Where is north skybound watch in skyrim
Follow the stairs down on the right to find the door leading to the interior section of the pass. The path that leads up to it from near Orphan Rock is guarded by a wispmother and three wisps.
The tower has a novice-locked chest with random loot at the very top, a random helmet on top of a broken stone table on the level below and a random potion of healing , magicka or stamina on a shelf to the immediate right of the iron door leading into the interior of the pass.
The passage helps link the lower lying region of Whiterun to the mountainous portion of Falkreath and is divided into three small sections.
On either end of the passage are a number of bandits that are cut off by a giant frostbite spider 's lair. Entering from the south leads down a flight of stairs to a room containing many jazbay grapes and hanging moss , with a stairwell in the middle. Wooden spiral stairs lead down to a passage, where three bandits wait.
There is an urn on your right, and a bit farther, a burial urn on your left. This portion of passage is slightly flooded and contains a large amount of hanging moss. There is an unlocked chest against the east wall, which is trapped with an apprentice-level tension cable that triggers poison darts to shoot from the wall.
To avoid damage, either disarm before opening, or just stand to the side until they stop. The passage leads to a door, with a giant frostbite spider on the other side of the door facing towards you. Entering from the northern entrance you will immediately see a couple of bed rolls and then eight hanging moss growing from the ceiling. Ask A Question. Browse More Questions. Keep me logged in on this device. Forgot your username or password? User Info: AceVanquish AceVanquish 9 years ago 1 It's just to the east of riverwood at the base of the large mountain.
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