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How much did alice in wonderland gross

2022.01.11 16:11

Alice Through the Looking Glass Create your own comparison chart…. Biggest Domestic Sunday. Biggest Domestic March Weekend. Biggest Domestic Opening Weekend. Top Adventure Weekend Domestic.

Top Fantasy Weekend Domestic. Biggest Domestic Non-Sequel Weekend. Top PG Weekend Domestic. Top Walt Disney Weekend Domestic. Top Theater Average. Top Adventure Day Domestic. Top Fantasy Day Domestic. Biggest Domestic Non-Sequel Day. Top PG Day Domestic. Top Walt Disney Day Domestic. Biggest Domestic March Day. Biggest Domestic Saturday. Biggest Domestic Friday. Johnny Depp. Alan Rickman. Helena Bonham Carter.

Tim Pigott-Smith. Frances de la Tour. Jemma Powell. John Hopkins. Imelda Staunton. Paul Whitehouse. Frank Welker. Harry Taylor. Richard Alonzo. Jessica Oyelowo. Joel Swetow. Lucy Davenport. Holly Hawkins. Mairi Ella Challen. Rebecca Crookshank. Eleanor Gecks. Peter Mattinson. John Surman. David "Elsewhere" Bernal. Chris Grabher.

Bonnie Parker. Tim Burton. Linda Woolverton. Richard D. Peter Tobyansen. It's a treat for the eyes, with the imagination and design shining through the technology. It's very, very good, but strange things happen if you look somewhere the 3D doesn't want you to look and there's the odd moment of strangely stiff animation, especially when human -like characters are completely CGI-ed up. Unexpectedly, it sometimes feels like one of the Narnia films though makes those movies look like accountant-led spreadsheets that have been printed out on toilet paper and left out in the rain , but mainly it's exactly what you'd expect from Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland.

It's a great big treat of a movie, to be sure. Given that it's Tim Burton working with Disney, it's often gruesome and scary, but not too much. It makes you laugh at times, it pins you to the back of your seat at others, it gets you leaning forward trying to drink in every detail of the place, but it's not ever actually surprising.

You know what's up, you know where things are going and you're never shocked. Maybe once, in a quiet, horrible scene that stands out, even amongst the rest. Even if you've not seen a single still photo or second of footage, if you know Wonderland and you know Tim Burton, you can picture it yourself effortlessly. So much of it is still in my head this morning, but it's all visual.

There's no heartache or sense of triumph that lingers after a great story. Funny as it is, there's only one line I'm ever likely to quote a single word. I just have these amazing images left in my brain.

In that sense, then, it's appropriately dream-like. I doubt I'll go back and watch it again at the cinema, but I'm most definitely getting the Blu- Ray when it comes out next week, or whenever Disney decided they should bring it out. If it feels like I've damned it with faint praise, I don't intend to. It's all pretty wonderful for the two hours it takes to speed past you, but I just want to make it clear - nothing that goes into your ears or your heart ever quite matches what goes into your eyes.

OwenAllaway Feb 26, FAQ Is this an adaptation of the Alice stories or is it a follow-up? Is this a remake of the animated Disney film or a new film version? Does this movie feature live actors or animations?

Details Edit. The real story Each year, Hollywood's lobby group, the Motion Picture Association of America, unleashes a volley of statistics designed to tell us how cinemagoing is the most affordable and magnificent pastime anybody could possibly contemplate, yielding ever-increasing revenues and profits for the distributors. We-ell, as we all know, that's not really the whole story.

If it's true that the market can expand to accommodate more episodes of Harry Potter and Twilight and a second Avatar movie, it's also true that consumers are choosing to watch movies in different ways. We learn that the average US ticket price climbed 4. What the report doesn't say is how they were seeing movies when they weren't at the cinema. And Alice in Wonderland , if nothing else, offered a dire warning that most 3D films were going to look very ugly. Say what you will about Avatar , but its visuals are pristine.

And yet Alice experienced lower-than-average drops each weekend it was open, reflecting audiences' sustained interest in 3D filmmaking. The technique wasn't yet seen as a ridiculous gimmick, as it often is today, and viewers wanted something that would offer a sort of secondhand Avatar high.

Alice wasn't the best possible substitute, but it was what the studios had on offer. US audiences have cooled on Depp in recent years, but he's apparently beloved overseas though possibly not in Australia. I already mentioned Alice and Dead Man's Chest , but consider 's Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides , the fourth and most recent Pirates film that was greeted with a shrug from critics and audiences in the US.

Those are the sorts of numbers the latest Transformers sequel — belonging to a franchise long thought to represent a global love of movie franchises America increasingly doesn't much care for — received. The answer is clear: If you want to make a lot of money with your weirdo fantasy film and don't mind a central performance that's more a collection of affectations than actual acting, Johnny Depp is your man.

This one is more of a no-brainer, but it bears repeating: A film that can credibly appeal to an entire family is generally going to do better than a film targeted primarily at kids or their parents. And I'm really stretching the definition of "appeal" for Alice , one of the worst blockbusters ever made.

It's so bad that Through the Looking Glass is probably a better film, and it's a catastrophe. But by wedding a time-honored classic tale for children to, uh, a gigantic action fantasy epic in the style of the Lord of the Rings movies, Burton and his collaborators created something that looked like it would appeal to everyone in the family.

Of course, they could have simply adapted Lewis Carroll's classic novel of the same name — which, though it looks like a children's book, has lots of sly wordplay and satire for adults.

But hey, then they wouldn't have had an elaborate CGI dragon to roar at the audience in 3D. It's important to keep those priorities straight.