What kind of music affects plant growth
Answer: Yes, they will grow at different rates depending on the difference in soil mediums, watering rate, pH level, the differences in the plant leaves' intercellular void areas, differences in each plant's sensitivity level, etc.
Different plants WILL have a different rate of growth even when all controlled factors are similar amount of light, water, etc. Question: When was this article on music effecting plant growth published and where? Question: What was the outcome of the study on whether music can affect plant growth? Answer: Since the study showed that plant does have positive results when exposed to certain types of music, one of the conclusions can be the introduction of music for the farming industries for healthy and faster growth of vegetables and plants.
Anh, good question and something that we should try and experiment but I think it will be juicier. You can go to the relevant sites that I had linked in my article for any further helps that you require.
Thank you. Hi Ashley. When you play the right music over a longer period, the sound that is transmitted in the form of waves cause the particles in the air to vibrate consistently. Hence, the plant will benefit faster from this vibration. It is me once again. My science teacher is very exited for me to finish my science fair project. Thanks Again! Hi Don't ask. I am pleased to hear that this article on the effect of music on plant growth has helped you in your science project.
Wishing you the best and have a great weekend ahead. Hi Ana. That is an interesting story and I believed they do react to positive and negative vibes. This same thing happened to my aquarium fishes as well. I recently moved the aquarium nearer to the TV and the fishes now behaved oddly - kind of stresed.
So it could be from the TV dramas etc! So I've been doing a plant study of my own on Christian music and the growth of it has been great Hi Leo.
You will need plants that germinate and grow fast such as beansprouts, radishes, melon, marigolds, sunflower, mustard, cress and squash plants. Try one of these plants but my favorite is beansprouts. Good luck. Great articles! I'm doing a science project on music influencing plant's growth. What plant do you think is the best to use for this experiment? Also since I have limited time? Hi al, sure you can. Thanks for adding the credit and link.
Have fun and wishing you success in your science project,. Hi can u give us related studies for our research about Effects of Music on Plant Growth, we are struggling to find it. That is a good observation. I guess the water molecules inside the plant are in sync with the vibrations created by the sound waves.
Your post is very helpfully for my research Jacob, I am happy to know that the article has helped you with your school project. Thanks for letting me know and thanks for dropping by. Hi Bob. Yes, plants are getting the benefits both positive and negative from sound waves, as mentioned in the article. Thanks for highlighting the benefits they get from light waves sunshines etc.
Plants get energy from light waves. Why can't they get some benefit from sound waves, as well? Jack W, thank you for sharing your thoughts and experience. I truly appreciate your comments. There are still people who find it hard to believe the effect of music on plant growth despite the fact that there are many living proofs for them to see. I first came across the subject of sonic bloom with Kent Hovind's material.
There you had pics of guys who grew their corn to 4. This is a fact. So, whatever reasoning of sceptics against the fact that music does have posotive effect on plants is undisputable already, therefore it should go down on their lack of faith. Just research, experiment - but dont criticise just because you dont believe. I used this information for my statistics project and included it in my literature review.
I thought the information was very helpful and reinforced my hypotheses. Thank you! I used this for my science fair project. Hope you don't mind. Thanks for writing this article! I was just wondering what the vibrations of a sound wave do to contribute to plant growth. Well me and friend do experiment with planty plant and soundy sound the plant wit da sound di bette cuz science bitch.
Hi this article amazed me and as a student teacher I will love to do this with my learners one day.. GOD bless you sir.
Q: draw conclusions after only 4 days Ans: Can you point where was this mentioned in the article. Q: what was the duration of time the music was played Ans: For which experiment? For Dr. Singh's experiment, you can refer to the article in Asian Journal of Plant Sciences For the DeMorgenzon wine estate, the experiment was for 7.
Q: Heat from the speaker Ans: this is the variables that might affect the study, as a sound is 'transmitted and heard' by the plant through changes in the pressure such as vibration. It is not heat from the speakers that influenced growth.
But heat might affect the pressure energy. I respect your conclusion as to the viability of the experiment but to arrive at that conclusion without reading the full text of the study may be inconclusive as well.
Further research on the type of music for plants and sound frequency concluded to the following results: Classical music made plants grow better, bushier, and greener, with healthier stems. Jazz music also accelerated growth and made plants fuller. Heavy metal music , together with new age and Celtic tunes increase both plant mass AND fruit taste.
