How many mflb hits
Molecule size, kind, mass, etc. There are certain psycho-physiological effects also. With a water pipe, the wide shape of the mouthpiece naturally encourages the user to take deeper draws farther into the lungs the mouth is open in the same manner as with a yawn. Drawing on a narrow tube, the user has to specifically and mentally overcome the body's natural tendency to take only a short breath as in "sipping" -- one that fills only the throat, and hence will be very poorly adsorbed.
To get the same effect out of the Box as with a water pipe, users should take long slow deeply drawn draws. The slowness is for the Box heating characteristics -- the longness is so that the user takes a deep draw, fully into the deep passages of the lungs, so as to get full value for their effort. Magic-Flight recommends that Box users first learn how to control the temp in the Box by controlling their draw rate, and then work to take fewer, much longer and deeper draws.
With practice, you will find that filling the lungs thoroughly and completely in one draw is far more powerful and effective than taking the same exact volume of vapor in multiple smaller draws.
Depending on your lung capacity, with most Boxes a good draw will last 15 to 25 seconds. However, be sure to have completely mastered temp control before attempting to increase your draw time -- otherwise you will find yourself coughing. This means that the clock starts only at the moment one has completely filled their lungs, and not before. It is also important to recognize that this does not mean that everything that is in a single breath is going to be adsorbed, no matter how long you hold it -- it only states that most of whatever is going to happen will do so in the first 2 seconds.
Vapor that is held in the throat and in the larger lung passages will not really be adsorbed into the body no matter how long you wait wrong kind of tissue -- and exhaling these into a bag for someone else to use will allow them to get some also. As such, really sophisticated drawing technique optimal adsorption efficiency with the Box involves several stages: 1. You take a few full extra deep breaths at a normal rate to pre-charge your body with extra oxygen and to get a good sense of your available lung capacity.
The battery is put fully in and heating starts. The temperature begins climbing quickly in the Box. You watch for vapor by looking straight down the Box vapor channel down the draw hole -- NOTE: Be sure to hold the Box horizontally throughout this process so that the material in the tray does not all fall down to one end of the screen -- this leads to uneven heating and poor taste.
Two or three seconds later, the temperature in the Box is about right and the you begin drawing at first slowly, and then only a little faster, adjusting your draw rate depending on the sensed temperature and taste.
For maximum sensitivity, using the Box in its native configuration is ideal. You continue your draw at a somewhat faster rate so as to capture all of the remaining vapor still being formed in the Box and to assist it in cooling off. Four or five seconds later, the Box is cool and no longer producing vapor. At this point you continue to breathe the rest of the way in, filling your lungs completely and ensuring that all of the remaining vapor the "vapor tail" is moved from your throat into your deep lungs where it will do some good.
You hold your breath, lungs completely full, for about two seconds and then you breathe out naturally through your nose. This allows you to savor any remaining flavor and to know exactly how much of a draw you have just taken.
You can breathe normally again. You shake the Box, noticing and ensuring an even mixing. Turning the Box upside down, tapping sharply, and shaking side to side with the Box still upside down is usually sufficient to ensure that all material is released from the screen and that larger chunks are broken up.
Righting the Box again, you shake side to side again to settle the material in the tray. Take note of the color of the material in the Box. If it is green, go back to step 1 and take a few more deep breaths. A lot of attention is paid to the inherent efficiency of the vaporizers used. For optimal results, however, equal attention needs to be paid to the inherent efficiency of the user technique.
Good user technique can sometimes make even a poorly designed vaporizer work well, and with a moderately good vaporizer, can really make it zing! The technique outlined above specifically for the Box has a number of advantages. For one thing, because no vapor is ever emitted directly from the Box to the air, the level of smell associated with the device remains at a true minimum. Also, because nearly all of the vapor is deeply adsorbed into the body, the user does not emit much smell either.
Because the battery is only being used whole producing vapor, the effective usefulness of a battery charge is significantly extended also energy efficiency. Also, the deep breath in the beginning step 1 ensures that you have enough oxygen in your body so that the whole process feels more natural.
Finally, in regards to visibility, if you see anything on the exhale associated with step 6 above, it is very likely that you are running the Box too hot and that you need to be drawing slightly faster during steps 3 and 4. Whatever you see is going to be either 1 condensing vapor very light and milky which is now no longer accessible wasted medicine or 2 particulate matter smoke which is unnecessary and bad for your health.
