Game genie bad dudes

2022.01.14 16:24

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Press Start on controller 1 to begin. Please check out our youtube channel which is dedicated to everything NES related. Help support this site by subscribing now. If any of the codes do not work, or if you know of any that do work that I did not mention please post about it in a comment below.

If you are playing Bad Dudes on Emulator Or another NES emulator which supports cheat codes there are a ton of cheat codes you can use. The cheat code will now be activated, please note with some codes need you to reset the game for the code to activate.

Question : Are you stuck on this game or want to find and unlock everything? Answer : Good news, There is a website that has thousands of walkthrough for NES games which were created and submitted by NES fans just like me and you. Best of all there are some cheats and also save states you can also download. You will need a Action Replay or Game Genie to use the cheats listed on this page. Answer : No, the codes listed under game genie and action replay sections can be used in any NES emulator which supports cheats.

Answer : All the cheats listed on this page have been tested by me. If you are having issue with one of them post about it below and I will check it out for you. Answer : Please post about it in a comment below and I will add it to this article. Answer : We do not have any codes for the gameshark pro device. Don't have an account? Sign up for free! What do you need help on? Cancel X. Would you recommend this Guide? Yes No Hide. Send Skip Hide. Message Sent. Guide and Walkthrough by IRogers Version: 1.

Hmmmmm, interesting. I've also fixed a few errors, and added a few names to the Acknowledgements section. Believe it or not, this FAQ has been in its half finished stages for a very long time now, and I'm glad it's out. And enjoying it too. But not in the same sense as most people enjoy games, oh no. My friend and I would play Bad Dudes simply to make fun of every aspect of this silly little game. From the overworked storyline to the choppy frame rate, and especially that distorted voice yelling out "I'm Bad!

Those were good times. Now I own Bad Dudes for myself, and have beaten it many times, and the ending is as funny and as lame as I remember it from all those years ago. Storyline 2. Items and Weapons 4. Tricks and Codes 2. Game Genie Codes 3. Frequently Asked Questions 4. Acknowledgements 5. Read through this section for some basic information or if you're looking for a few tips. Suddenly, a large Army Man walked into the room.

Suddenly, the two dudes knew what was wrong. According to that morning's newspaper, the evil Dragon clan had kidnapped their honorable President and taken him to their secret base. Since it was quite obvious that the Army, the Marines, the Navy, and the Air Force were all powerless to stop these fiends, they decided to do it themselves. So Blade and Striker, dressed in their favorite black tank tops and ripped jeans, set out to rescue the President with a hearty shout of "I'm Bad!

The only real difference is their hair color Blade has brown hair, and Striker has Blond and they each have a slightly different tint between them. Special Moves Pick Up Items Controls: Hold down and press A while on top of the item Description: If an item or weapon is on the ground, this is the only way that you can pick it up.

Extremely useful. High Jump Controls: Hold Up and press B Description: Allows you to jump extraordinarily or some would say ridiculously high off the ground. Use this to avoid certain enemies if necessary, or to jump up to a higher platform.

That's about all it's good for. It's absolutely useless, or at least I haven't found a place where it comes in handy. If no enemy is around, you will simply punch air. This move is critical when taking down the smaller enemies. If you have a weapon, you will swing that weapon instead. Note that swinging a weapon while kneeling is about twice as fast as swinging a weapon while standing up.

This is not as effective as the Spin Kick see below. Description: The awesomely powerful punch will down any regular enemy in a single hit. It can even take down more than one ninja at a time if they are standing close to each other. The only downside is that it takes awhile to charge it up. It can be one of four objects that can greatly help you on your mission. Cola: Refills 5 bars of your life.

Clock: Adds on 5 seconds to your time. This item is pretty much a waste, as I have never once encountered time problems when playing a level. Weapons: The Dagger and the Numchucks are powerful weapons that will kill ordinary ninjas in one hit. You carry them around with you until you die, and you can even take them between levels.

Their one flaw is that a weapon takes slightly longer to use than an ordinary punch, which can work against you when fighting large amounts of ninjas. The solution to this to kneel down and use your weapon, as this eliminates the speed problem entirely, allowing a weapon to be used at the same speed as a normal punch. And in case anyone is wondering, there is no difference whatsoever between the dagger and the numchucks.

Here's a list of them, complete with point values. Blue Ninja: Points This is your basic ninja, blue, slow, and dumb.

You can take him down easily in one hit. Don't expect too much from these clowns, but they can gang up on you easily, so be careful. Gray Ninja: Points These nasty fellows like to throw either spinning blades or handfuls of tacks at you. You can block their attacks by punching the objects as they come flying towards you. You can also kick the tacks that lie on the ground.

