When is fluorescence spectroscopy used

2022.01.11 16:41

Ultimately, Patients will benefit from its low cost, fast processing and high sensitivity properties. In the long term, spectroscopy fingerprinting may become an excellent tool to classify microorganisms into their respective groups, genus and species level. This will be very promising system with high sensitivity and high specificity for microorganisms classification.

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J Dent Educ. Sorrell Matthew: Bacteria identification of otitis media with fluorescence spectroscopy. Lasers in Surgery and Medicine. Journal of Fluorescence. Current Microbiology. Saunders Co. Rativa Diego: Perspectives on in vitro fungal diagnosis with UV light.

Article PubMed Google Scholar. Download references. The authors also acknowledge "OnkoTec GmbH. Austria, for their kind technical support. Max F. You can also search for this author in PubMed Google Scholar. Correspondence to Aamir Shahzad. All authors participated in the preparation of the manuscript, and read and approved the final manuscript.

This article is published under license to BioMed Central Ltd. Reprints and Permissions. Shahzad, A. Emerging applications of fluorescence spectroscopy in medical microbiology field. J Transl Med 7, 99 Download citation. Received : 16 September Accepted : 26 November Published : 26 November Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content:.

Sorry, a shareable link is not currently available for this article. Provided by the Springer Nature SharedIt content-sharing initiative. Skip to main content. The sample is located at the intersection of the two beam paths. If an atom or molecule first absorbs energy — for instance a photon -, this is called excitation. Very shortly in the order of nanoseconds after excitation it emits a photon of a longer wavelength. We call that fluorescence.

We call it phosphorescence if the emission takes longer: in the order of milli- seconds. This is shown in the following 4 minute video. Only a relatively small number of compounds can fluoresce. Some non-fluorescent compounds can be made fluorescent by adding a fluorescent label.

In general molecules that fluoresce have one or more aromatic groups in its structure. A molecule can be excited from its electronic ground state. In the electronic ground state the molecule has the lowest possible electronic energy.

Upon excitation the absorption of a photon one of the electrons goes into an higher electronic state and the molecule is excited. The molecule will stay in its electronic excited state in the order of pico or nanoseconds ns. A fluorescence excitation spectrum is when the emission wavelength is fixed and the excitation monochromator wavelength is scanned. In this way, the spectrum gives information about the wavelengths at which a sample will absorb so as to emit at the single emission wavelength chosen for observation.

It is analogous to absorbance spectrum, but is a much more sensitive technique in terms of limits of detection and molecular specificity. The emission and excitation spectra for a given fluorophore are mirror images of each other.

Typically, the emission spectrum occurs at higher wavelengths lower energy than the excitation or absorbance spectrum. These two spectral types emission and excitation are used to see how a sample is changing. The spectral intensity and or peak wavelength may change with variants such as temperature, concentration, or interactions with other molecules around it. This includes quencher molecules and molecules or materials that involve energy transfer. Some fluorophores are also sensitive to solvent environment properties such as pH, polarity, and certain ion concentrations.

Fluorescent molecules and materials come in all shapes and sizes. Some are intrinsically fluorescent, such as chlorophyll and the amino acid residue tryptophan Trp , phenylalanine Phe and tyrosine Tyr.

Others are molecules synthesized specifically as stable organic dyes or tags to be added to otherwise non-fluorescent systems. There are entire catalogs of these available. For more information about tolerances and spectral performance for a specific product, please contact our sales department.

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Fluorescence Spectroscopy Configuration In fluorescence spectroscopy, a light of a specific wavelength band is passed through a solution, which emits the light towards a filter and into a detector for measurement. Fluorescence Spectroscopy Filters We briefly mentioned filters when outlining the configuration of a fluorescence spectroscopy device, and most of these devices are based on the filters within them.

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