If it is only vapor that you see on exhale, you need to judge your lung capacity lower in step 4 and ensure that you leave enough time for the Box to cool and enough remaining breath for you to fully capture the vapor tail in your deep lungs. If it is smoke that you see, you need to be drawing faster or sooner -- don't wait as long to start drawing in step 3 and practice your breath and rate control until you can ensure that you can maintain an even taste.
Also, under no circumstances should the battery ever be in the Box when no one is drawing on it for more than about 3 seconds -- something to be aware of if you are ever in a group and passing the Box. A lot of people pass a Box when it is "on" to a new user and then explain how to use it -- all the while the Box is overheating the herb and when the new user does finally take a taste, it is way too hot and harsh. A much better approach is to show how to put the battery in, hand the Box over without the battery completely in and explain that a long slow draw is required.
Let the new user push the battery in and take their draw -- as soon as it's done, take the Box back from them and withdraw the battery, showing them that it is necessary to do so. When you take a long slow draw, do you get constant vapor supply or is it more "airy"? Done properly, you get a constant vapor supply.
The draw rate needs to be slow for this -- think of sipping from a teacup. If you pull too fast, it will get more airy -- your taste will be an immediate feedback and a good guide.
What is pyronym's technique? Does it really deliver thick cloudy draws? Pyronym is a member of FC who posted a no-draw technique that gives thicker and cloudier vapor because it results in minimum airflow over the load. In his post, pyronym said, "I have now perfected my Launch Box technique. I am now getting crazy thick draws like I get with my zap and my surfer.
He added, "After my first 2 draws are cleared I remove the herb from the trench and grind it between my fingertips almost to a powder consistency. This is the slowest possible draw, so the load gets heated to high temperatures, and this is why you get a thick draw. Successful variations to consider, as reported by other FC members: Less load in the trench.
Use the stem. Cautions: The draws are thicker because the load is heating with almost no airflow. In particular, a fully charged battery can heat the load to scorching and even combustion if the draw takes too long. Until you gain experience, it can be difficult to judge how much vapor you've received.
For beginners I tinkered some short paper straws with one layer thicknes and a small gap using transparent duct tape. I just bought the Launch-Box, per your recommendation, and I love it! This is my first vape, and I chose it primarily for its portability. The simple genius of this thing is amazing, and it works like a charm, although it takes a liitle practice.
But extra batteries are easy to come by. The thing that really impressed me was the warranty, you can tell the guys at Magic Flight really take pride in there product. As for the finer ground material, I use a 3 level space case equivalent for everything.
I find that if I hold it upside down for a minute, so that the material stays in the lid, it comes out nicely! All in, outstanding product! Thanks for the advice! Can you use wax in the launch box? Hey Bud. Would the small two piece titanium space case grind to a fine enough consistency? Your site is very well done and has been a big help — kudos.
Here is my dilemma — I typically take two or three nice draws at the end of the day to relax. I also I noticed in your Pax usage demo that you got solid draws out of the filled Pax. I would fall over if I tugged that many times with my excellent inventory. If I fill the Pax as you suggest and take only three draws and then leave it alone til tomorrow, I would get about five sessions over five days with a fully filled Paz chamber.
What to do? My main goal is to maximize my herbs but get the best mobile draws. Hey I do think the MFLB is ideal for just a few draws at a time but if you like the Pax and want to make it work I would recommend doing what I show in this post. Basically in your case I would recommend packing the oven half full using the method I describe, and then breaking that up into two sessions of a few draws each. You could pack it full each time but there is a slight drop in quality each time you re-heat the material, so vaping the same stuff more than twice is usually not recommended.
Great feedback Bud. My brother has the MFLB which i tried before making my purchase and after all ur reviews I decided to go with the Pax a month ago using the company u refer folks to.
They delivered all the way across the country for no shipping up charge in 1. Keep up the Grt work. I will try ur screen fill technique and again appreciate ur insights. I was very skeptical about purchasing the mflb because it doesnt look very impressive, and maybe even a bit of a con. However I absolutely love it! Already feel healthy with lots of other benefits!
