Ad hoc distribution how long
Apple restricts distribution of applications on iPhones and iPads, so we will need to build the app with an ad hoc provisioning profile that explicitly lists the devices that the application can run on. Enterprise provisioning allows you to run the application on any device without any sort of device registration.
Setting up ad hoc provisioning. Apps signed with an ad hoc provisioning profile can be installed by any iOS device whose unique identifier UDID is registered with the provisioning profile.
Setting up ad hoc provisioning consists of two steps. In the first step, you'll register devices that you want to be able to install your app. Run the following command to generate a URL and QR code, for convenience that you can open on your devices, and then follow the instructions on the registration page.
Register Apple Devices for internal distribution eas device:create. You can register new devices at any time, but builds that were created before the device was registered will not run on newly registered devices; only builds that are created after the device is registered will be installable.
The next step is to generate or update the provisioning profile. When you proceed to running a build, you will be guided through this process. If you have an Apple Developer Enterprise Program membership users can install your app to their device without pre-registering their UDID; they just need to install the profile to their device and they can then access existing builds. You will need to sign in using your Apple Developer Enterprise account during the eas build process to set up the correct provisioning.
If you distribute your app both through enterprise provisioning and the App Store, you will need to have a distinct bundle identifier for each context. We recommend either:. If so, make sure to point your credentials. Read more about using local credentials. Run a build with the internal build profile.
Now that we have set up our build profile and app signing, running a build for internal distribution is just like any other build. Create iOS and Android builds for internal distribution eas build --profile preview --platform all.
If you're using ad hoc provisioning but you haven't registered any devices yet, you'll be asked to register them now or exit the current command and run eas device:add again.
The build command will wait for the new device to register. Scan the QR code that is presented in the terminal and follow the instructions on that page to register your device. When you're done, return to the terminal and continue. When the build completes, you will be given a URL that you can share with your team to download and install the app. Installing and running the build.
Learn more. Which expiry date s require a Ad Hoc Distribution redeployment? Ask Question. Asked 4 years, 10 months ago. Active 4 years, 10 months ago.
Viewed 2k times. When preparing an app for Ad Hoc Distribution, there are three things within the Apple developer account have expiry dates: Active developer account.
The expiry date for this shows up on the Membership page as Expiration date and also as Device reset date. Improve this question. Apple's documentation: developer. Add a comment. Active Oldest Votes. Improve this answer. Or will all apps need a fresh build every year on account renewal? The app in that case needs to be re-signed, rebuilt and re-distributed, along with a new mobile provisioning profile. BTW, I believe the assumption is that one year is usually beyond the typically frequent need to distribute fresh builds during testing.
If there are known long delays, I'd suggest to wait on creating a build to be distributed until the testers are ready. I'd not recommend to use ad-hoc as a means of avoiding Apple's approved distribution methods just to be able to casually install apps to selected devices long term, of which there is no approved method.
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