What is the difference between raspberry and blue raspberry
BY Matt Soniak. What Now, Raspberry? Big Questions Food History science technology top-story. Subscribe to our Newsletter! There are few flavors more head-scratching than blue raspberry.
Yet, blue raspberry as a cultural phenomenon persists today. No packaging or shelf placement can hide its eye-catching and somewhat confusing hue.
It makes its way into everything from fruit snacks and sports drinks to cotton candy and even flavored vodka. According to foodie lore, blue raspberry got its start in the midth century. In , Cincinnati food outfit Gold Medal created the stuff, looking for a way a draw attention to raspberry. The fruit, as we know, is almost always red in the wild.
Yes, but not like common red raspberries, the kind you buy in clamshell packages in the fresh produce aisle. Blue raspberry was created when ice pop manufacturers of the s had too many flavors that all needed the color red: cherry, strawberry, watermelon, raspberry. The manufacturers scrapped amaranth for a dye called brilliant blue. But if other artificially flavored foods like candy are any indication, it probably tastes as much like the real blue raspberry as cherry Skittles taste like fresh cherries, which is to say not at all.
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