derfestroughsen1980's Ownd

How long do cumberland sliders live for

2022.01.12 23:58

I think it's over 50 years now, the turtle. I would imagine other turtles and other subspecies can live as long, yes, if given proper care. You need to be a member in order to leave a comment. Sign up for a new account in our community. It's easy! Already have an account? Sign in here. General Turtle Discussions Search In. Recommended Posts.

This area should also be big enough that your turtle can completely dry off his plastron and shell, and he should be able to really stretch out and relax. A cooler area should be on the opposite end of the basking area of the tank.

If you have more than one Cumberland Slider Turtle, you may see them all basking together. Cumberland Sliders prefer an omnivorous diet, so you can feed your pet a combination of commercial pelleted turtle food and then supplement that with mealworms, crickets, and leafy green vegetables, such as collard greens, turnip greens, and romaine.

These popular pet turtles are known for being active and fun to watch. They might even stack themselves on top of one another as they bask. Photo credit: Danny Steven S. Established populations of T. Populations in the cities of Chesapeake, Norfolk, Virginia Beach, Suffolk, and Newport News have been found to be comprised of intergrades between these two forms. Turtles in these populations possess characters typical of natural T. Red-Eared Sliders have an enlarged, oblique reddish patch behind each eye, narrow chin stripes, a yellowish-green carapace with the distinct yellow streak on the pleural scutes, black blotches on most of the plastral scutes, and horizontal yellow and black stripes on the rear of the thighs.

Intergrades have the reddish or yellowish patch behind the eyes or have both the red streak and a reduced, vertical yellow bar. They also have black blotches of highly variable size on several of the plastral scutes, and a mottled pattern or set of horizontal lines on the rear of the thighs.

The carapace is greenish with a narrow yellow line in each of the pleural scutes. See "Conservation and Management" for additional discussion. Biology: Yellow-Bellied Sliders inhabit all manner of freshwater habitats in southeastern Virginia, from lakes and ponds to rivers, ditches, marshes, bays, and swamps. The Cumberland slider has been found only in the Holston River.

Preferred habitat has an organic substrate, aquatic vegetation, and basking sites. The activity period is April through October.

Of the known captures, These turtles overwinter in water in soft organic substrate, in muskrat burrows, and by simply sitting on the bottom. This species is omnivorous as adults and mostly carnivorous as juveniles. The following items have been found in their feces: unidentified plant stems and leaves, tulip tree Nyssa spp. Other prey include algae, seeds and stems of numerous vascular plants, gastropods, insects, other arthropods, crayfish, crustaceans, tadpoles, fish, and vertebrate carrion Parmenter and Avery, Predators of adults are raccoons Procyon lotor and humans, who shoot them while basking, kill them on roads, and fracture shells with boat propellers.

Hatchlings and juveniles are eaten by large fish, some snakes, raccoons, and wading birds. Eggs in nests are eaten by raccoons, striped skunks Mephitis mephitis , crows Corvus spp. In , A. Hundley pers. Mating occurs in spring, fall, and winter months Gibbons and Greene, Mating has not been recorded in Virginia, but nest records are 18 May to 25 June. Females construct an oval-shaped nest chamber in a variety of soil types.

Nest construction usually occurs at dusk and at night. Clutch size ranged from 6 to 15 ave. Do not use aquarium gravel, which is too small and can be accidentally ingested. It is recommended that sliders be kept separately in aquariums. Males will fight each other, and are prone to harass females incessantly. Two females, if kept in an aquarium that is too small, will certainly fight for space, with one becoming dominant and potentially injuring the other. Keeping two females together in too small a space may also result in one female being stunted.

Slider turtles are perfectly happy to be housed alone, whether they are male or female. They do not need a tank mate to thrive. You must have a very large aquarium or an outdoor pond to keep more than one in the same enclosure, with only one male in a group. Slider turtles can be kept outdoors, but in colder climates, such as northern California, they will hibernate during the colder months. If they are kept outdoors in a pond, they still require appropriately sized enclosures and UVB lights or direct sunlight.

Without a basking bulb or a heater in their water they will hibernate. However, you will still need to do regular water changes and clean the filter on occasion. You can safely use mechanical, biological and chemical filter media in your filter without harming your turtle. Those that she did not eat grew larger and remain in her tank consuming uneaten food and waste. This helps to keep the tank clean. If you have a larger turtle and you want to add goldfish you will need to buy large goldfish, otherwise they will be eaten by your turtle.

UVB light provides them with vitamin D3, which they need to metabolize calcium and build strong bones and shell scutes. An incandescent or basking light and a UVB light should be placed above the basking platform. The heat from the basking light will draw the turtle to the basking spot where he or she will benefit from the UVB light.

The heat will also elevate their metabolism along with their digestive and immune systems and help them to properly digest their food. Without the correct temperature, sliders will not process the vitamins and minerals in their food and they will become sick and die.

You can purchase these bulbs online. Spiral-type UVB bulbs are known to cause eye infections in reptiles and should not be used. Tube-type UVB lamps are okay for light, but do not produce enough usable UVB and do not penetrate far enough into the aquarium.

Mini compact fluorescent or spiral-type light bulbs are not recommended as they can cause eye irritation or infections in reptiles. Please note the following: There should be no glass or Plexiglas between your slider and the UVB source. If you choose this option, please do not expose your turtle to the The basking spot temperature should be higher than the water temperature to entice your turtle to bask. The water Temperature should be maintained at 75FF 24CC for young adults and adults, or at least 80F 27C for hatchlings and young juveniles.

The recommended calcium to phosphorous ratio is When your slider is adult, if you can balance the food with regards to the calcium and phosphorous then a calcium supplement is not necessary. The powdered form of D3 is not recommended and may cause the sliders to overdose on D3.

Your sliders should be getting enough D3 from the UVB lighting or natural sunlight. Young sliders are generally carnivorous, requiring a mostly meat protein diet.

As they progress to the juvenile stage, they will begin to accept vegetable matter and when adult will become predominately herbivorous. But even as adults they will accept meaty foods if offered. Their drive to consume high protein foods makes it easy to over-feed them, and with too much protein they can develop rapid growth and their shells can start to pyramid pyramiding.