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What should i take for depression and anxiety

2022.01.12 23:07

You may also have an alcohol or substance use disorder. Withdrawal symptoms may temporarily worsen symptoms of depression, so you may need extra assistance as you go through the recovery process. What you eat can have a direct effect on how you think and feel. Make sure to eat a well-balanced diet that's rich in nutrients.

A nutritionist or dietitian can help you analyze your eating habits and pinpoint potential nutrient deficiencies that could contribute to depression. Some foods that may be especially beneficial when you have depression include:. Pollyanna-ish as it may sound, thinking good thoughts can help you feel good. Your thoughts truly do have a direct bearing on your mood. If you're struggling with negativity, consider seeing a therapist to help you learn ways to counter it.

One of the most popular and effective treatments used in the treatment of depression is cognitive behavioral therapy CBT. This form of psychotherapy focuses on identifying negative thinking patterns and then replacing them with more positive ones.

There are different ways that you can practice some of these ideas on your own. Sometimes these thoughts can be obvious, such as times when you berate or criticize yourself. Other times, they can be more subtle. You might find yourself engaging in things like catastrophizing or all-or-nothing thinking. Catastrophizing involves always anticipating negative outcomes. All-or-nothing thinking means that you think of things as either successes or failures with no in-between.

Once you get better at recognizing these cognitive patterns, you can start working on some healthier replacements. When you find yourself having a negative thought, consciously reframe it in a positive way. For example, you might replace something like "This will never work" with something more positive such as, "Here are a few things that I can try that will help me get started. CBT is an effective treatment for depression that focuses on identifying and changing negative thought patterns that contribute to feelings of depression.

You can try these strategies on your own by becoming more aware of negative thinking and shifting them to be more realistic and positive. Stress can drive up levels of a brain chemical called cortisol , which has been found to be higher in folks with depression. There are lots of strategies for coping with stress, such as time management, meditation, and biofeedback training. Some stress-relieving activities that you might want to incorporate into your daily life include:.

Learning to manage your stress takes time and practice. Talk to your doctor or therapist about other strategies you might try to minimize the stress and your response to it.

You may also find it helpful to add indoor plants to your home or office environment. Natural settings are associated with improved mental well-being, so it makes sense that "bringing the outdoors in" might help improve your mood.

Studies have shown that adding indoor plants to your home or office can help in a variety of ways, including:. Choosing certain plants may provide additional benefits.

For example, research suggests that the scent of a lavender plant can help people feel calmer and more relaxed. No matter what type of plants you choose, greenery can be a great way to beautify your surroundings and potentially improve your mood. When you're depressed, there's no reason to go it alone, and there are all sorts of reasons to reach out to friends and family. Make plans with loved ones and keep those dates. Join a club or sign up for a group activity such as a local dodgeball league or a French class.

Other things you might try:. The problem is that depression often causes people to withdraw, which only further exacerbates feelings of isolation and loneliness. Even when you don't feel like going out or being social, try reaching out in whatever way is most comfortable for you. Enlist a few of your closest loved ones who understand what you are experiencing.

Doing the things you used to do might not bring you quite the same enjoyment when you are depressed, but getting out of the house and spending time with people who care about you can help you feel better. Depression often zaps your interest and motivation to explore new things.

You might find it helpful to develop a list of things you might like to try, then work through them one at a time. You might have to compel yourself to try them, and you might find that you don't necessarily have the motivation to pursue new things beyond your initial attempt.

But over time, you might find that something sparks your interest or helps you feel more motivated. It's not always easy, but consider making it a goal to try at least one new thing each week. It may help you fight off a sense of boredom and give you something to look forward to.

The symptoms of depression can also make it difficult to stick to a schedule, but research suggests that having a routine can be critical for mental health. Maintaining a routine can also help you hold on to a sense of normalcy and stability when you are dealing with feelings of depression, stress, or anxiety. Not having a daily routine, on the other hand, can increase your feelings of stress and leave you feeling overwhelmed and unable to focus.

So work on having a schedule that includes the basic things you need to get done as well as plenty of self-care. There's no doubt that music can have an impact on how you feel , so choosing the right music when you're feeling down might be an effective way of lifting your mood.

