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Why do diabetics need sugar

2022.01.11 16:41

Introduction Low blood sugar hypoglycemia occurs in people with diabetes when the sugar glucose level in the blood drops below what the body needs to function normally. If you are pregnant, your baby could be harmed. Low blood sugar can develop if you take too much insulin, do not eat enough food or skip meals, exercise without eating enough, or drink too much alcohol especially on an empty stomach.

You can usually treat mild—and sometimes moderate—low blood sugar by eating something that contains sugar. You should teach your friends and coworkers what to do if your blood sugar is very low. How to deal with low blood sugar emergencies Here are some ways you can manage low blood sugar.

Be prepared Always be prepared for the possibility of having a low blood sugar level. Keep some quick-sugar foods with you at all times. If you are at home, you will probably already have something close at hand that contains sugar, such as table sugar or fruit juice.

Carry some hard candy or glucose tablets with you when you are away from home. Quick-sugar foods are foods you need to eat to raise your blood sugar. Know the symptoms of low blood sugar , such as sweating, blurred vision, and confusion. Post a list of the symptoms where you will see it often, and carry a copy in your wallet or purse. Add any symptoms you have noticed that may not be on the list. Be sure that your partner and others knows your early symptoms, including the signs of low blood sugar at night.

Wear medical identification. Always wear medical identification, such as a medical alert bracelet , to let people know that you have diabetes. In case your blood sugar drops very low and you need help, people will know that you have diabetes and will get help for you if necessary.

Keep glucagon on hand. If you become unconscious when your blood sugar is very low, someone may need to give you a shot of glucagon to raise your blood sugar. Be sure someone knows how to give you the shot. There may be times when you have trouble reaching your blood sugar goals.

This does not mean that you have failed. It means that you and your health care team should see if changes are needed. Call your health care team if your blood sugar is often too high or too low. Taking action will help you be healthy today and in the future. At each visit, John and his health care team look at his A1C test results, his blood glucose meter and his blood sugar record to see if his treatment is working.

John and his health care team talk about what he can do to get closer to his A1C and blood sugar goals. John decides he will be more active. He will:. Work with your health care team and decide what changes you need to make to reach your blood sugar goals. The NIDDK translates and disseminates research findings to increase knowledge and understanding about health and disease among patients, health professionals, and the public.

Funnell, M. This tip sheet tells you Why do I need to know my blood sugar numbers? How is blood sugar measured? How do I check my blood sugar? What are target blood sugar levels for people with diabetes?

How often should I check my blood sugar? What should I do if my blood sugar gets too high? What should I do if my blood sugar gets too low? What do I need to know about the A1C test? What is a good A1C goal for me? How often do I need an A1C test?

How do I pay for these tests and supplies? What if I have trouble getting to my blood sugar goals? John's Story Checking your blood sugar, also called blood glucose, is an important part of diabetes care. This tip sheet tells you: why it helps you to know your blood sugar numbers how to check your blood sugar levels what are target blood sugar levels what to do if your levels are too low or too high how to pay for these tests Why do I need to know my blood sugar numbers?

There are two ways to measure blood sugar. Blood sugar checks that you do yourself. These tell you what your blood sugar level is at the time you test. This test tells you your average blood sugar level over the past 2 to 3 months. There is often a multitude of information on a Nutrition Facts label , but the three most important numbers are:. If a food product contains any artificial sweeteners or other sugar substitutes, the manufacturer will include them an ingredients list directly below the Nutrition Facts box.

The first figure to look at on a Nutrition Facts label is the serving size. Manufacturers base all other information on one serving of the food. For example, a box of crackers may list 10 crackers as one serving. So, if someone eats 20 crackers, they will be consuming twice the calories and carbohydrates stated on the box. Manufacturers base the serving size on common household measures that are appropriate to the food, such as :. The label will also always include the serving size in grams g and the number of servings per container.

A Nutrition Facts label will also inform the customer about the total number of calories in one serving. These calories come from all sources, including fat, carbohydrate, protein, and alcohol.

Knowing daily calorie intake can be important for people wanting to lose weight or maintain a healthy weight. To lose weight, people need to eat fewer calories than they burn. They can achieve this by engaging in physical activity and exercise to activate metabolic processes. Anyone who wishes to lose weight should speak to a doctor or dietician for advice on a diet plan. The figure for total carbohydrates states the amount of carbohydrate in grams that one serving contains.

This number includes sugar, complex carbohydrate, and fiber. For people with diabetes, it is critical to consider the total amount of carbohydrate and not just sugar. All types of carbohydrate can affect blood glucose levels. A diabetes educator, dietitian, or diabetologist will create an individualized diet plan as part of managing glucose. The plan restricts carbohydrate intake to keep blood sugar within a normal range.

The ADA do not suggest a specific number of carbohydrates for people with diabetes. Some foods may contain little or no sugar but a lot of carbohydrate. They can be misleading about the total carbohydrates in a product.

Manufacturers often calculate these figures by subtracting the quantity of sugar alcohol and fiber from the total carbohydrate. However, this method can give the impression that the product has less carbohydrate than it does. People with diabetes should always look at the number of total carbohydrates when deciding whether or not to eat a particular food.

People with diabetes can have sweets and other sugary foods as part of a healthful meal plan or when combined with exercise. However, it is best to enjoy sweets in small portions as an occasional treat. Blood sugar or blood glucose supplies energy from food to all the cells in the body. Diabetes happens when healthy sugar levels are not maintained. Bitter melon, or bitter gourd, may benefit people with diabetes in various ways, including reducing blood sugar levels. Learn more about what the….

Blood glucose levels drop during the night, which means that people with diabetes may experience low blood sugar in the mornings. This is called….