When is elul 29 2020

2022.01.12 23:57

Secrets of the Cave of the Patriarchs. Dave Chappelle and the Space Jews. Torah Portion. Remembering the Mensch of Malden Mills. I, Pencil: The Movie. Our Modern-Day Hanukkah Story. Saying Hello to Hanukkah. Hanukkah and the Secret to Jewish Survival. Article of in the series Day in Jewish History Previous of Please donate at: aish. Display my name? Yes No. Please sign me up for Aish. Most Popular at aish. Katie Couric and The Other Racism. Our privacy policy. Empower Your Jewish Journey.

Sign up to Aish. It did that in and There is very choppy financial behavior. The stock market jumps and falls hundreds of points in a single day, like a roller coaster. The three largest stock market gains in a single day were right in the middle of before the great fall in September of that year.

There is a substantial decline in year bond yields. When investors begin moving their money to safer investments it means they think we are going nowhere for a very long time.

The price of oil crashes and there is a dramatic drop in the number of oil and gas rigs in operation. This happened in and is happening again now. Gas prices fall, as they did in Industrial commodities begin to fall and investors leave junk bonds.

And finally, investor confidence begins to decline. The VIX fear gauge spiked in early January at From the numerous economists I have listened to last year there are many who say this will be a horrible year financially for not only this country but the rest of the world. Europe is in deflation. The Russian ruble has collapsed, and Chinese factory work has slowed down significantly. Something else will happen between the years of There will be a historical cycle convergence of three major events.

These events happen like clockwork throughout history but this time all three cycles converge at the same time. They are world war, civil rebellion, and financial collapse.

A certain economist was asked when will the next great financial collapse come. His reply: So, is Cahn right? Will the Shemitah event happen this year as a warning to a nation and world that has basically thrown the precepts and teachings of the Lord into the gutter?

Will it be a collapse so horrible that it will make people wish for the depression of instead? Have the central banks of the world finally been caught with their proverbial hand in the cookie jar by God and will finally be called on the carpet?

A couple of weeks ago the Swiss Bank threw off the self-imposed restriction cap on its money. What this means is that they no longer trust the Central Bank of Europe to rescue them from a sinking ship. The Emperor Central banks like the Federal Reserve is naked and everyone is finally seeing it. I remember the story of the Wizard of Oz.

Such is the future of America and the Federal Reserve.