Can i monster reborn chaos sorcerer
And also, it never stated that it can only be played from the hand. The other one disputes that you can't special summon him from the graveyard, even after he is special summoned properly because his card effect doesn't include the graveyard.
The latter stated that he asked someone who played a judge at an official tournament who stated that it was legal play, only after he was special summoned properly. All right lets set something straight. You can use Monster Reborn or Call of the Haunted on them. My relatives have a similar problem with their friend. If it can special summon itself from the Deck, graveyard, or removed from play zone, then it will say so.
You can special summon Chaos Sorcerer from the Graveyard after he has been successfully summoned, though, with the effect of Monster Reborn or Call of the Haunted. If you have any issues or find any bugs, be sure to let us know on Discord!
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This page was last edited on 5 November , at Duel Links.