Why do people like holden caulfield
Holden is literally about to crash. Near the beginning as well as the end of the novel, he feels that he will disappear or fall into an abyss when he steps off a curb to cross a street. Sometimes when this happens, he calls on his dead brother, Allie , for help. Part of Holden's collapse is due to his inability to come to terms with death. Thoughts of Allie lying in his grave in the cemetery in the rain, surrounded by dead bodies and tombstones, haunt Holden.
He wants time itself to stop. He wants beautiful moments to last forever, using as his model the displays in glass at the Museum of Natural History, in which the same people are shown doing the same things year after year. Never mind that even museum displays change. Holden's fears and desires are understandable, but his solution avoiding reality is impossible.
Life is change. His feelings are typically adolescent, feelings shared by virtually everyone who is or ever has been his age. One of the reasons we like Holden is that he is so candid about how he feels. Previous Chapters This once understood, we can see how The Catcher in the Rye is both a funny and terrifying work—traditional distinctions of modes have broken down in our times—a work full of pathos in the original sense of the word.
Adventure is precisely what Holden does not endure; his sallies into the world are feigned his sacrificial burden, carried with whimsey and sardonic defiance, determined by his fate. The fate is that of the American rebel-victim. Howard Bloom, in his introduction to J. Rereading The Catcher in the Rye seems to me an aesthetically mixed experience—sometimes poignant, sometimes mawkish or even cloying.
And yet Holden retains his pathos, even upon several rereadings. Holden is seventeen in the novel, but appears not to have matured beyond thirteen, his age when Allie died. The dilemma, being spiritual, hurts many among us, and is profoundly American. Holden speaks for our skepticism, and for our need. That is a large burden for so fragile a literary character, and will turn out eventually to be either aesthetic salvation for The Catcher in the Rye , or a prime cause for its dwindling down to the status of a period piece.
There are very ambiguous elements, moreover, in the portrait of this sad little screwed-up hero. The only real creation or half-creation in this world is Holden Caulfield himself. If this hero really represents the nonconformist rebellion of the Fifties, he is a rebel without a past, apparently, and without a cause.
There is no point in multiplying examples, Holden obviously fails to see that his criticisms apply to himself. If, however, we think that his failure to practice what he preaches invalidates his criticisms, we fall into an argumentum ad hominum —we cannot justify our shortcomings by pointing the finger of scorn at our critics, especially if you do not wish to admit that we are as sick as they are.
Like many sensitive but immature people, Holden is not yet well enough in control of his faculties to see the application of his strictures to himself. Salinger is not offering Holden to the world as an example of what it should be. The popularity of the novel suggests, however, that fully literate youth in our society finds it especially easy to identify with Holden. John W. The innocence of Mr. He has objects for his contempt but no objects other than his sister for his love. He is forced, consequently, simply to register his contempt, his developing disillusionment; and it is inevitable that he should seem after a time to be registering it in a vacuum, for just as he can find no concrete equivalent in life for the ideal which he wishes life to embody, so the persons on whom he registers his contempt seem inadequate to it and unjustly accused by it.
The boorish prep school roommate, the hypocritical teacher, the stupid women in the Lavender Room, the resentful prostitute, the conventional girl friend, the bewildered cab driver, the affected young man at the theater, the old friend who reveals that his interest in Holden is homosexual—these people are all truly objectionable and deserve the places Holden assigns them in his secret hierarchy of class with its categories of phonies, bores, deceivers, and perverts.
But they are nonetheless human, albeit dehumanized, and constitute a fair average of what the culture affords. They are part of the truth which Holden does not see and, as it turns out, is never able to see—that this is what one part of humanity is: the lies, the phoniness, the hypocrisy are the compromises which innocence is forced by the world to make.
He remains at the end what he was at the beginning—cynical, defiant, and blind. And as for ourselves, there is identification but no insight, a sense of pathos but not of tragedy. It may be that Mr. It was easy enough to identify with his adolescent angst, but his puerile attitudinizing was something else altogether.
That was then. This is half a century later. The novel is commonly represented as an expression of adolescent cynicism and rebellion—a James Dean movie in print—but from first page to last Salinger wants to have it both ways. Indeed a case can be made that The Catcher in the Rye created adolescence as we now know it, a condition that barely existed until Salinger defined it. He established whining rebellion as essential to adolescence and it has remained such ever since.