Research has found people who are depressed may have a tendency to choose music that intensifies rumination, sadness, and emotion-focused coping. So while you might be tempted to turn to somber tearjerkers when you're feeling down, consider listening to more upbeat songs to boost your mood and inspire positive feelings.

Depression is a serious condition that may grow worse over time if left untreated. There are a number of natural ways to combat feelings of depression if you don't want to take prescription antidepressant medication. These strategies can also be helpful when used to complement treatments that may include psychotherapy and medication. You should talk to your doctor or therapist to find the best approach to treating your depression.

Many lifestyle changes such as eating a healthy diet, getting regular exercise, and getting enough sleep may help improve your symptoms. Always talk to your healthcare provider before taking any supplements to treat depression, since these might have side effects of their own or may interfere with or interact with other medications you may be taking.

For more mental health resources, see our National Helpline Database. Always take symptoms of depression seriously as depression doesn't just go away on its own.

While there are many things you can do to support your mental health, don't try to just handle your symptoms alone. Talk to your doctor and discuss some of the self-help strategies that may support your treatment. Everything feels more challenging when you're dealing with depression. Get our free guide when you sign up for our newsletter. The indirect effects of sleep hygiene and environmental factors on depressive symptoms in college students.

They were designed to be a more effective antidepressant than SSRIs. However, the evidence that SNRIs are more effective in treating depression is uncertain. However, they may also cause more drowsiness at first. TCAs are an older type of antidepressant.

They're no longer usually recommended as the first treatment for depression because they can be more dangerous if an overdose is taken. Exceptions are sometimes made for people with severe depression that fail to respond to other treatments. Examples of TCAs include amitriptyline , clomipramine, dosulepin , imipramine, lofepramine and nortriptyline.

Some types of TCAs, such as amitriptyline, can also be used to treat chronic nerve pain. SARIs are not usually the first choice of antidepressant, but they may be prescribed if other antidepressants have not worked or have caused side effects. They can cause potentially serious side effects so should only be prescribed by a specialist doctor.

Other treatments for depression include talking therapies such as cognitive behavioural therapy CBT. People with moderate to severe depression are usually treated using a combination of antidepressants and CBT. Antidepressants work quickly in reducing symptoms, whereas CBT takes time to deal with causes of depression and ways of overcoming it.

Regular exercise has also been shown to be useful for those with mild depression. Read more about alternatives to antidepressants. The Yellow Card Scheme allows you to report suspected side effects from any type of medicine you're taking. See the Yellow Card Scheme website for more information.

Page last reviewed: 4 November Next review due: 4 November Home Mental health Talking therapies, medicine and psychiatry Medicines and psychiatry Antidepressants Back to Antidepressants. Overview - Antidepressants. They can also be used to treat a number of other conditions, including: obsessive compulsive disorder OCD generalised anxiety disorder post-traumatic stress disorder PTSD Antidepressants are also sometimes used to treat people with long-term chronic pain.

While SAMe, St. These supplements are natural, but they may still interact with other drugs. Talk with your doctor before adding them to your diet. While you wait for help to arrive, stay with someone and remove any weapons or substances that can cause harm. You are not alone. Depression is a mental health condition that affects millions of people worldwide.

Although depression is typically treated with medication and therapy, some people may want to try other safe methods like dietary modifications or supplements to reduce their symptoms. The supplements in this article have been studied for their potential to reduce depressive symptoms and may be appropriate for some people with depression.

However, more research is needed to draw robust conclusions about their effect on depression. Eating healthy is important for your mental health and well-being. Learn about the essential nutrients that your brain depends on to function properly.

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Health Conditions Discover Plan Connect. Lener, MD. Herbs for depression. Supplements for depression. Suicide prevention. The bottom line. Read this next. Healthy Eating for Depression. Medically reviewed by Natalie Butler, R. Depression and Diet. Medically reviewed by Timothy J. Legg, Ph. Winter Blues? Medically reviewed by Natalie Olsen, R. Medically reviewed by Amy Richter, RD. Lifestyle Changes for Depression. Can a B Deficiency Cause Depression? The Connection Between Sugar and Depression.