Does anyone else hate walter white
But which the most disliked Breaking Bad characters of them all? The show is ultimately about a protagonist transforming into an antagonist, a normal and relatable everyday individual becoming a reprehensible villain. So, with this story and its characters, the badder the better. Breaking Bad's most hated characters are more famous and beloved than most heroes from other popular series, so it's always worth discussing them and their unpleasant traits.
It's no secret that Skyler White was or perhaps most accurately, is hated by a section of the fan base. The reasons for this are many, and some are relatively complex. Some people saw Skyler as the primary antagonist of the show, the one who constantly got in the way of Walt's plans and actions.
And, like any antagonist, they hated her. Others found her personality too abrasive and annoying. And some hated the ways she got back at Walt, like ignoring him and cheating on Ted. However, most fans realize that she wouldn't be acting in this way if Walt didn't lie to her and endanger the lives of her entire family. The case of Gretchen and Elliott is much like the case with Skyler, the fan base hates them because we see them through Walt's point of view.
For much of the series, Gretchen and Elliott are painted as quasi-villains, as Walt clearly holds contempt for their accomplishments, their past history, and their seemingly selfish behavior.
They're both easy characters to dislike from just knowing them on the surface level. They're obscenely wealthy and seem to live in a very idyllic bubble that bears no real resemblance to what the vast majority of people would call everyday life.
However, they're not selfish and do even try to help Walt when he's first diagnosed but Walt's general aversion to charity causes him to paint them as the villains. Lydia is a late-stage addition to the show, but she still managed to make an impact. Vince Gilligan originally planned to kill Jessie in early in the series, but realized the 2 actors had great chemistry. He then decided both characters would form the central permise for the show.
By the time that decision was made, stuff had already happened limiting the writing to within the realm of what these characters were. Gilligan and Co. The main reason was necessity but also a general affection and love, Walt was proud to see Jessie finally apply himself and become good at something.
He took a fatherly interest. Walt and Jessie experienced many ups and downs as all relationships do. I believe he would have been forced to kill a now guilt ridden Jessie regardless of whether he went back to cooking or not. He was very likely to blow the whistle on Walt. Yeah, but still, thats not a strong argument, Walt saving that nearly sunk ship of Jesse when he had it made as Gus' cook, even at the risk of going to war with him, just didnt make sense, if Walt was so egocentric and only thinked of himself, then why did he do such an ill advised but noble act?
Jesse already made abundantly clear he was a totally incompetent idiot and almost all of the mid to late series conflict would have been avoided if not for using him as a plot device. Walt's character turned out to be so smart, he came up on top relatively quickly and the series couldnt continue without him doing something stupid.
Also, it wasnt necessary to kill Jesse, Walt already had talked him to disappear, its just that Saul and Huel made the mistake of not getting rid of that damn ciragette package. Please not Jesse. Really, really, please, please. While I recognize that I am probably pretty far along on the hating Walter White Scale oh, you watch, though, Vince Gilligan is just breaking last straws; wait till he gets to yours , this has not dampened my affection for the show.
The smug, menacing, megalomaniac Walt, parading around like he invented drug dealing, is the walking incarnation of this tension. With just the tone of his voice, the stupendous Bryan Cranston can make clear whether Walt is being genuine deeper, slower voice , fake angry condescension , pretending to be genuine sweet, high pitched, hint of condescension , or genuinely being fake, as in he is just deluding himself hepped-up, manic energy.
It is increasingly claustrophobic and anxiety-producing just having him onscreen. Every single thing he says has started to sound like a threat. He is the something horrible that is waiting to happen. He, as he only half-delusionally put it, is the one who knocks. Am I not serving the story? But ultimately, Skyler was being punished for being a woman who got in the way. Skyler might have to wait, but you don't have to.
Bryan Cranston Walter White had the same thoughts.