What makes fiberglass a good insulator

2022.01.11 16:41

This allows us to start to resume surveying, home fitting and be open again for new business. Thank you for your continued support. We will be able to keep to a minimum of 2 metres away enabling social distancing. Your home is kept as ventilated as possible prior to the visit.

Avoid letting visitors into your home during or before the appointment. All internal doors are opened prior to the visit. During the visit We will ask you to show us to a part of your home where we can sit and chat with you if required while sticking to the guidelines. A 2 meter safe distance will be maintained at all times. Staff will be equipped with the appropriate PPE and alcohol-based sanitation gel and if on entry if you feel uncomfortable we will leave immediately no questions asked.

Home Logic UK would like to reassure you that our No. Close Take advantage of our spring offers by getting in touch. Fibreglass insulation is what you might call ubiquitous. When we think of the insulation that is in our lofts, ceilings, and even our walls, we imagine the rolls of often pink batts that look a little like spun sugar or candy floss. In this article we will run through the pros and cons of fibreglass insulation. Here we detail that pros and cons of fibreglass insulation, and propose a more cost-effective choice to consider ….

Fibreglass insulation is playing a part in that role, although in contrast to other materials, its long-term performance leaves a lot to be desired. In particular it became popular when it was discovered that another excellent insulator, asbestos, was harmful to our health.

Despite its make up, and the energy-heavy way in which it is manufactured, fibreglass insulation was a great alternative to the cancer-causing asbestos used to that point.

Fibreglass insulation works in the same way as other insulation — by trapping escaping heat within its structure. Because of the way it is spun, the glass fibres are surrounded by air. This is the case whether it is formed into batts or rolls or if it is left loose as a blown insulation. These air pockets offer a barrier to the escape of warm air, and they slow down the travel of noise as well.

Not a do-it-yourselfer? Never fear — Standard will install the new insulation for you. And the best part is an insulation project often leads to a significant reduction in the heating and cooling bills, paying you back for the cost of the project in a short time.

For expert advice on the purchase and installation of any insulation materials, call Standard today at or Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Skip to main content. New Construction. It can be pink, yellow, white or green, depending on its manufacturer, and has a spongy feel. Commonly found in blanket form, called batts, it is available in bags containing standard pre-cut lengths and widths.

Batts are typically stapled into place. Fiberglass insulation also comes in bags as loose fill that can be blown into attic, wall and floor cavities.

Most fiberglass batts are manufactured with a paper or foil backing that faces the direction of warmth. When installed correctly, it creates a continuous membrane that retards the passage of moisture and reduces the likelihood that fibrous particles will enter the living space. It is important that the backing always faces the warm side of the structure in which the insulation is installed. Batts are available in different thicknesses, with the thicker batts offering a higher resistance to heat flow.

This resistance is known as R-value, with common R-values for walls being R to R, and R to R for ceilings. When it is disturbed, fiberglass insulation releases particulates into the air that may be inhaled by those installing or removing it, or by property inspectors crawling through attics or crawlspaces where it is present. If you must disturb fiberglass insulation, wear gloves, a long-sleeved shirt, pants, and goggles.

A dust mask or, for the greatest protection under any circumstances, a respirator with a particulate filter should be used to prevent inhalation of the potentially irritating fibers.

Before removing fiberglass insulation, it is a good idea to dampen the area to prevent particles from entering the airspace. Afterwards, wash your hands with water — preferably cold water, as warm water can expand pores that can trap particles and allow them to travel deeper into the skin.

Cellulose is a plant-based insulator and is the oldest form of home insulation. At different times, it has been produced from sawdust, cotton, straw, hemp, and other plant materials with low thermal conductivity.