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Little league program

2022.01.14 16:29

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Leagues should be aware that an additional search is now required to meet the minimum background check standard of Little League Baseball and Softball.

Leagues must include a review of the U. If an individual is listed on either of the above lists, they are prohibited from participating as a volunteer in any capacity. Little League Baseball and Softball created the Child Protection Program in and it has been constantly evolving over the last 20 years. The Child Protection Program is now broken into two key components for leagues: a policy and a training tool. Additionally, leagues have been required to conduct a background check on each of these individuals.

A local Little League must conduct a nationwide background check utilizing JDP or another provider that is comparable to JDP in accessing background check records for sex offender registry data and other criminal records, including a review of the U. The leagues are also required to sign a statement on the tournament enrollment form verifying that the process has been completed and implemented.

Player Safety Child Protection Program. Search this section Search this section. This level of play is dedicated to teaching the basics of baseball while emphasizing the fun aspects of playing team sports.

All players play in the field and bat in every inning. Minor League Level The purpose of Minor League is to provide training and instruction for those players who by reason of age and other factors do not qualify for selection in the Major League. They may include, depending on player registrations:. Machine Pitch MP which is for baseball players aged 7 and 8. There may be two levels, a minors and majors, depending on the number of registrations.

Double A AA which is introductory player-pitch baseball. This is the first level of baseball where players learn to pitch. Generally, this level of play is for players that are years old. To be considered for this level of play, a player must attend a preseason tryout. Based on tryouts and a players past playing experience, Managers make players selections to form AA team rosters.

Triple A AAA which is intermediate player-pitch baseball. This is the transitional level of player-pitch baseball. Though, not required, players at this level have prior player-pitch playing experience at the AA level of play. Players not drafted onto AAA rosters are then placed into the AA draft player pool for potential selection.

Major League Level Majors — is advanced player-pitch baseball. This is the most advanced level of play for experienced player-pitch baseball. Generally, this level of play is for players that are years old and have prior player-pitch playing experience. Based on tryouts and a players past playing experience, Managers make payer selections to form Majors team rosters. Players not drafted onto Majors rosters are then placed into the AAA draft player pool for potential selection.

Additional details of the program will be provided upon request of the Board of Directors. Minor League is introductory player-pitch softball. This is the first level of softball where players learn to pitch. Based on tryouts and a players past playing experience, Managers make players selections to form minor league team rosters. Major League is intermediate level player-pitch softball. This is the next level of softball where players enhance their skills learned in prior seasons.

Based on tryouts and a players past playing experience, Managers make players selections to form major league team rosters. Players not drafted are then selected in the minor league draft. Senior League is the advanced level of player-pitch softball. This is the top level of softball where players continue to enhance their skills learned in prior seasons. Based on tryouts and a players past playing experience, Managers make players selections to form team rosters.

Fall Season While the Fall season mirrors the organization of the Spring season, the Fall Season is considered primarily an instructional program on all levels as it is the beginning of our new year. The Fall Softball Season follows similar naming conventions used in the Spring softball season.