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Why do drunk people pass out

2022.01.11 16:41

Some studies suggest that women are more likely to experience an alcohol blackout than men even when they drink less. Although alcohol is legal for those over 21, its frequent and heavy use is dangerous. Our rehab for alcoholic rehab facilities in Mississippi helps people quit drinking for good. Contact us today to learn more. Get Help Now What Is Alcohol Blackout? What Causes Blackouts? Some potential reasons for blacking out include: Drinking too much Brain damage Taking certain medications or drugs Witnessing or experiencing a traumatic event Epilepsy Low blood sugar Lack of oxygen Abnormalities of the heart or heartrate Stress or anxiety What Causes Alcohol Blackout?

You are more likely to blackout from alcohol if you… Binge Drink One of the biggest causes of a blackout from drinking is consuming too much too fast. Mississippi Substance Abuse Statistics. What Is Considered Heavy Drinking? Drinking too much alcohol can sometimes result in uncomfortable effects the following morning. Common hangover symptoms include headache, nausea, and….

Health Conditions Discover Plan Connect. Friend Passed Out Drunk? Medically reviewed by Kevin Martinez, M. Acting fast could save their life. Try to wake them up. If they do respond, monitor them closely. When in doubt, call for help. The bottom line. Read this next. Medically reviewed by Elaine K. Luo, M. Thinking of Ditching Alcohol? Medically reviewed by Alana Biggers, M. Understanding Why Blackouts Happen. Medically reviewed by Deborah Weatherspoon, Ph. Does Alcohol Kill Brain Cells?

Can You Die from a Hangover? Other signs that your friend has overdosed on alcohol and needs medical attention is if they have clammy skin, confusion, pale skin, low body temperature, seizures, vomiting, trouble breathing, pausing for ten or more seconds between breaths, and reduced physical responses like the lack of a gag reflex that prevents choking.

Check for if your friend is breathing or able to respond to any of your attempts at waking them up. If your friend is vomiting while unconscious, turn your friend to their side or forward so that they do not choke. When emergency responders come, tell them everything that they need to know about your friend such as how much they drank, the kind of alcohol, any other drugs, a certain medical condition they have, and anything else that can be helpful for medical professionals to treat your friend.

If you think that your friend is simply sleeping off the alcohol, you may return hours later to see that your friend has stopped breathing or has choked on their own vomit. To see for sure if your friend is suffering from alcohol poisoning, check if they have impaired speech or motor skills, cannot drive, poor decision making, blacking out, vomiting, or losing consciousness.

As soon as you notice these symptoms, call immediately. You should also make sure not to leave your friend alone. If this is happening at a party with a lot of people, you want to make sure that someone is not going to come along and take advantage of your friend through sexual assault.

Do not be afraid to take you and your friend away from the situation by driving your friend home. If someone dropped you off to the party, call your ride or call a Lyft or an Uber to pick you and your friend up.

Make sure that your location settings are on and to always have your phone charged. In order to stay as safe as possible from passing out drunk, you should switch between an alcoholic beverage and a glass of water. The same goes for food as you should not have only alcohol in your system.