What does trigger warning mean

2022.01.12 23:15

Is it true that whenever we are about to do an ill or unjust deed a shadow of the fruits it will bring comes over us as a warning? His repeated coughing seemed a constant warning that at any moment he might be vanquished in the struggle for becoming silence.

I suppose that to most men such a warning would be a direct incitement to make the attempt. Time and time again he had given warning of the approach of guerrillas, only to have his master meet them as friends. New Word List Word List. Save This Word!

Abbreviation : TW. The policy created an outcry, including on campus, where professors felt blindsided. Its litany of possibly "triggering" material was mocked as overly politically correct.

A few months later, the college tabled the trigger warning policy to be reworked; it hasn't yet been rewritten. Oberlin's trigger warning policy might have been short-lived. But it kicked off a national debate that both mocked the idea of trigger warnings as overly politically correct and suggested that they were powerful enough to seriously harm higher education.

But Jarvie had it backward. Trigger warnings aren't in danger of sliding down to K schools and movies. They're already there, and are trickling up to colleges. Films have ratings that come with specific details about why they're rated that way. Modern art exhibits sometimes carry labels about provocative content. K schools often let parents know if their children are exposed to sensitive material, and face criticism if they don't. Trigger warnings, in other words, aren't uncommon for two groups of people: paying customers and children.

This is doubly true when the paying customers are children. Movie ratings and warnings about provocative art exhibits aren't generally aimed at adults' delicate sensitivities. They're controversial in college because college students aren't supposed to be seen that way.

Underlying these objections are two big contradictions about the relationship between students and colleges:. But as higher education gets more expensive, that's been changing — colleges are adding amenities that students demand and are increasingly taking students' ratings of professors into account in tenure evaluations.

Trigger warnings are just a more overt example of a trend faculty members already fear: that making students uncomfortable is a route to student complaints, and student complaints have more power than they used to.

A college education isn't supposed to be a movie you can walk out of if you don't enjoy it, or a cruise ship you can get off if you're not having a good time. But colleges depend on students' tuition to keep their doors open.

An increasing share of faculty members are adjuncts without the protection of tenure. Anxiety about trigger warnings isn't always only trauma or sensitivity. It's about the power that comes with being a consumer, and how students are using it. Our mission has never been more vital than it is in this moment: to empower through understanding. Financial contributions from our readers are a critical part of supporting our resource-intensive work and help us keep our journalism free for all.

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Reddit Pocket Flipboard Email. To members of the media who haven't spent much time on college campuses recently, it was an unusual, even outlandish sight: Sign inside Student Center at Hofstra.

Why some people think trigger warnings help with trauma Trigger warnings are meant to give people with post-traumatic stress disorder, and others who have experienced trauma, an idea of the content they're about to encounter.

Why trigger warnings started showing up in college Trigger warnings have spread to college amid growing concern about how to handle sexual assault on campus. At Columbia, four students wrote an op-ed in favor of trigger warnings that started with an anecdote about a survivor of sexual assault reading Ovid's Metamorphoses: As a survivor of sexual assault, the student described being triggered while reading such detailed accounts of rape throughout the work.

Kelli Marshall, a lecturer at DePaul University who wrote for the Chronicle of Higher Education's Vitae blog about her teaching techniques, added this to her syllabus for a film class about Spike Lee and Quentin Tarantino: Works of Lee and Tarantino contain extreme profanity, nudity, depictions of sex, and hate-speech i.

Why trigger warnings are particularly controversial in college Oberlin's trigger warning policy might have been short-lived. Join Our Free Trial Now! First Known Use of trigger warning , in the meaning defined above. Learn More About trigger warning.

Share trigger warning Post the Definition of trigger warning to Facebook Share the Definition of trigger warning on Twitter. Time Traveler for trigger warning The first known use of trigger warning was in See more words from the same year. Statistics for trigger warning Look-up Popularity. Style: MLA. Get Word of the Day daily email! Test Your Vocabulary. Test your visual vocabulary with our question challenge!