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Can you remove floyd rose

2022.01.12 23:55

Bender strat , Jan 22, Age: 31 Messages: 2, Once you've got used to stringing a guitar with a Floyd Rose, it becomes fairly easy. It's not as complicated as it seems.

If you're going to take out the FR, I wouldn't bother getting the guitar personally. Messages: 3, If you buy it and want a mint green HSS pickguard, pm me. I mistakenly ordered one instead of clicking on the standard strat one. They are way different size wise. If you get rid of the floyd, figure the cost of a new PG too. Jack FFR , Jan 22, Well I'll say it depends if it was originally fitted with the Floyd, if not and its mounte on the body without the rout out, you should be able to switch it out no prob.

Floods are nice, the way it's strung makes bending easier because you don't have to bend as far, it is quite a nice thing to have on one guitar for the crazy whammy stuff.

It's up to you to get the sounds" Y. So much good bargains around. I would pass on that. Messages: 1, Here's a possible compromise, I don't know if it would work with a Floyd rose, I have a 85 contemporary with system 1 locking trem and I just removed the locking nut in this design it still has an actual nut , plus I blocked the term and removed the fine tuners, and I like it a lot more.

Maybe look at the problem from the other end of the neck you know? Edit: it's also MIJ, and I love the sound. Messages: 8, Boris Bubbanov , Jan 22, Dude don't buy the guitar if you want to change the floyd.

I don't know even how will you deck the smaller trem. There used to be a Gotoh two-point trem with floyd-rose dimensions and post spacing, athough I don't know if this is still manufactured or how much it costs as it has been a long time since I saw one of those.

There was also something similar for the nut conversion. Even if these are still available though, if you factor in the extra costs it will definitely make the whole plan unfeasible financially. I will have to agree with everyone else here that if you don't want the floyd there is no reason to buy that guitar. Thank you all, your responses are very much appreciated and gave me a lot to think about.

I was merely thinking I could recapture some lost magic. Last edited by Axewielder ; , PM. Take the strings off and you should be able to grab the springs with your fingers and be able to unhook the loop end.

When adding springs, attach the spring to the block first and then use your hand to pull it to the claw. No pliers needed. I use a tremlok. Its a plastic wedge that slides under the trem base plate. Use the bar and dive the trem slide the trem tool under the base plate and let the bar back up and its locked. No need to remove the springs to change strings. Last edited by straycat ; , PM. Originally posted by Axewielder View Post. I'm not Ron! Yeah, like Ben said. I do the "pull the trem sharp as it can go with the bar and remove the springs by hand one at a time" thing as well.

Same for re-springing. Bend the trem back and hook the block, then ring the claw. Got tired of looking for my pliers, and got doubly tired of hunting behind the TV for the spring as the pliers let go. I want to depart this world the same way I arrived; screaming and covered in someone else's blood The most human thing we can do is comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

Does locking the bridge to dive only help to increase the tuning stability? What is the impact of the tools you suggested? It is practiCarly the same as a hardtail. Removing the locking nut only reduces tuning stability. At all. Changing tunings is changing the overall tension on the top side of the bridge — the springs on the bottom WILL compensate. Tremsetter works like a restaurant kitchen door. I have them on my Floyd-equipped guitars.

Is it true? I checked the Tremsetter, this seems hard to install, did you install them on your own? The floyd rose will be in the same position even if you are in drop C, but if you want to tune higher than E standard then you are going to have tuning issues because the tension on the strings will be higher than the one on the springs and it will move the bridge forward, in the other hand when you are in a low tuning the tension on the springs will be higher than on the strings but since the tremolo is blocked off that doesnt matter and the floyd will stay on the zero point and it will stay on tune and you will still be able to divebomb.

So the goal of dive only, and the Tremsetter ed talk about, is to keep the bridge at the Zero point so that the springs are at the good tension for any tunning, right? I think i get it now, thx for the detailed answer Alan. Post reply. Need help? Similar threads. Floyd Rose. Replies 8 Views Difference Syn custom and Syn standard? Replies 14 Views Buy Floyd Rose 6 string, hard tail 7 string or replace pickups?

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