What does intoxicated mean

2022.01.12 23:15

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Words nearby intoxicate in toto , Intourist , in tow , intown , intoxicant , intoxicate , intoxicated , intoxicating , intoxication , intoxicative , intr. Words related to intoxicate baffle , bewilder , daze , disorient , distract , dumbfound , fluster , muddle , puzzle , stupefy , animate , attract , beguile , bewitch , charm , delight , enamor , enchant , engage , engross.

Time Traveler for intoxicated The first known use of intoxicated was in See more words from the same year. Style: MLA. English Language Learners Definition of intoxicated.

Medical Definition of intoxicated. Get Word of the Day daily email! Test Your Vocabulary. Test your visual vocabulary with our question challenge! Love words? Need even more definitions? One of our expert Houston DWI lawyers can make sure that you are not taken advantage of or tricked by police officers. We have enough experience with improper charges stemming from perceived intoxication to know that the word of a police officer is not always accurate and sometimes they make mistakes and send innocent people to jail.

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