Blackberry download file missing

2022.01.14 16:27

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I have a usb bluetooth dongle and a Windows 7 Ultimate laptop. I cannot pair the two devices by the Windows 7 Bluetooth Manager, I get different pair codes and I cannot set up my own. I have already done the steps above but i dont get any success. Any advice?? I do have all the drivers in place still i cant connect Actually when i saw the bluetooth option in my smatphone the desktop connectivity is missing that may be the reason i cant connect via bluetooth advice me……….

Sign in. Forgot your password? Get help. Privacy Policy. Password recovery. Home Mobiles. Under the Hardware you would see 2 of them marked not working properly. Select one of them and choose to update the drivers. Next you need to select to update driver from your computer. Next select drives already available in your computer. Add it and ignore the warning when doing so.

Repeat the same for the next not working driver. Now if you had done paring before delete it form your Mobile along and then do it again. You will be able to connect your Desktop manager to Blackberry ans sync without connecting the USB cable.

Thanks so much. Only with my Windows 7 that this BB glitch happened, never with my iMac. Andre : Superb. I hope RIm Fixes this missing driver issues soon.

Please advice! Thanks for the advice. Worked perfectly just follow the instructions carefully and you will be all set. Hi, I would like to thank you very much for finding this solution. Best regards, Paulo Lino. Gary : Have you tried connecting dongle to any other device before? The phone is no longer visible to Desktop manager. How might I fix this? Any help is appreciated! Thank you. How did you figure out that this was the solution? This worked on my I did have to remove my device and re-pair it.

Also, I used the same driver for each of the choices, the newest one. Thanks for sharing the benefits of your 4 hours! Worked perfectly on my Help get my Bold connected to my Vista x64 laptop. Have you installed the Desktop Software. I think you should have but just making it sure. Thank you a lot! Finally I can sync everything with my Blackberry bold ! I wish I found this 9mos. Aside from my faults…Thank You Very Much!!!!! Please help!! Consumer Products Smartphones.

Services Overview. Financial Services Banking Insurance. Professional Services Legal. Healthcare Healthcare Providers Life Sciences. Consumer Industries Retail. Support Overview. Themes are available from BlackBerry App World, and the reason I mention them here is because some themes can move icons when they are enabled.

If you are using a different theme on your device, consider switching back to the default BlackBerry smartphone theme. In the Theme section, do one of the following:. If you would like to know more about using themes on a BlackBerry smartphone, read our blog post on getting started with themes on BlackBerry smartphones. Have a question about locating icons on your BlackBerry smartphone?

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