Local file write failure invalid code identifier
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The length of all data being mapped caused an overflow of the definition in the mapping file. You have not opened the file defined in this window -- the file will not be opened if you continue. Specified selection value is not one of the legal selection values. Either specify a legal value or change the specified value to a legal value.
An error occurred while the system tried to map an SNMP varbind variable. Verify the syntax specified in the mapping, and correct it as needed. Unable to add note about the field updated due to the failure of opening the pending list indexing file. Unable to add note about the field updated due to the failure of writing to the pending list indexing file. Unable to add note about the field updated due to the failure of locating the record associated with the updated field.
Unable to add note about the field updated due to the failure to truncate the file holding the indexing pending list. One or more of these values is missing. The proper format for this command is: armaild [-f filename] [-n number-of-intervals] [-d]. The server specified for this message is not a recognized server -- access was attempted but no server was found.
Your query matched more than the configured maximum: number. The maximum number of allowable matches are returned. No common functional currency was found when currency constants were compared with functional currency data. Cannot create or modify a currency field without specifying at least one functional currency.
The preceding message occurred during the execution of active link activeLink -- action action. Attachments for the report are exported under directoryName. Include this directory in the export file if you choose to import the data. A recording operation is in progress -- your current recording will be lost if you exit.
This record has been updated by another user since you retrieved it. Saving your changes will overwrite the changes made by that user.
Do you want to save your changes? New fields added or made accessible by administrator - added as hidden fields to local view file. A recording operation is in progress -- current recording will be lost if you continue. You have not saved changes on the properties screen -- they will be lost if you continue. You have not saved changes on a diary or text edit window -- they will be lost if you continue.
Query window is now connected to a different form -- continuing will change the current form. Multiple entries match qualification criteria -- Information pulled from first matching entry.
Server cannot set to the client locale. Locale-sensitive operation done on the server may not conform to the client's locale convention.
You have not saved changes on a diary or text edit window - the changes will not be included in the current save action if you continue. You have not saved changes on the exploded help window -- they will be lost if you continue.
You have not saved changes on the exploded help window -- they will not be included in the current operation if you continue. Macro recording is active -- modifications will be made to the entry but will not be recorded in the macro.
Text field is too long; only first 2,, characters are shown here. If you change this request, it will damage the record. File will be saved in Report File format.
The customized view for this form has been updated to AR System 3. Because of version translation limitations, you may need to reposition some buttons by using the Customize View function.
The administrator has updated this form on an AR System 2. Your customized view cannot be updated using this tool. If you continue, you may encounter some problems. Do you want to continue? You can continue with out-of-date customized view files, or they can be reloaded from the server. Do you want to reload the form from the server?
If you click Continue, you will lose your customized view. Error while processing selected entries. Continue processing, suppressing further errors or cancel the operation. Only integer data types can be displayed by using numeric text defaulting to text field type. Only selection data types can be displayed using exclusive choice boxes defaulting to text. Column headers will not fit within the space defined between top and bottom margins - total number of lines increased to the following value.
The format of the time value is not recognized. You entered a value for a numeric field that is either smaller than the minimum size allowed or larger than the maximum size allowed. You cannot use a selection value name in Status History - you do not have access to the Status field.
This application cannot customize the views of AR System forms created with versions prior to 3. Such views can be customized by using previous versions of this application. Overflow while expanding active link macro parameter maximum expanded parameter is bytes. No item matches active link conditions; this operation has been defined so that no match generates an error.
This is usually the directory named help under the AR System install directory. One or more items match active link conditions -- this operation has been defined so that any match generates an error.
The format for the application section in dde. DLL version oldVersionNumber is an old version. DLL is required. There is no Home Page form available. Please verify your user preferences or check with your administrator. Function error in active link. Please verify number of function arguments and data types.
You are trying to access a menu with more than numberOfEntries entries - the menu will be truncated. One or more active links failed when closing the form. Do you still want to exit the application?
Report will not be displayed in specified external program because of the following error: errorType. This server serverName is not licensed from BMC and has limited capabilities.
Language defined by LANG environment variable not recognized -- using default on server. You are logged in as a subadministrator -- access to some structures and functions has been disabled.
You must be a member of the Administrator or Subadministrator group with a fixed license to use this tool. You are attempting to delete a Distributed Server form or field. Do you wish to continue? Other forms depend on current form. Deleting this form will cause forms that depend on it to be deleted. Are you sure you want to continue? This view contains one or more intersecting FORM declarations. Any FORM tags inserted by the user must not overlap on the open and close service tags. Please choose 'embedded' option if you are not sure.