Takes a while to get the style of how to make it work efficiently but all the videos on the site and the information on here is all you need for high level efficiency! Hey Bud, greatings from Italy!! Thank you for your interesting site!
So i had the MFLB for about 4 months and I totally like it, the only thing that concerns me a bit since I hit it the first times is that often — not every hit — but often it makes me cough. Not a sort of explosive cough, is more like feeling an irritation in the troath and then cannot stop coughing a bit after that.
Have you ever experienced it? Hey sorry for the delayed response — the first thing that comes to mind is that maybe your material is not dry enough, that could be a source of the irritation.
This vape works best with very dry, very finely ground up herbs, and believe it or not the vapor is smoother when there is virtually no moisture left in your material. Hey Bud! You helped me a lot in the process of choosing a vape. I am all the way down in Costa Rica, and we surely love good medicine around here haha.
Right now thanks to life money is not an issue so which one would you recomend for a first user who really needs portability and discression. The MFLB is also small, but I find myself using it more when I only want to take a few draws, spread out over a longer period of time. Thanks for taking the time to review and post about all the different vaporizers. I absolutely love them both! The MFLB seems to be a bit more stealthy due to the lack of smell.
I Also bought the Plenty and enjoying it a lot. I use it regularly and I still go through less herbs than when I rolled or used the [water-pipe]. No one heard or smelled a thing other than poop. I do recommend you get extra glass pipes. What can I say, I was really [distracted] at the time; sh! I finally purchased a vape and this was it.
Mostly due to your reviews and the comments. My current grinder is a knock-off that doesnt grind half as well as the SC. It does take some practice to get the right herb size and inhale speed. After overheating a trench full and it tasting like burnt popcorn.
I am getting the hang of it. The vapor can be a little harsh if you draw to slow but practice is making perfect. I really like this vape but for small hits its really harsh compared to other portables but the nice thing about this one is really the size of the unit also your friends wont get good use out of it its more of a personal vaporizer because it takes a bowl or two to really learn how to get good hits from it. I think I stumbled upon your site via one of your youtube videos.
Just want to say your review encouraged me to buy the MFLB! Thanks again for the awesome videos; keep it up. Just got a couple days ago and it works like a charm. My only question have you encountered this? Once I disengage the battery and pull it out, and move the mouthpiece from my lips, the herb still sticks. I slid the glass to the side and the herb somehow slid up and around to the top of the glass.
So odd. Just wanted to say Thanks for all the work you put into helping people. Thanks for the kind words also! Does one chew through more herb? Do you think the savings in herb would pay for itself fairly quickly? Have you heard of anyone spending lots and then not liking the experience?
It would be awesome if we could search through all,of these comments as it has more answers than most forums on the same products and topics. Thanks for explaining your situation. As a general rule, up to this point in time, most desktop home units outperform most portable units. So even though portable vapes are cool and convenient, the vapor is normally not as dense, potent or tasty as a good desktop vape.
The Solo produces larger amounts of vapor, and it tastes better. I think the P is one of the best vapes for transitioning from smoking.
One of the main differences that takes some getting used to is the draw duration, or how long you need to pull from the vapes for. When you smoke you normally pull for only a second or two but when you vape the draws are more like seconds. Thank you again so much for your reply. Your review did help me choose the best one for right now. We received our first vape yesterday, the Solo, and enjoying it emensely as I write: I guess I was reluctant to spend for the Plenty as it is our first vape.
But all is well, getting up to 10 hits on half a pack. I have an MFLB its my daily driver, not really equipped at the crib to have a desktop, so portability is a requirement on any device. That said I feel its time for a change. I like your review on the pax, but is it a replacement? Do I keep the box for another 6 months? Hi there! I have used about vaporizers and recently decided to purchase one for myself. The main use for me is that I have to be able to use when my parents come to visit They are not ok with me using herb.
I need to be able to use it without the whole house smelling, how ever I will be doing at night so there is some guaranteed time for the smell to go away. Key things I need are: Portability, Vapor not having super strong smell, Good tasting vapor, and most importantly; getting me very good [results].
I was always getting mediocre tokes…. So this morning, for the halibut, i put a small [iece of tape over the vertical narrow slot the runs down the front edge and the bottom of the LBox.