The ninjas themselves take two hits to kill. Red Ninja: Points The Red Ninjas are extremely important because they will leave an item behind after being killed. Red Ninjas will usually run on to the screen, attack you, then run away, so you'll need to be quick if you want to attack them and snatch their item. They take two hits to kill.

Blue Swordsman: Points Watch out for these nasty fellows! The blue swordsman will jump up high then thrust downward hoping to remove several bars of your life. The easiest way to kill them is to dodge their attack by walking backward as they jump, then punching the ninja before they swing their sword when they hit the ground. Two hits will do it. Gray Swordsman: Points They're basically the same as the Blue Swordsman, except that these guys will make more of a scene by thrusting their sword down all the way.

Watch out for them in later levels. It takes the usual two hits to kill them, use the same technique described above. Red Female Ninja: Points These nasty ladies are no big deal.

They walk up to you slowly with the intention of throwing a few puny punches or kicks your way, but one simple punch will put them down. The only reason these gals exist is for a few easy points.

Blue Female Ninja: Points Same as above. Little Blue Ninja: Points This short little fellow will slowly creep towards you and deliver a few kicks or punches. Just duck down and kick him once to get him out of your hair. Another easy enemy. Little Gray Ninja: Points Exactly the same as the little blue ninja, but this guy will do a couple of flips around your head, making him a little harder to hit if you're not ready for him. Flaming Orange Ninja: 1, Points These mysterious individuals will see you, spontaneously burst into flame, then proceed to run towards you at full speed.

You can't kill these guys with your fists alone, so if you see one coming, do a high jump straight into the air as they run under you. But if you have a weapon, duck down and start swinging it as the ninja charges straight into you and ends up getting killed. I'm sure you could use the points. Dogs: Points Technically not a ninja, but are in this section anyway.

These vicious canines will stand in one place, then suddenly run after you if you get too close. Dogs are tough to kill without a weapon, so I try to avoid them by jumping up to either a higher or lower level to get them to run away. If you do get too close however, duck down and start swinging your fists, taking small steps closer until the dog attacks you, getting itself killed in the process. I haven't gone into large detail because, well, I really didn't think it was that necessary.

Also, watch out for the Swordsmen later in the level, and try to save your energy for the Boss. Walkthrough: In the beginning of the level, several blue and gray ninjas will come running at you from either side.

Take care of them with a few regular punches, and watch out for any tacks that the gray ninjas will throw on to the ground. You should also encounter a red ninja here who will drop a clock if you kill him. Grab the clock if you desperately need the extra time then fight off more gray and blue ninjas that should be attacking you.

If you have some seconds to spare, try charging up a Flaming Punch, then using it to knock out several enemies at once. About halfway through the level you should see a large blue truck with the word "Dudes" written on it.

The doors will open, and three blue ninjas will jump out, then three more after them. Punch or kick each of them one at a time, then head onward.

Right after you pass the truck, a very important red ninja should pass by. Kill him and grab the Cola that he drops.

After the second red ninja, there are more gray and blue ninjas to come. Take care of them the same way as before, then watch out for the Blue Swordsman that follows them. These guys will jump up and swing their swords at you, taking away a large chunk of your life. When they jump up, move backward to dodge their attacks, then punch them back.

After several more enemies, you should reach the boss. Boss: The boss of this level is Karnov, the Turkish circus performer who breathes fire. You might also remember him as later starring in his own game by Data East. If you know what to do, this guy is actually pretty easy. This sumo wrestler type fellow will follow you around and periodically attack with punches or breath fire on you.

To take him down easily, dodge his attack, then punch him back immediately. Then, quickly dodge back right after you punch him. Repeat this tactic over and over again, and you should be able to defeat him. And oh yes, one more tip. Should Karnov have you backed into a corner, jump down or up to a different level, then punch him as soon as he follows you. Or, run backwards as a means of escape.

Using Flaming Punches also works well against Karnov. One hit will usually knock him back more than a regular punch, which should give you a little more breathing room to spare.

If you do, not only will you lose a lot of life, but it's very difficult to jump back on to the truck again. Walkthrough: You suddenly find yourself on the back of a large truck traveling at high speeds out of the city. A large group of blue and gray ninjas will rush to attack you suddenly from either side, so be on your guard. A short while later, a red ninja should appear who will drop a very valuable set of numchuks if you defeat him. Grab the weapon and use it on the enemies. Remember that if you duck down, you can swing your weapon faster than you usually can.

As the level automatically scrolls right, it should eventually come time for you to leap over the gap in between the two sections of the truck. You should make the jump over the gap when it reaches the point right in the middle of the screen.