This will force users to login before accessing wsdl. You can not perform Synchronization of Search databases for same or different servers at the same time from the same instance of the BMC Remedy Administrator. Field fieldName has a duplicate name. Please select a unique name for this field before saving the form. All other changes are not saved. You do not have a known server specified in your configuration file -- the tool will default to the first server specified in your directory file.
You have entered a value in an integer field which is outside of the valid range for integers. You have not entered data for any of your fields -- enter data for at least one field before pressing the Apply button. You have entered a value in an real number field which is outside of the valid range for real numbers.
The table field tableFieldName definition is corrupt. If you Save the form, you will delete this field. Table field tableFieldName has no columns. Add at least one column before you create or modify this table field.
The listed columns for the tableFieldName table field do not have corresponding data fields. You must specify a menu or button field for active links that execute on a menu or button. You have selected more fields than will fit in the clipboard. Select fewer fields, and try again. The following field cannot be displayed in this view because it contains invalid properties. Remove it from this view by using the Fields In View dialog box.
The field can contain double quotation marks ' or single quotation marks ' , but it cannot contain both kinds of quotation marks. A maximum of items can be exported at once. Select a fewer number of items, and try the operation again.
The width of a results list field and its separator combined is limited to characters. This is a special object parameter in which you can only add another method which returns the same object.
This is a special parameter in which you can only add another method which returns this object type. Please select a matching function. Looks like the return type of the method selected and the method to be added are incompatible. You cannot call another method on the parent method. The Parent return type is not an Object. The Constants and properties are for display only.
Cannot be inserted by clicking the Add Method button. You cannot have duplicate named predefined searches. Please give the entry a unique name. Other forms depend on form formName. If you delete this form, all other forms that depend on this form will be deleted. Warning: If you change the form, existing actions might be made invalid. Verify your existing actions. You are removing these data fields from their only view: fieldNames.
These fields do not exist on any other views. All display information, including label text and location, will be lost. Unable to open more windows, because Windows resources are low. Close some windows or running applications to gain more space. The value being deleted is the same as the default value. If you continue, the default value will also be deleted. The status field must have a default value.
If you continue the default value will be changed to the first entry. Confirm that you want to save the form; the following fields will be deleted: fieldNames. Active link activeLinkName is already used by controlFieldName. Are you sure you want to move it to controlFieldName? You are removing these trim or control or both fields from their only view: viewName. These fields will be deleted from the database. A time-out occurred while copying form formName to formName.
The operation most likely succeeded but the server is still busy. The layering of some fields in this view was not valid. The problem has now been corrected, and the changes will take effect when you save the form. Copy and Paste of join fields is not supported; the selected join fields will not be copied.
At least one trim, button, or menu item field will be deleted because you are deleting its only view. Active link activeLinkName is already used by buttonName. It can not be added to buttonName.
You have specified an ID within the reserved range. Do you want to save this field anyway? None of the requested field deletions occurred on the server. Please close and reopen the form after the save operation has completed. This form contains a non-standard set of Distributed Fields.
Select none, basic, full, or advanced to return to a standard set of fields. Distributed Fields will be deleted. This form contains a Distributed Field of the wrong data type. Are you sure you want to have numberOfFields Distributed Fields? Selecting this option could cause an infinite loop in the system.
Do you want to continue with overriding loop detection? Please press Modify Action button to rectify the problem. A maximum of numberOfForms forms can be selected. Please remove some forms from the selected form list. A duplicate server was detected in the server list for user userName.
To improve this view so that it looks the same on all clients, BMC Remedy Administrator will upgrade the layout information for this view when you save this form. A global field has just been set to a regular field. The entry mode selection will be set to default. Please choose another Field ID for field -- fieldType. Field IDs from to are reserved for columns of Alert List. Exporting extension objects in XML is not supported.
Selected extension objects will not be exported. Deleting this object, objectName, will delete all objects in the same lock group. If there are any forms in this lock group, then those form definitions and all the associated data will be removed. The form, formName, appears to have dependant workflow that is part of a lock group. Deleting this form will trigger the deletion of one or more lock groups, would you like to proceed?
Any existing custom IDs will be replaced with a linear sequence. However, these will not be saved until you save the form, and existing data will never be affected. The default value:. Server object objectName cannot be opened from here. Please open it from the Server Window. The minimum value minimumValue and the maximum value maximumValue. Sorry, unable to locate your default browser.
You will lose your existing guideName assignments by changing the form. Errors were found. Please check the tab order to make sure that all shared fields are in the same order relative to each other.
