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What was min wage in 2006

2022.01.12 23:07

What is included in minimum wage pay? Printer-friendly version. Also on this site. Structure your business Choose the right legal structure Set up as a sole trader Set up a business partnership Set up a limited company. Name your business How to choose the right name for your business Name your partnership Name your limited company Register your name as a trade mark.

All rights reserved. The information contained in this article may not be published, broadcast or otherwise distributed without the prior written authority. Member Center: Sign In Register. Scraping by: Minimum wage across America. By Candace Corner CareerBuilder. Next story in U. Ebola toll rises in 'unprecedented' outbreak Report: MH a criminal investigation Life inside the densest place on earth Ocean Shield's mission of hope, uncertainty Cosmetics queen fights skin bleaching.

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According to combined data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, individual state labor departments and the EPI, here are the most current findings for minimum wages rates as of August Alabama: No state minimum wage law. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. Bureau of Labor Statistics' data on minimum wage earners are derived from the Current Population Survey CPS , a nationwide sample survey of households that includes questions enabling the identification of hourly-paid workers and their hourly wage rate.

Data in this summary are annual averages. The estimates of the numbers of minimum and subminimum wage workers presented in the accompanying tables pertain to workers paid at hourly rates; salaried and other non-hourly workers are excluded. As such, the actual number of workers with earnings at or below the prevailing minimum is undoubtedly understated. Research has shown that a relatively smaller number and share of salaried workers and others not paid by the hour have earnings that, when translated into hourly rates, are at or below the minimum wage.

However, BLS does not routinely estimate hourly earnings for non-hourly workers because of data concerns that arise in producing these estimates. Menu Search button Search:. Minimum wage workers tend to be young.

About 1 percent of workers age 25 and over earned the minimum wage or less. Among those age 65 and over, the proportion was about 2 percent.