Where is falion house in skyrim

2022.01.13 00:02

Talk to Falion again once you have a filled soul gem and he will ask you to meet him at his mound at dawn. However, if you are blood-starved he won't help you. If you are blood-starved, you will need to feed on a human at night. See: Vampirism. Simply talk to Falion at the mound at dawn around am works , say "Let's get this over with" and he will perform a ritual to cure you of your vampirism. It's over with. There is a covered porch along the front of the building and continuing around to the left.

There are two wooden benches and a food barrel to the left of the front door. In the area to the left are two more wooden benches, a large pile of firewood and a grindstone. This is a one room home, from where Falion also sells his services and items. On your left upon entering is a long wooden table with a food barrel beside it. On the table is a sample of snowberries , several loaves of bread , a bottle of wine , two bottles of Nord mead , a salmon steak and four pine thrush eggs.

Above the table, hanging from the ceiling are two garlic braids, two bunches of elves ear , and two bunches of frost mirriam. Much more detailed info on this here Anyway Serana has been in Morthal for three days now. And Spends her time walking around the village and staying in Falion's house. She has not said a word to Falion but about am they both leave the house and go and walk around the town until dawn. Serana's eyes are still orange so she is not cured yet.

I'm guessing now her eye's will just change to normal at some point and she will run all the way back to the Dawnguard Fort. But I'm hoping there will be a conversation between her and Failon before she goes.

She was walking around Morthal on day three and her eyes just suddenly changed to what's they look like in this picture and she says, "Hi, I'm back". There are a couple of lines of conversation but no need to spoil them. Active Oldest Votes. Well, i wouldn't help someone either who broke into my house in the night.

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