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Why assassins creed 2 is bad

2022.01.11 16:42

It is very fun and extremely addictive with a gorgeous renaissance Italian setting with a great story and character pallet. Follows the story of Ezio Auditore who sets out, driven by revenge in order to avenge the death of his family at the hands of the Templars.

The age rating for ALL Assassins Creed games are complete crap, this game should be fine for mature, young teens. Obviously there is blood, a bit of swearing and a very short sex scene, all of this is nothing a teen cant handle. Kid, 9 years old March 12, CSM got this all wrong. NO SEX.

The blood can be turned off in the settings. I have not played the first part where you are not in the animus but i'm pretty sure it has LOTS of cussing. When Ezio's family is murdered it is not graphic. Kid, 11 years old October 5, But let's hope it's the 2nd option. Teen, 17 years old Written by Nathan U. December 14, First off the game is violent. But not sexual enough to earn a 4 on sex. Overall great game with epic sequences and a plotline of a young assassin, Ezio Auditore Da Firenze, seizing revenge for his family.

Kid, 12 years old December 8, AC2: Violentce, extreme sex, and lots of swearing. AC2 is really fun, don't get me wrong, but it is not very appropriate. It is very violent, like the first one. Blood explodes out of enemies when you kill them. Also, there is lots of sex. You may have read by Common Sense Media that you undress someone. It's like that but a little worse. You do undress someone, and then you start kissing them.

The dad chases you out. Also, they show the scene of Ezio getting born. His mom is screaming in pain, and then you come out. The last thing I want to tell you about is the swearing. The first scene says the f word twice and also says mild swear words. The Reviews on This are Ridiculous This game is an absolute childhood favorite of mine.

The sex scene in the game lasts maybe 10 seconds. You don't even see anything. The game doesn't attack the church, it anything it reflects the Churches crude and disgusting behavior in the renaissance era. The story is about a young man and his journey to seize revenge on the community that murdered his family and rekindle a community of brothers in arms.

If Kim Kardashian is a better role model, check your values. The violence is what you'd expect from a game with the name "Assassins Creed" The game doesn't attack on the Christian religion, when you start the game it even tells you the game was worked on by a community of many beliefs. The pope also wanted to control the future if a future colony, and kill them. So if your a religion nut, don't get the game, your not gonna want to fight the pope. Who by the way you spare, but he joins cesar to regain control of the future colony, but end up killed by Cesar, you obviously haven't researched this game.

The game wants you to learn about other culture, you can visit many European land marks, and learn about them. This game made me interested in Eastern culture. So I'd say yes, this game is entirely appropriate. Ezio now climbs like a freaking spider monkey. In playing the remaster, it felt like I was getting stuck on buildings more often.

When I reached the top of a building, Ezio would refuse to climb up onto the roof. Check out the mark to see a beautiful Italian sunrise. The roof tiles and stonework look great — these are definite improvements. The strange new animation choices and character updates of the remaster take away some of the charm from a much-loved game.

Some bugs are hard to stamp out. Cookie banner We use cookies and other tracking technologies to improve your browsing experience on our site, show personalized content and targeted ads, analyze site traffic, and understand where our audiences come from. By choosing I Accept , you consent to our use of cookies and other tracking technologies. Gaming PlayStation Xbox Nintendo. View all Category. View all Genre. View all Featured. Product type Product type.

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