Morris Longstreth, reviewing the novel in the Christian Science Monitor , Twice there is a reminder of Shakespeare. It could be debated long just how irrational is Holden Caulfield, as likewise, Hamlet.
Holden, who is the clown, villain, and even moderately, the hero of this tale, is asked not to return to his school after Christmas. This is his third expulsion and he cannot endure to face his parents, so he hides out in New York, where his conduct is a nightmarish medley of loneliness, bravado, and supineness. He is as unbalanced as, a rooster on a tightrope. He asks a girl to elope with him and then calls her names. These two examples will resolve all arguments that every couples get into a marriage too or later!
From a life lesson perspective what are some of the key points that you hope others can take away from your story 'Iron Boy' and even more so what is something that you hope you leave behind to your children that you hope they can apply to their own lives? My children have been raised to see the person, and not the disability, that they have. I would like for a life lesson that the world can refer to us as "people first" regardless the disability one has.
People with a disability and not disabled people…always put "people" first. See the person and not the disability! How do you feel now? How is life after the 'miracle' treatment and is there any message that you would like to share with others who are struggling with the same challenges that you faced but that you are also facing here today? I feel very grateful and life is wonderful for me and my family. Although health issue will continue to always be a big issue for me, I will deal with them each one at a time.
The important thing is that young people worldwide with my condition can inspire others to do great things would something I would love to inspire! Aging can make getting around much harder. Make sure your parents are safe in their own home by following these tips. There is going to come a time when your parents need a little help to safely live in their home.
This is just an inevitable part of life. The goal is to keep your parents as comfortable as possible while also knowing that they will be safe when alone. Luckily, it is fairly easy to make a few adjustments to the house that drastically improve its livability for seniors.
These are the four things you must do to help your parents create a safe home as they age. Poor eyesight, reduced hearing, and imbalance put older individuals at risk of falling while moving around the house. Falling is actually the main cause for injured seniors. Since this is a dangerous problem, you need to remove all fall hazards from their house immediately.
Throw rugs, long cords, and old unused furniture all pose a huge risk. Make the house as open as possible. Walking up stairs puts a lot of stress on older bodies.
They have to use all of their strength just to go up a flight of stairs. There is also a major injury risk if they fall while using the stairs. Avoid all of these dangers by adding a stair lift in the house.
Stair lifts will safely go up and down the stairs whenever needed with absolutely no risk of injury. The slippery surfaces in the bathroom make it one of the most dangerous rooms in the house for your older parents. There are several changes you need to make to ensure they stay safe. Put rubber mats inside and outside of the tub to prevent slipping. Add grab bars in the shower and next to the toilet. It is also a good idea to lower the temperature on the water heater to stop accidental burns in the shower.
The best thing you can do to make sure your aging parents are safe in their home is by making regular visits to see them. In addition to spending valuable time with your family, you will also be able to access the house and your parent's well-being during these trips. Make sure some of your visits are unannounced to get a true sense of how they are living.
Your parents took care of you your entire life, so it is now time to repay the favor. Making these changes to the house will let your parents have independent lives in their own home for as long as possible.
His music is a unique mixture of chill rap, alt-pop, and bedroom pop. On top of that, his youthful nature is portrayed so exuberantly through social media. He showcases such vulnerability and relatability through his music and personality.
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He could easily compete with rappers today. While his music discusses girls and drugs, he also uses his platform to advocate for human rights movements like BLM.
If you like rap, there is something for everyone with his work. This funky fresh group focuses on really catchy indie-pop songs. However, I definitely think they are on that track so I suggest you hop on the train now while they're still lesser-known.
Their sound is really desirable so I can imagine it's only a matter of time before they blow up. This singer-songwriter is extremely talented.
Kate Stephenson's voice is delicate and aids in delivering her music in such a beautiful and heartfelt way. Her music is relatable and makes you want to listen to what she has to say. She also has an amazing way with words and I'm excited to see her grow as an artist! Brittany Morgan, National Writer's Society 2.
Kristen Haddox , Penn State University 4. Welcome back.