What is the difference between usps priority and ups ground
UPS is more often costlier when it comes to shipping cost especially when it comes to shipping smaller items which weighs less than 2lbs. And UPS is much more preferred when it comes to shipping large items internationally.
For example, to ship around 5 lbs of the item, via USPS the estimated cost and the estimated delivery date will be the following :. Whereas when you shipping the same items via UPS, the cost and the estimated delivery time will be :. If you want to display the estimated delivery date and the cost of the packages on your cart and checkout pages, you can make use of the ELEX EasyPost shipping plugin , which will help you compare the prices of both the shipping carrier in one go.
UPS offers plenty of services that are economical and the best ones to ship the products. Here are some of the popular services to look for:. Though good for economical delivery options, not good for time-sensitive options.
The delivery time ranges from 1 to 5 days. To facilitate quick shipping, the estimated delivery option is determined by checking on all possible shipping methods to determine the best out of all. The only drawback is that the shipping is quite an expensive one.
You have early and saver options to choose from, wherein early lets you get your delivery by afternoon and the saver option will deliver by 4 pm local time. It is suitable when there is no urgency in terms of the package.
Like any other shipping carriers, UPS also has its own share of advantages and disadvantages. Lets take a quick look at them :. Both services deliver on Saturdays; only FedEx has standard Sunday delivery. And, while busy UPS drivers often work into the evenings, only FedEx has pre-arranged evening delivery options. The Postal Service also has the advantage of being able to deliver to PO box addresses.
There are lots of complaints online about longer delivery times with SmartPost vs. FedEx Ground. SmartPost does have the advantage of PO box delivery, however. UPS takes four days to deliver cross-country; Priority Mail takes just two. Both can reach PO box addresses. The time to send a package across the country was twice as long by First Class Mail as by Priority Mail.
For packages under 13 ounces, First Class Mail is generally the less expensive option. There are pros and cons to all these delivery options. Look into volume discounts with each carrier. Reach out to your eCommerce fulfillment company for help. Then choose the one that best fits your eCommerce shipping needs. Just a note to add to this great article.
Priority Mail is not a guaranteed service. I ship often in my business and it is becoming rarer that the shipping is two or three days.
More like 7 to ten depending on where it is going. It has been worse due to Covid but this problem keeps happening. Now, there will be a price hike so we will see if it is still a good option.
Top Shipping Guides. International Shipping for Beginners: The Basics. Choosing the Right Shipping Carrier. Most Asked Shipping Questions. Does Ground Service go to Puerto Rico? Who is Jimish Kothari? What is a Commercial Invoice for Customs? What is a Ground Shipment? Believe it or not, boats also count as ground transportation! Although they have the same motto, the operation processes are quite different.
It was established in based in Sandy Springs, Georgia. They follow mainly three criteria: quickness, reliability, and affordability. Seems confusing? In this article, we have provided all the details offered by these services and discussed exactly where they differ from one another. This will help you to get which platforms are best suited for your eCommerce business, and you will get clarity on the infamous debate i. Depending on what kind of shipment you want to make these courier services offers Have a look at the points mentioned below:.
Look below to find the difference between their rate, time, and others. This will help you to determine which services suit you the most. UPS has certain fees and surcharges that make this courier service a bit more costly than USPS, especially for smaller packages.