Why do millipedes come in the house
Millipedes are harmless; they do not feed upon building structures or furnishings and they cannot bite or sting. However, millipedes can be annoying as accidental invaders in houses and other buildings when they migrate into buildings over night. Millipedes are usually found in the garage, basement or lowest level although they may wander into other parts of the house. Millipedes in greenhouses, gardens and potted plants may be annoying but do not feed on the plants unless the plant is laready damaged or decayed.
Controls for millipedes are aimed at keeping millipedes outdoors or reducing their numbers at the source. Cracks, gaps and other points of entry around windows and doors and in foundation walls should be sealed if possible.
Removing organic matter such as plant mulch and dead leaves from against the house may help, and damp conditions around the house foundation should be corrected. Insecticides are of limited benefit in controlling millipedes because of the protected areas where they originate and because of the long distances they migrate.
In warm weather when millipedes are actively wandering, residual insecticides can be applied in a 5- to foot wide barrier around the building to reduce entry. If practical, also spray areas where the millipedes likely originate. Thorough application will aid in control, but reliance on chemical control alone is often unsatisfactory. The control treatments must be thoroughly applied in such a way as to get the insecticide down to the soil surface. For more information on insecticides please see this article.
Millipedes migrate long distances during certain times of the year varies with the weather, but commonly in spring or fall. It could be a missing door sweep or a gap in the weatherstripping around a door. It may also be a hole created by a wood-damaging pest. If you have millipedes, you have entry points. Millipedes in your Providence home could also indicate a moisture problem. These bugs eat decaying organic material, like rotting wood particles. When a home is damaged by rainwater, millipedes come to feed.
They aren't destructive like termites or carpenter ants but they can indicate conditions that are attractive to those pests. How do you get rid of millipedes in your home? You don't have to do anything.
Millipedes can't survive in your home. They will eventually die. But, if you're not keen on waiting, you could reach out to Big Blue Bug Solutions for a faster resolution to your problem.
When you do, you'll also get guidance and assistance for keeping a new infestation from taking root. What does it mean when centipedes are in your home? It means you have a food source inside your home. You can also spray specific entry points into your home with Maggie's Farm Home Bug Spray, which will leave behind some residual protection.
Your most effective long-term strategy is prevention, especially if you don't want a basement full of millipedes! Start by removing mulch, leaves, grass and hedge clippings, boards, firewood, boxes, stones, etc. If there's an item you can't remove, at least get it raised up off of the ground. This will kill the millipedes in proximity to the structure and will also create a repellent residual barrier to keep millipedes and other pests away.
Home Bug Spray is best for use indoors, or for spraying a specific entry point on the outside. You may also want to apply some Maggie's Farm Home Bug Spray or Yard Bug Spray along the inside walls of your crawl space or unfinished basement to create a good repellent barrier. You can apply the dust around areas where you have spotted millipede activity, including basements, garages, laundry rooms, under sinks, and tubs, and in other cracks and crevices where pests have been seen.
These are the easy steps so you can successfully learn how to get rid of millipedes and other invasive pests. Clean, dry floors and areas where millipedes might gather basement, laundry room, bathroom will go a long way to keeping these pests at bay indoors. At this point, you can try waiting it out. Millipedes can only live for a few days in your clean, dry house, so any millipede activity will be short-lived. If a millipede infestation becomes more than you think you can handle, be sure to call a pest control company.
What are your best strategies against millipedes in your home? Post a comment. Our promise is that our plant and mineral-based products are developed by scientists and seasoned pest control professionals to be the most effective. Close search. Home About Us expand. Millipedes can be somewhat difficult to get rid of once they take up residence in your yard or home, but knowing some things about them can help you control them better. Just a few are more than enough, as they can deliver a painful bite—often biting while a person sleeps!
The best way to control for centipedes is to decrease the suitability of your home or office building as a habitat. Centipedes need a dark, moist environment, so decreasing humidity and eliminating sources of moisture is a good first step. Because centipedes are insectivores, by eliminating and preventing other insect infestations, you are eliminating centipede food sources!
Both centipede and general insect prevention can be greatly aided by a seasonal pest management plan—such as our Home Protection Program —so consider talking to your pest management professional about preventive treatments. Should centipedes begin showing up in your home or office building, Bain Pest Control Service offers individualized treatment programs to eliminate your problem. Centipede Control is also included in our Home Protection Plan. This is the most effective centipede control option, as it also covers again all general insects, ensuring that a centipede has no insect food sources to attract it into your home or office!