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What is cholinergic urticaria

2022.01.11 16:42

It is not uncommon for patients with cholinergic urticaria to have another associated physical urticaria, such as dermographism , cold urticaria or pressure urticaria. The rash appears rapidly, usually within a few minutes of sweating, and can last from 30 minutes to an hour or more before fading away.

The mean duration is around 80 minutes. Typical signs and symptoms of the rash include:. Cholinergic urticaria Cholinergic urticaria. It occurs in both men and women but is more common in men than women. The condition tends to first appear in people aged between 10 and 30 years and persists for a number of years before it becomes less severe or goes away altogether.

The natural course of cholinergic urticaria is quite variable, with most patients experiencing slow resolution over several years. Once the cause of the rash is identified, it may be possible to avoid situations that trigger it. However, in many cases it is difficult to stop sweating, particularly in warm climates and if exercising is part of a daily routine.

Sometimes rapid cooling can prevent an attack. Call if you experience:. This is what causes the symptoms of CU to appear. Anyone can develop CU, but men are most likely to be affected. CU generally begins around age 16 and may continue until age You may be more susceptible to CU if you experience other forms of hives or have another skin condition. A simple evaluation and conversation about your symptoms may be enough for them to diagnose CU.

In some cases, your doctor may want to conduct tests to gather more information about the condition. These may include:. You should see a doctor immediately if you suspect you have exercise-induced anaphylaxis, which must be attended to as soon as symptoms occur.

If your symptoms are mild, simple lifestyle changes may be all you need. Medication may be a better option for some. One of the simplest ways to manage CU is to modify the way you exercise and to avoid situations that raise your body temperature. Your doctor can advise you on how to best achieve this.

Depending on your needs, treatment may involve limiting outdoor exercise during the summer months and learning strategies to manage stress and anxiety. Antihistamines are the first line of medication your doctor may try to prevent and treat CU. These may include H1 antagonists, such as hydroxyzine Vistaril or terfenadine Seldane , or H2 antagonists, such as cimetidine Tagamet or ranitidine Zantac.

You may also be prescribed a medication to control the amount you sweat, such as methantheline bromide or montelukast Singulair.

Your doctor may also recommend beta blockers, immunosuppressants, or even UV light to treat CU. If you experience exercise-induced anaphylaxis, your doctor will prescribe an EpiPen to use if symptoms appear. For those who experience anaphylaxis during exercise, a doctor will likely prescribe an EpiPen. A person will also likely want to find a workout partner to help in case of an emergency.

Mostly, symptoms disappear a few hours after they first appear. People who experience frequent or long-lasting symptoms may wish to speak to their doctor about better ways to prevent the condition. If a person experiences any trouble breathing during exercise, they should seek immediate medical attention.

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Dermatographia is also known as 'skin writing', and is characterized by the skin raising in response to pressure. They tend to get worse at night and…. What is cholinergic urticaria and how is it treated? Symptoms Causes Diagnosis Treatment Diet Prevention Outlook Cholinergic urticaria is a type of skin rash commonly called hives that occurs in some people when their body gets too warm and sweats.

Share on Pinterest Cholinergic urticaria is a skin rash that can develop if a person gets too hot. Share on Pinterest The heat from saunas could trigger cholinergic urticaria.

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