Soon afterward, another red ninja should come, and grab the Cola that he drops. In addition to the regular ninjas in this part of the level, there are also a swordsman lurking about. When the swordsman jumps up, dodge to the side then hit him with your weapon as he hits the ground.

After more fights, a final red ninja should come that will drop a dagger. If you still have your numchuks, do NOT pick up the dagger.

Instead, save it in case you die. I myself like the numchuks better anyway. You'll know that you've reached the end of the level when the truck stops. Jump off and head to the right, attacking any ninjas that follow you.

Then you have to fight the boss Boss: The boss in this level is a little tricky, but you should be able to beat him easily if you have plenty of life. The boss is a short ninja with spiky nails who scampers around on his hands and knees. To defeat him, duck down in one spot and either punch or swing your weapon frantically. Then, inch a little closer to him. As he runs around, you should be able to get a few hits off him.

If he ever stands still and raises one arm, run to the other end of the screen and wait, because you can't hit him while he's like this, and he can suddenly move and attack you without warning. If all goes well, you should be able to beat this guy and continue on to The farther you go, the more frequent these gaps will be. Avoid them using high jumps, or stay on the upper portion of the level, which is what I usually do.

Walkthrough: As always, the level begins with a small hoard of blue and gray ninjas attacking you from either side. Get rid of them, and a few more ninjas along the way, until you encounter a red ninja who drops a dagger. Pick it up if you don't already have a weapon. As you progress further, some swordsmen will appear. If you can, get down to the lower level to fight them, since you can see them better as they leap down on you when you are below. Also, some gaps will begin to appear in the lower level.

Jump over them, or you'll fall into the sewer and lose some life. As you move along, there should also be a red ninja that drops a Cola around. Continuing on, there are more ninjas and a few more swordsmen.

There is one particularly nasty point in the level when you will be forced to cross on some small platforms, and ninjas are coming at you from both sides at the same time. When this happens, you need to kill all the ninjas on the screen as fast as you can, then jump across the platforms as quickly as possible before the next bunch moves in.

You'll know that you've reached the end when you get to a red ninja that drops another dagger. That dagger or the numchuks, if you still have them from the previous level are necessary to defeat this next boss.

Boss: A normal looking green ninja who magically splits into five ninjas, this guy is really hard if you don't have a weapon. When he splits himself, the "real" ninja will hide in the corner, while the other four ninjas will attack you two at a time.

The boss can only be damaged if the "real" ninja is hit. As I said before, this boss is really easy if you have a weapon. When the green ninjas come at you, duck down and swing your weapon like there's no tomorrow.

The ninjas should run into your swinging blade, recover, then attack you again getting themselves killed. When all four ninjas are down, the leader will attack you.

Use the same technique on him, until he goes off and splits form again. Repeat this process two or three more times until he's finished. If you don't have a weapon however, you're in trouble.

When the groups of green ninjas come rushing at you, charge up a flaming punch and use it when they get close. As they become stunned, punch or kick them again to defeat them. Repeat this process with the next group of two ninjas, then use whatever attacks you can on the final green ninja. Because of this, getting and saving your weapon is extremely important for success.

Walkthrough: You start off on the top of a cliff in the middle of the forest path. In the beginning, some blue and gray ninjas will rush to attack you. Stay on the upper level as you fight them. I say this because there is a dog on the bottom that you will want to avoid.

After more ninja battles, things level out, but there is an orange ninja waiting to burst into flame and run at you a little ways away. If you have a weapon, kneel down and swing it as fast as you can.

If you don't have one, get ready to High Jump as soon as he runs at you. After the orange ninja are more groups of enemies, plus two gray swordsmen. After you defeat them, the screen will scroll down and you can continue onward. On this bottom level there are a lot more enemies, but nothing really difficult. Try to stay on the top cliff once again, because it will allow you to avoid a few of the wandering ninjas. There is also a second orange ninja here, but he just runs away in the opposite direction.

You've almost reached the second drop down point when you meet a red ninja who drops a dagger, which you should definitely pick up if you've lost your previous weapon. The end of the level should be pretty easy, especially if you grabbed that dagger.

Just kneel and swing the weapon wildly at those enemies, and should be fine. Then, it's time for the Boss Boss: If you know what to do, this boss is actually ridiculously easy, with or without a weapon. He follows a predictable pattern of attacking, pausing, moving forward, then attacking again. To defeat him, simply attack him with your weapon immediately after he punches at you, then move to the left to dodge his next attack.

That fancy kick thing he does may seem scary, but it's just as easy to dodge as a regular attack. If you don't have a weapon to use, throw flaming punches instead, they work just as well.