barkhatgerpre1979's Ownd

What is llama badge in deviantart

2022.01.13 00:01

If collectors want a personalized work of art like a portrait, they will commission an artist. Skip to content Articles. May 7, Joe Ford. So no, they don't really serve any purpose. I've accumulated enough llamas that I have a super llama now? You could treat it like a sort of digital pet. I think at one point llamas could be converted into point but i have no idea if that's still the same.

I know that points have a cash conversion value but yeah llamas are worth nada. Llama badge is a popular badge which can be exchanged freely on deviantART. They were introduced as an April Fools joke, but the feature was simply never removed due to its positive response. This is the only badge for which you can buy extras. The badge has bowtie and sunglasses available. There are many controversies about how pointless the badge is.

Users primarily use llama badges to get some exposure. Help Center. Sorry, we couldn't find any results for that query. Please try a new one! Try using different search terms or browse the categories. Badges add a bit flair and a lot of fun to your profile!