What is the difference between python 2.7 and 3.3
Many people consider Python 3 to be an improved version of Python 2, as some of the updates eliminate common mistakes made by programmers see the print example above. As described above, some of the changes have made Python 3 easier to understand for beginners.
Usage statistics shows that the number of programmers using Python 3 is already gradually increasing. Unless there is a clear reason for choosing one version of Python over the other, such as needing to work on existing code written in Python 2, then it is not worth worrying too much about the decision.
Most of the syntax is the same in each version of the language. In a survey of 6, programmers conducted in , roughly two-thirds said they write more code in Python 2 than Python 3. However, Python 3 is rapidly gaining ground; in , only 22 percent of people said they wrote more code in the new version of the language. When programmers start a personal project, just under half, use Python 3, with the rest preferring to stick with Python 2.
Among the reasons for not making the switch to Python 3, people cited dependence on packages only available for Python 2 and having a large base of legacy code written in Python 2 that would need to be upgraded. Others claimed that they simply have no incentive to move to Python 3 as Python 2 meets their needs, and they are used to working with it. The transition from Python 2 to Python 3 is happening slowly, but it is underway. Also read this [ python-notes.
Add a comment. Active Oldest Votes. In fact that's not even Python 3 specific and it can happen in various scenarios. Mainly you have to assume that the two objects may be different and work around this. Improve this answer. Seems like there is a bit of an issue with the use of signals by Flask and what happens when imports happen through flask. Sign up or log in Sign up using Google. Sign up using Facebook. Sign up using Email and Password. Post as a guest Name. In Python 3, text strings are Unicode by default.
Unicode strings can store foreign language letters, Roman letters and numerals, symbols, emojis, etc. In Python 2, if you write a number without any digits after the decimal point, it rounds your calculation down to the nearest whole number.
You would have to write it as 5. This is one example of how Python 3 syntax can be more intuitive, making it easier for newcomers to learn Python programming.
That said, it is still a big and visible difference you should know about. Essentially, in Python 3, the print statement has been replaced with a print function. But if you started with Python 2, the change may trip you up a few times. To learn more differences between Python 2 and 3, check out The Python Wiki. As mentioned earlier, most companies are still using Python 2 for legacy reasons, but more and more companies are using Python 3, or beginning to make the switch from 2 to 3.
In , Instagram migrated the majority of their Python code base from Python 2. There is a small change in error handling in both versions. In python 3.
If we are planning to have Python 3. For example, in the Python 2. Python In below python 2. This article is contributed by Arpit Agarwal. If you like GeeksforGeeks and would like to contribute, you can also write an article and mail your article to contribute geeksforgeeks. See your article appearing on the GeeksforGeeks main page and help other Geeks. Please write comments if you find anything incorrect, or you want to share more information about the topic discussed above. Skip to content. Change Language.
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