Difference between requirement and specification in software engineering
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Most people would assume the first definition and answer the question accordingly. Assumptions cause problems and good requirement writers avoid assumptions.
Answering the question about the difference between a requirement and a specification first requires that the person asking the question and the person answering the question share a common understanding of the terminology for different deliverables in the requirement development process.
By clarifying some common terms, I believe I can provide answers to the original question as well as a number of related questions, which have all been restated from the original and seem similar, but are actually very different:. The first step to answering these questions is to define some terms and the way they are used in combination with each other.
In the requirement world, these are virtually interchangeable and can often be found with identical first names. For example:. First names, on the other hand, relate to a point in the life-cycle. The following examples are generalizations. The purpose of the specification and the document is the same if their first name is identical. However, the content and organization will vary based on the type of product i. It is important to know what to use for a particular project and move on.
What is the difference between a Requirement and a Requirement Specification? A Requirement is a statement of one thing a product must do or a quality it must have.
A Requirement Specification is a collection of the set of all requirements that are to be imposed on the design and verification of the product. The specification also contains other related information necessary for the design, verification, and maintenance of the product.
There are requirements for things other than products, such as services, but in this discussion we are restricting our answers to products.
What is the difference between a Requirement Specification and a Design Specification? In a perfect world, the Requirement Specification precedes the Design Specification, and each is written by different people with different knowledge and viewpoints. Stakeholders communicate the requirements that the product must be designed to meet through the set of requirements in the Requirement Specification. This provides guidance to the design team.
Hardware design description document? Will it come under the software domain or hardware domain? What it should contain?
Please help. Junilu Lacar. I like I realize this isn't going to be very helpful but since the post is relatively old, I doubt OP still needs a relevant answer. This is what I imagine wicked software development professionals are made to do for eternity when they die and go to software development hell.
I have seen some of the kinds of development processes that require you to create documents like those described by these questions. I wish OP all the best in finding his way out of whatever soul-crushing environment he seems to have tried so hard to get into. Minakshi Sondule. A System Requirements Specification SRS also known as a Software Requirements Specification is a document or set of documentation that describes the features and behavior of a system or software application.
It includes a variety of elements see below that attempts to define the intended functionality required by the customer to satisfy their different users.
Main Elements Depending on the methodology employed agile vs waterfall the level of formality and detail in the SRS will vary, but in general an SRS should include a description of the functional requirements, system requirements, technical requirements, constraints, assumptions and acceptance criteria.
Each of these is described in more detail below: Business Drivers - This section describes the reasons why the customer is looking to build the system. The rationale for the new system is important as it will guide the decisions made by the business analysts, system architects and developers.
Another compelling reason for documenting the business rationale behind the system is that the customer may change personnel during the project. Documentation which clearly identifies the business reasons for the system will help sustain support for a project if the original sponsor moves on.
Usually a combination of problems and opportunities are needed to provide motivation for a new system. The requirements on a subsystem will normally be extracted from the design and specified as a set for the purpose of communicating the requirements on the subsystem to the designer or supplier of the subsystem. And so it goes on. We have carried out major engineering, engineering management, and PM-SE integration consulting assignments worldwide, from requirements quality measurement to socializing systems engineering throughout a person enterprise.
Project Performance International is a wholly Australian-owned consultancy and technical services company. The company headquarters can be found in Melbourne, Victoria, with client and work locations around the world. Privacy Terms ABN 33 Skip to content Answered by Robert Halligan Requirements are totally abstract things.