Ameba Ownd


Skyrim what happens if you make a skill legendary

2022.01.12 23:20

I've had the option to make my level sneak skill legendary for a while now and was wondering what were the benefits, if any, from making a skill legendary.

Personally I think that if you make a skill "legendary", and get all the perk points back, you should still be able to re-invest them in that skill as if that skill was already level Of course that would mean you can't spend them in anything else, but it would be a useful boost not to mention, allowing you to re-level so you gained more perk points to spend in other things.

Or "Legendary" pickpocket being able to re-invest the three perk points necessary to get Larger Pockets, and carry more items, rather than suddenly being crippled by losing lbs of carrying weight. Or "Legendary" speech being able to re-invest the speech perk points so that the merchants have their extra gold and you can sell anything to any merchant.

Or a "Legendary" smith who doesn't forget how to smith dragonbone, and indeed, can use his spare dragon bones as a way of re-levelling his smithing skill.

Mind you this might be abusable with the "Legendary" lockpicking skill if you were allowed to re-invest as far as the perk that made lockpicks unbreakable. You might not want to invest them ALL up there, and might want to re-spec some of them in different skills, of course.

That's what going Legendary is for. Legendary should allow you to invest perks directly at the top of you like without investing in the all the perks you don't need, but is required to reach that "lop perk". Always save before making a skill legendary, and back out to the save if you find it too hard to continue your game.

Each additional quality level beyond Legendary improves Armor by 3. The skill related to the item will also affect how much it does. So the bonus is significantly larger on the armor on someone with the corresponding skill. With your smithing skill skyrocketing over you can upgrade weapons farther than the Legendary cap should normally allow. Is it better to make a skill legendary in Skyrim? Does making a skill legendary make it weaker?

Is it worth making a perk legendary? Can you make a skill legendary more than once? What is the easiest skill to level up in Skyrim? What is the hardest boss in Skyrim? Can you become king of Skyrim? What happens when you make a skill "Lengendary"?

I know it reduces your skill back but what does it do in return? User Info: Kamenr1der. Accepted Answer. I'm too lazy to re-write and re-phrase this answer again, so I'm copying and pasting from what I have previously written the PRBP stickyed topic on this board The Legendary System: Skills at can be made "Legendary.

All the Perks invested in the tree are returned and can be spent anywhere. This removes the Level Cap use to be