Where is bonehead borderlands

2022.01.11 16:10

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Tech Support 4 Answers Any hints on beating Sledge? Ask A Question. Browse More Questions. Keep me logged in on this device. Forgot your username or password? Go to this spot and there are some crates to stand on; stand on them. I checked it, but oh well, maybe I just forgot while going there Thank you all for the tips. I'll try them out as soon as I can :. Mrbrowncow View Profile View Posts. Nod View Profile View Posts. You really need to be level 10 to beat Bonehead.

Explore the area, kill some skags, come back later. What everyone else has said, do all avaliable side quests and maybe grind a bit and Skag Gully to get better guns. Originally posted by RemoteLeg :. U can do it even being on lvl 6. U need some kind of a sniper or other weapon with a scope and some time. The camp of bonehead is the backside of the first camp u arrive, fyrestone or what is it called?

TK has some quests that lead you through skag gully, there's also a quest on a tape machine as you enter, and by the time you've beaten them all and turned them in, you'll be well equipped to beat bone head. It's good to be Dominican. User Info: kronofang. User Info: liberale. Those quests should get you to level 9 or 10, which will allow you to beat Bonehead. I'll put something more interesting here later. More topics from this board How do i get across gully to fight ajax?

General 4 Answers How do I start a new game plus? General 4 Answers. Ask A Question. Browse More Questions. Keep me logged in on this device. Bone Head's Theft. View source. History Talk 2. Do you like this video? Play Sound. Prove Yourself. Universal Conquest Wiki. The Secret Armory. Main Missions. Side Missions.