Where is ruben dario from

2022.01.12 23:51

The Argentine newspaper La Nacion sent as a correspondent to Spain in , with the custom that write chronicles about the collapse of the Spanish Empire were on the verge of losing the last colonies: Cuba and the Philippines. Work The poetry of Ruben Dario, as beautiful as art, music and sound, influenced hundreds of writers from both sides of the Atlantic Ocean.

Together with Garcilaso s. We can find the basic elements of his poetry in the prologues secular prose, songs of life and hope and wandering song. The pursuit of beauty that Ruben is hidden in reality is fundamental among them.

For Ruben, the poet's mission is made accessible to the rest of the men the ineffable side of reality. To discover this ineffable side, the poet has the metaphor and symbol as main tools. Directly related to this is the rejection of the realist aesthetic and its escapism to fantastic scenarios, remote spatially and temporally in their reality. It is the universal master of modernism, the highest representative of this trend all over the world. After her death in , he married again but divorced soon after.

Later in , he was appointed the Colombian Consul to Buenos Aires, where he became increasingly active in the literary community and the modernist movement. He published his second poetry collection, Prosas profanas y otros poemas Imprenta Pablo E. Coni , in At times, he reminds us of Poe; at other times, of Whitman.

Of the first, in that portion of his work in which he scorns the world of the Americas to seek an otherworldly music; of the second, in that portion in which he expresses his vitalist affirmations, his pantheism, and his belief that he was, in his own right, the bard of Latin America as Whitman was of Anglo-America. Brown, National Poetry Month. Materials for Teachers Teach This Poem. Poems for Kids. Raised as an orphan in the home of an aunt, he showed at an early age an astonishing ability for versification.

His early Jesuit training appears to have had little influence on his subsequent behavior, except perhaps to intensify his mystical inclinations. But in an effort to frustrate his announced plan to marry at age 14, he was sent to El Salvador.

There he met the poet Francisco Gavidia, who introduced him to French literature and instructed him in new styles of versification. In , hoping to find a more stimulating literary environment, he traveled to Valparaiso, Chile, where he wrote for the newspaper La Epoca.

He began to read the French Parnassian and symbolist poets, whose influence on what he wrote in the next few years was fundamental.