How many people live in plainville ct

2022.01.11 16:44

Percent Female US Avg: Population Change since Select Map Options. Reviews for Plainville 1 Reviews. Its a dead end street and the neighbors are young families and everyone is Read More. Agree 99 Disagree Try Now. All rights reserved. BestPlaces Mobile App. Female Population. Terryville, CT 2. Here: 7. Health care Metal workers and plastic workers 6.

Metal workers and plastic workers Secretaries and administrative assistants 7. Air pollution and air quality trends lower is better. City: City: 0. City: 7. Services: ticket office, partially wheelchair accessible, enclosed waiting area, public restrooms, public payphones, free short-term parking, free long-term parking, call for car rental service, call for taxi service, public transit connection. Services: ticket office, partially wheelchair accessible, enclosed waiting area, public restrooms, public payphones, vending machines, call for car rental service, call for taxi service, public transit connection.

Services: ticket office, partially wheelchair accessible, enclosed waiting area, public restrooms, public payphones, full-service food facilities, snack bar, vending machines, ATM, paid short-term parking, paid long-term parking, call for car rental service, taxi stand, intercity bus service, public transit connection.

Local government website: vvv. Average household size: This town: 2. Percentage of family households: This town: Percentage of households with unmarried partners: This town: 7. This town: 5. This town: 2. People in group quarters in Plainville in people in nursing homes 9 people in other noninstitutional group quarters 3 people in religious group quarters.

Education Gini index Inequality in education Here: Number of grocery stores : Hartford County : 2. Connecticut : 2. Number of supercenters and club stores : 5 This county : 0. Connecticut : 0. Number of convenience stores no gas : 92 Hartford County : 1. State : 1.

Number of convenience stores with gas : Hartford County : 2. Number of full-service restaurants : Hartford County : 8.

Plainville Connecticut Citizenship Demographics Charts The next section of demographic information provides detailed data Plainville residents including: immigrants, citizenship, immigration, country of origin, non citizens and more. To start, Figure 35 shows a high level view of citizenship. In Figure 37 , the demographic percentage of Plainville residents who were not born in the United States is shown i. Plainville shows it has a Percent Foreign Born of The city with the highest percent of population who was born in another country in the area is New Britain which depicts a percent born outside United States of Comparing percent of population who was born in another country to the United States average of Also, versus the state of Connecticut , percent of population who was born in another country of Figure 39 provides a detailed analysis of non citizens by breaking them into two age groups: Under 18 and over the age of Plainville Connecticut shows a percent of non citizens under 18 years old only about 2.

Figure 40 provides further information for non citizen age by showing a comparison of the median age for all non citizens immigrants. The city with the highest median age of non citizens in the area is Newington CDP which depicts a median age of The next diagram Figure 41 shows the year of entry that non citizens entered the United States. The year of entry can show the rate of flow at various points of time in the past for when they entered the U.

For all foreign born people who have gone through naturalization the process of becoming a legal U. Plainville Connecticut Birthplace Demographic Charts Figure 43 displays a map of the globe and shows Plainville demographic information for large regions of the world that people from this place originally came from.

Now you can skip hours of internet research and jump straight to getting answers with our meaningful at-a-glance Demographics by City Report. We know Plainville Demographics, just keep scrolling Sources: United States Census Bureau. United States Census Bureau. Census Bureau, Population Division. May