B, B would dominate C, and so forth down the line. But did the bystander really comprehend this intricate pecking order, and if so, would he use that knowledge to make logical decisions about the same fish paired in new relationships? To find out, eight different bystanders were tested in the familiar square tank and in a new setting—a rectangular aquarium with three adjacent compartments.

At this point in the experiment, all the rivals had recovered from earlier losses, so their physical appearance was similar, right down to the eyebar. After all, different species of fish are known to fight for their own territory in an aggressive manner. It is advisable to study different species of fish before introducing them to your aquarium. This is very important considering that there are those native to rocky habitats, hence the need to include a few rocky areas in your tank.

The main reason for doing so is to provide them with enough caves in order to prevent them from fighting over a few that are available. Apart from that, rocky areas will provide enough room for less aggressive fish to hide from the dominant species. Aggression issues arise between males fighting over females during mating times. As usual, a dominant male will become aggressive towards other potential male competitors by fiercely driving them away. In this case, it will be wise of you to reduce the number of male cichlids in the aquarium.

This move ensures that there are very few males for the available females during mating seasons. Overcrowding plays a very significant role in curbing aggression among cichlids. Why is the case? When overcrowded in a tank, it becomes extremely difficult for some aggressive fish to focus on others most of the time. In other words, it gets difficult for the dominant fish to single out their victims.

However, you need to be on the watch out when overcrowding your tank because you will need to provide the required tank parameters to handle the crowd. Rearing your aquarium is a good idea, especially when you are bringing another cichlid species.

The new arrangement ensures that the already established cichlid do not fight the new species over available space. You can rearrange your aquarium by moving the rocks to new positions while creating room for the new species as well as creating equal chances for every fish to occupy their territories. Additionally, this is a routine exercise that should be done at least every 2 to 3 months to help in breaking up the territorial strongholds.

This way, you will be able to reduce aggression to manageable levels. Are African cichlids aggressive? Yes, they are very aggressive when it comes to fighting over territories and during mating time. It is also not a bad idea to periodically rearrange the rock work even when no new species are being added. Some people do this every months as it helps to break up any territorial strongholds and seems to reduce aggression to a certain degree.

It is also recommended that you introduce the least aggressive species first as you build up your tank to its full stocking. No matter how much research you do, none of it will matter unless you actually bring home the right fish.

Even if the pet store does label the different species, those labels are not guaranteed to be correct. In performing your research, make sure to find out what the fish looks like in both adults and juvenile form so you can confirm that the fish you are buying are actually the species they are labelled as. You cannot necessarily count on the staff in the pet store to be able to correctly identify the different species so you should come prepared.

Not all cichlids are the same and it is unfair to group them all into one behavioral group. However, the vast majority of the African cichlids are very aggressive and this article is meant to provide some tips on curbing this aggression.

While it is important to research any fish you purchase, it is especially important to research any cichlids you are going to buy. As should have been clear from this article, picking the wrong species can be devastating to your aquarium.

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Species Profile: Blind Cave Tetra. The Arowana is a very large but graceful fish that makes a very interesting freshwater tank inhabitant. There are many different species of barbs but some of them are better than others for the larger home aquarium. Spotlight on the Wolf Cichlid. Avoid getting males of similarly-colored species. And, based on your research, keep the right ratio of males to females.

These vary considerably based on your specific species of cichlid. By using the site, you agree to the uses of cookies and other technology as outlined in our Policy, and to our Terms of Use. Aggression Many species of cichlid grab each other by the lips to wrestle. Mating Some cichlids press their lips together during courtship.