It tokes harder small hole but works better. Is there something wrong that I had to do this? Seems like some kind of internal airflow defect? Hey it sounds like maybe you were taking too fast of a draw originally, which would cause the temperature inside the unit to not get high enough to properly vaporize all the material.
You probably restricted the airflow a little bit by using that piece of tape which forces you to take a slower, longer draw. Thank you so much man. Can you use normal batteries with the Launch Box? If using it in a group, does it pose problems for continuous usage? Do you think that for the big price difference and wanting something that can be used more as a group device, that the Pax is the better option?
If not what would be something that is also portable? Yes I think that the Pax is worth the extra cost and that it is better for group sessions. I edited your question a bit to keep it G-rated… I personally think the effects are roughly the same with both methods. I found this vaporizer [Da Kube] looking exactly the same like Magic-Flight and having same specs. I would stay away from a product like Da Kube because it is a cheap knock-off imitation of the real Magic-Flight Launch Box.
This was with the free shipping! One tip I can give you is that it really works the best when you use really finely ground up material, even finer than most grinders can go. It also helps a lot if the material is on the dry side instead of having moisture in it. What I found works pretty well is to grind up your material as you normally would but then spread the grindings out for a few minutes to dry even more, then gently crush it even smaller with your finger before packing it into the trench of the launch box.
Which mouth piece is better to use with the Launch Box….. I am just looking for something that will be healthier than smoking and will give me a pretty good high. I smoke around 4 nights a week by myself at home and thats about it. Is the Launch Box good enough to get the job done? If I can get this with the Launch Box I am more than happy.
My biggest concern is to have a healthier alternative to smoking, but will still get me high off of one session. Great input. Thanks for taking the time to create the site and the vids. Great info in an easy to understand and navigate formate. Ruled out the NO2, but now will probably wait to see the Pax review. I think I am leaning towards the Solo due to the vapor flavor and lack of battery hassle, but the fragile glass is a drawback. Stay cool in Yankee country. Thanks a lot man, and all valid points.
I should have the Pax review up by the end of this weekend, stay up! In terms of build quality, portability, and efficiency what do you recommend? It really comes down to what you prefer more, the tastiest vapor or the best portability and quickness. With the MFLB you are vaping in 5 seconds, and u can take one quick draw and put it back away if u want.
I should have my review of it posted within a week or so, but if ur lookin to get a new vape asap the Solo and the MFLB are still good choices. Great video bud…thanks again. This deal was a one time fluke so I am pretty damn lucky. Now I can see how well the davinci compares to the launch box — seems like very stiff competition for the new guy on the block.
Got my MFLB. And I freakin adore it. No down side except for the batteries and perhaps the cleaning up. Unfortunately I got a bunch of questions on how to use it efficiently! Given its loaded like usually [not overloading it — but enough to fill it], how many strokes do you take from one load?
The MFLB has an opening on the opposite site of the sucking area. Is that some kind of cooling area or does it serve another purpose? About the guarantee. I found the filter to be very fragile. Do you think they will give you a new one if it somehow gets broken or torn apart etc.? Seems unlikely to me. If not, do you know what exactly IS guaranteed? Or is it okay to use it without that somehow by only applying it to the pipe? And if I could I got also questions about the use of Volcano, cuz I definitely want to buy it later on.
How many balloons do you usually take when you fill the herb chamber for two people? Do you think when you smoke like 4 or 5 balloons with that much herb the last ones still carry any active ingredients or is it just pure vapor at that time? They designed it to heat up to a slightly higher temp to vaporize more of the active ingredients. However, there is somewhat of a fine line between vaping the crap out of it and burning it, so you do need to practice a lot and find the point that ur most comfortable going to.
Sue Options Share 0. I do use their finishing grinder, so I think it's fine enough. I don't get any vapor at al! When I googled my problem this seems to happen to a lot of people.
I actually thought my herb was bad, until I tried it in the pipe! This is so frustrating. Baron23 Baron23 Options Share 0. Hitz Hitz Options Share 0. I'm not sure if it's dry enough, I don't know how to tell. How would I give it an extra dry?
Flipz Connoisseurs always use a fresh battery. However, if you want to squeeze more juice out of a weakened battery i. Repeat as needed! For more info about how to use our vaporizer, please consult the Usage and Techniques page. Learn More We want you to be as informed as possible so that you can truly make the right choice for your needs, even if it means not using one of our products!