How many extensions are there for unemployment in california

2022.01.11 16:38

Go straight to: Where to find help if your pandemic federal benefits have ended Around Labor Day, up to 2. Some also have circumstances that are keeping them out of the job market, like not wanting to send their unvaccinated kids back to school , or worrying about contracting COVID in the workplace.

If you're reading this because your pandemic federal benefits expired earlier this month, we should say up-front: there are not a huge amount of options available to you right now. But if you have worked at some point during the pandemic, there are a few things you can do to maximize the benefits you can claim. Not least because some Californians are still eligible for regular unemployment and should continue to certify for benefits, according to the Employment Development Department EDD.

Back on Sept. In the lead-up to their expiration, some advocates pointed out that the absence of preexisting unemployment support nets for these workers highlights glaring holes in the system that still need filling.

EDD uses what they call a 'base period' to calculate your benefits and whether you are eligible for benefits in general. See the earning requirements for establishing a valid claim. It's "[b]ecause they haven't had any new earnings, regardless of how far back they can go in their base period," she explained. If you have earned enough since your last claim to qualify for a new one, Urban recommends you think strategically about when you file — to maximize the amount and length of your new round of benefits.

A big reason why you should do this? Urban says EDD will never include the quarter of earnings in which you file your claim when it calculates your claim amount. So, if you file in October, at the start of the fourth quarter — instead of September — EDD will consider those "Q3 earnings" when it calculates your benefits. But that extends the time period for which you're able to collect those benefits if you still remain unemployed," she said. In short: When you're deciding to file, weigh how you can balance including the periods where you earned the most — and consider that the longer you wait to file, the more months and, hopefully, closer to a fuller economic recovery your benefits will run.

This notice included the effective date of the extension, eligibility requirements, and your potential benefit amounts. This notice explains why you were not eligible and includes information on how to appeal if you do not agree with the determination. To be eligible for FED-ED, you must have had enough earnings in the base period of your regular unemployment claim.

Your total base period earnings must have been more than either of these:. To calculate both options:. The maximum benefit amount depends on your last regular unemployment claim. Your maximum benefit amount will be the lesser of either:. Certifying is answering basic questions every two weeks that tells us you were still unemployed and eligible to continue receiving payments. You can also certify by mail. Hernandez is a University of Florida graduate, where she studied journalism and environmental science, and is a member of the Los Angeles Times Fellowship class.

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