Country and western music for plants had no effects on development. Noisy rock music damages plants in the same way excess water or heavy winds do. Findings : Sound waves of dB and 1 kHz played for one hour at a distance of 0. Researchers also noticed the activity of endogenous hormones and protective enzymes has been enhanced. The same sound waves also increased sugar and soluble protein contents. Sweet pepper by Cotton by Lettuce by Spinach by Tomato by Rice by Violin was the most effective in boosting growth among all instruments he tried out.
Findings : Plants are, indeed, sensitive to sounds and generally grow better when exposed to them. Plants also react to the attitude with which they are nurtured. Echinocactus Grusonii Barrel Cactus Bright, indirect light to full sun Low to medium air humidity Reduced watering Note Growing this cactus is a rewarding experience with or without music. The Music for Plants that We Chose. For this experiment on plants and music, we tried to answer two of the most frequently asked questions coming from the plant and music lovers: Does classical music for plants sustain their growth?
Is rock music bad for plants? The Experimental Setup This took us a while to figure out as the three groups of plants need to have identical or very similar environments. The short answer is yes — but it really depends on the type of music and the plants, too! The Effect of Rock Music on Plant Growth The effects of rock music are overall better than I initially expected — even though most plants preferred classical music, most of our angry outcasts did better than their brothers and sisters in the control group.
The Asplenium listening to rock music started with 78 leaves and ended up with 81 leaves total, way lower than the growth registered by the Asplenium in the control group 25 extra leaves , and the one in the classical music group 16 extra leaves.
Therefore, according to our Aspleniums, silence is the best music for plants. The Fittonia in the rock music group ended up with 12 extra leaves and 1. The Epipremnum that listened to rock music registered the most progress — 6 new leaves and 1. Marantas gave us a textbook example of how music helps plants grow no matter the type — the one listening to rock music unfurled 5 new leaves during this past month and its longest stem grew 1 inch in length.
This progress is similar to the one registered by the prayer plant listening to classical music but way better than the one in the control group. The jade tree listening to rock music is doing the worst of all — it only has one extra leaf and, although it tried to grow more new ones, they were dropping like crazy during the last two weeks of our experiment.
In case you wonder why your succulent leaves are falling off for no apparent reason, be mindful of the music you listen to while you are in the same room with them.
You never know what discoveries you could make! The cactus in the rock music group shows the same progress as the one in the classical music group. The one in the control group stagnated. Major Takeaways Some plants may like rock music while others may not. The Effect of Classical Music on Plant Growth Overall, our experiment confirms yet again that classical music is the best music for plant growth.
The Fittonias prove that classical music is the best music for plant growth — the one in the fancy group grew 16 new leaves and 1. The Epipremnum listening to classical music grew 1.
Our Prayer Plants are giving us textbook results — the one listening to classical music popped up 6 new leaves and grew 1. In fact, she explained that: Plants thrive when they listen to music that sits between Hz and Hz, as the vibrations emitted by such music emulate similar sounds in nature. Jazz and classical music seems to be the music of choice for ultimate plant stimulation.
Some sounds can make the stomata on plants stay open longer the tiny pores that act like lungs on plants which means they take in more air and grow faster. Laura Barry Laura Barry is a writer, bookworm and interior design enthusiast with a love for reporting on all things homes, travel and lifestyle. Get more from Better Homes and Gardens. Surprisingly, the plant responded with electrical signals that were extremely similar to the ones humans give out when secreting serotonin.
Since the 70s plants have been exposed to various kinds of music. The Mozart effect seems to have a peculiar effect on plants in as far as frequency; the National Institute of Agricultural Biotechnology of South Korea states that the best results stem from music with a frequency between and Hz.
This was actually proven in by Retallack , who proved that plants grown with this frequency tended to grow away from it, in an effort to escape, as well as growing smaller leaves. Before he actually realized this he did a series of tests in which he divided groups of plants into three, showing each group a particular kind of music. The first group heard 8 hours of music a day, the second group heard 3 hours a day. Obviously the third group was the control group.
The musical genres that seem to give the best results are classical music from the south of India, classical music in general and jazz.