What does mahi mean in maori
The name comes from the call of the kiwi, a high-pitched "keee-weee" sound. The meaning of Whanganui is The Big Harbour. Wanganui is a corruption of the original Maori 'Whanganui'. Egg Egg. Mahi mahi is sometimes called dolphin fish, or in Spanish dorado. However, the mahi mahi is a fish, not a dolphin - don't worry, you're not eating Flipper. The word "mahi mahi" is Hawaiian.
The maori word for two is rua. Here are some other ones: 1-tahi 2-rua 3-toro 4-wha 5-rima 6-ono 7-whetu 8-waru 9-iwa tekau 1 - tahi, 2 - rua, 3 - TORU , 4 - wha, 5 - rima , 6 - ono, 7 - WHITU , 8 - waru, 9 - iwa, 10 - tekau. Iwi or hapu sub-tribe. There is not a Maori word for Kittens. Aotearoa- meaning Land of the Long white cloud. Log in. Maori Language and Culture. Study now. See Answer. Best Answer. Work together. Study guides. Q: What is the meaning of the maori word Mahi tahi?
Write your answer Related questions. What is number 1 in maori? Despite much debate, including many spurious myths, the origins of this term remain unclear. Used to refer to concepts such as sovereignity, self determination, autonomy. Traditionally this means canoe, vehicle or vessel. Sometimes used figuratively to mean a group, party or theme. Traditionally this refers to an extended family.
Also used in modern times to refer to the nuclear family. Can be used in both literal and figurative senses and is often applied to other groups of people or organisations. Deverson, T. Mahi seems to be the te reo word of the moment, at least in politics.
National leader Simon Bridges talked of "getting out and doing the hard mahi" when he toured the country, introducing himself to voters. Meanwhile, the Government called its apprenticeship scheme Mana in Mahi, which sounds less fascist than Strength in Work. Why do some words get picked up and not others? But the words are rarely direct substitutes. Nor is utu "revenge", as Macalister likes to remind people. The meaning of utu is closer to balance. And it is a fine example of a word that was relatively well known in the 19th century, that all but vanished in the 20th, until the film Utu reintroduced it.
Whakapapa is another one. People talk about the whakapapa of wine and things like that. These words have become widely known and accepted in the space of years. It's really quite remarkable. He is particularly interested in our playful forms of language crossover.
He saw a French cafe on Lambton Quay that listed kai on the window. He saw a Korean grocery called something like "the haere mai Asian store".