barkhatgerpre1979's Ownd

What is leukocyte esterase ua

2022.01.13 00:01

Granular Casts. Grass Mix 1. Growth Hormone. Gynecological Cytology. H Hallux valgus. HDL Cholesterol. Heel spur.

Helicobacter pylori Breath Test. Helicobacter pylori Serology. Hemochromatosis Genotype. Hemoglobin Electrophoresis. Hepatitis B. Hepatitis C IgG. Herniated disc. Hiatal hernia. HLA B Hot zone. Howell-Jolly Body. HS Troponin T. Hyaline Casts. I Icterus. IGF 1. Iliotibial Band Friction Syndrome. Immunity and herd immunity.

Inhibin B. Insomnia acute or chronic. Ionized Calcium. Iron profile. Irritable bowel syndrome. K Karyotype. Ketones routine urine test. Kidney Cells. Kidney Disease nephropathy. L Lactiferous ducts. Lateral epicondylitis. LDL Cholesterol. Leflunomide Metabolite. Leukocytes esterase.

Leukocytes routine urine test. Liver profile. Lumbar Facet Syndrome. Lumbar osteoarthritis. Lumbar sprain. Lying Aldosterone. Lying Renin. Lyme Disease. Lymphogranuloma venereum. M Macadamia Nuts. Maintenance of Wakefulness Test.

Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin. Mean Corpuscular Volume. Mean Platelet Volume. Medial epicondylitis. Meniscal lesion. Microbiological stool analysis by PCR. Mixed Casts. Molluscum contagiosum. Mono Test. Multiple Sleep Latency Test. Mumps IgG and IgM. N N respirator mask. Nocturnal Paediatric Oximetry. Nucleated Red Blood Cells. O Oats. Obstructive sleep apnea.

OI Cell Cold Agglutinin. Osmolality urination. P Paediatric Helicobacter pylori Breath Test. Pappenheimer Bodies. Parvovirus B19 IgG. PCR Herpes. Pelvic inflammatory disease. Penicillin G. Pertussis whooping cough. Pharyngitis and laryngitis. Pinworm Testing. Plantar fasciitis. Platelet Anisocytosis.

Platelet Clumping. Pneumo test. Point-of-care testing POCT. Predictive medicine. Pregnancy Test urine. Prenatal Screening Test. Preventive medicine. Promyelocyte Number and Ratio. Prostate biopsy. Prothrombin GA Mutation. PT INR. Consumers should never disregard medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something they may have read on this website.

Chemical Analysis The chemical examination measures several features of the urine. The kidneys regulate this acid-base chemistry by reabsorbing sodium and secreting hydrogen and ammonium ions. When the body retains excess sodium or acid, urine becomes more acidic i. Highly acidic urine can occur with uncontrolled diabetes, diarrhea, starvation, dehydration, and certain respiratory diseases. This can occur with urinary tract infections and certain kidney and lung conditions.

Certain foods can also alter the pH of your urine. For example, eating excessive protein or cranberries can make your urine more acidic, whereas eating a low-carbohydrate or vegetarian diet can make your urine more basic. Sometimes people are asked by their doctors to regulate the pH of their urine through diet in order to manage certain diseases or medications.

For example, kidney stones can occur if urine pH is too high or too low. Protein : Excessive protein in the urine proteinuria is a sign of kidney involvement in lupus. Usually, your kidneys prevent protein from passing from your blood into your urine: loops of capillaries glomeruli that filter blood allow small particles to pass into the urine while retaining larger particles, such as protein, and kidney tubules reabsorb the smaller proteins that were able to escape.

Large amounts of protein in the urine suggest that these glomeruli and tubules are inflamed or damaged in some way. If there is a large amount of protein in the urine, your doctor may request that you give a hour urine sample or obtain a random protein to creatinine ratio.

These two tests are used to monitor lupus affecting the kidneys lupus nephritis. Glucose : Your urine should not contain glucose. If it does, your doctor will order further bloodwork and urine tests to determine the cause. Glucose in the urine is called glucosuria; it can occur in people with diabetes that is not properly regulated with insulin, in people with kidney problems that affect the absorption of glucose, in pregnant women, and in people with liver abnormalities or hormonal disorders.

Ketones : Ketones in the urine ketonuria indicate that your body is metabolizing its fat reserves instead of carbohydrates to obtain energy. This can occur in people on low-carbohydrate diets, people who are malnourished, or people who have a problem properly metabolizing carbohydrates e. It can also occur with excessive exercise, loss of carbohydrates due to vomiting, or exposure to cold.

In people with diabetes, ketonuria may indicate insufficient management with insulin. Blood : The chemical examination of urine also measures the amount of red blood cells in the urine sample. The presence of red blood cells in the urine is known as hematuria, and the presence of hemoglobin from red blood cells is known as hemoglobinuria. Usually people have very small amounts of red blood cells in their urine, but even a minute increase can indicate a problem, such as a disease of the kidney or urinary tract, trauma, medications, smoking, or intense exercise e.

When the chemical test for blood in the urine is negative but the microscopic assessment shows the presence of red blood cells, the laboratory will usually check for the presence of vitamin C, which can interfere with test results.

Therefore, it is very important to tell your physician if you are menstruating or are experiencing any other condition that could contaminate your urine sample. It is also very important that you speak to your lab technician about proper aseptic technique when giving a urine sample. Therefore, the presence of this substance in the urine indicates the presence of white blood cells leukocyturia.

Editorial team. Leukocyte esterase urine test WBC esterase. The urinary system is made up of the kidneys, ureters, urethra and bladder.

How the Test is Performed A clean-catch urine sample is preferred. How to Prepare for the Test No special steps are needed to prepare for this test. How the Test will Feel The test will involve only normal urination. There is no discomfort. Why the Test is Performed Leukocyte esterase is a screening test used to detect a substance that suggests there are white blood cells in the urine.

Normal Results A negative test result is normal. What Abnormal Results Mean An abnormal result indicates a possible urinary tract infection. The following may cause an abnormal test result, even when you do not have a urinary tract infection: Trichomonas infection such as trichomoniasis Vaginal secretions such as blood or heavy mucus discharge The following may interfere with a positive result, even when you do have a urinary tract infection: High level of protein High level of vitamin C.