User userName does not have admin or subadmin privileges on server serverName. Connecting as a guest user. Unable to refresh field detail for field fieldName in form formName on server serverName.
Any further operation on this form can cause unpredictable behavior. The View will return to default. Are you sure you want to remove the selected objects from Source Control, as you will lose history data along with them?
You are in Enforced mode of the Source Control Integration. You cannot modify this object because it does not exist in Source Control. You cannot modify this object because it is already checked out to another user. You cannot modify this object because you did not check it out first. You cannot modify this object. The server is configured for Source Control but you have not integrated it on your client.
You are in Advisory mode of the Source Control Integration. Your Integration is not initialized, so modifying an object could overwrite or conflict with someone else's work. Modifying an object could overwrite or conflict with someone else's work because it does not exist in Source Control.
Modifying an object could overwrite or conflict with someone else's work because it is already checked out to another user. Modifying an object could overwrite or conflict with someone else's work because you did not check it out first.
Please relogin to this server for the changes made to Source Control Integration to take effect. You cannot import this object because it is already checked out to another user. The object you are importing has been checked out to someone else. Import to server anyway? You cannot modify the selected objects. This version of the Action Request System is ready for use or evaluation without purchasing or activating an authorization key.
Web view is created but not initialized! Please initialize the web view by opening and saving the web view. Number of resultant actions exceeded the maximum; the active link will not be saved. To enable successful conversion, please decompose the active link into multiple active links and try again. Server is referred by a keyword or field ID. Server name should be currently available to process QBE type of queries. Could not connect to QBE referred server. Could not load the form specified by QBE.
Form name should be currently available to process QBE type of queries. Some web views do not have WebAlias property.
This may result in invalid. Form and some web views do not have WebAlias property. Please install Internet Explorer 5. You have attempted an action which requires this component. Internet Explorer 5. This functionality will not be available until it is installed. The following description lists active links and indicates nature of failure or success under each RunMacro action. In case of failure, original active link will be restored.
Users can see the FAQ for resolutions and try again. Looks like a corrupt field. Would you like to delete this field? Cannot create or modify a Currency Field without at least one selected Functional Currency.
Please select at least one Functional Currency. WebService Handler is using an insecure http protocol. If username and password are mapped, they will be sent in plain-text. Cannot create or modify a data field without specifying a corresponding DB column name. Please specify a valid DB column name. Cannot create or modify a display-only field which has a valid DB column name. Please specify a valid entry mode.
At least one choice is not mapped in the mapping object. All the choice nodes have to be mapped for the web service to work properly. Invalid mapping because of incompatible data types. Entry pending transfer or update has been pending for longer than the specified retry timeout. Two forms contain all the reserved distributed mapping fields -- delete one to continue. Two forms contain all the reserved distributed pending fields -- delete one to continue. The ''From'' form in mapping definition must be the source form in the attempted mapping.
The ''From'' server in mapping definition must be the source server in the attempted mapping. The ''To'' form in mapping definition must be the target form in the attempted mapping. The ''To'' server in mapping definition must be the target server in the attempted mapping. Update unsuccessful -- ''From'' form or ''From'' Server field has no value.
The transfer or update cannot be performed because transfer mapping is currently disabled. The distributed operation failed because the additional information about the item to be deleted is missing. Duplicate entry IDs are encountered during transfer for specified action ''Create New'' - target form is missing the required field -- ''From Request ID''.
The target record for a distributed process Distributed-Transfer, Distributed-Update, Distributed-Return no longer exists. Transfer with ownership requires that target form contain ''From form'' field. Transfer with ownership requires that target form contain ''From server'' field. The reserved distributed pool fields can only exist on one form - delete duplicate to continue. The reserved distributed pending errors fields can only exist on one form -- delete duplicate to continue.
Two forms contain all the reserved distributed logical mapping fields -- delete one to continue. Illegal value specified for -m option -- legal values are 0 not master and 1 master. The reserved alert event fields exist on multiple forms. Attempt to communicate with alert client failed because the required port is in use by another process. The reserved server group fields can only exist on one form-- delete duplicates on other forms to continue.
A floating license without server group tag cannot be used in a server group. This floating license is ignored. A floating license with server group tag cannot be used on a stand-alone server. A floating license with a different server group tag cannot be used on this server group. Invalid or missing server group operation definition. Contact your AR System administrator. The Check Interval setting change will only take effect after all servers in the group are restarted. Duplicate server group ranking value encountered in the ranking form -- ordering cannot be guaranteed.
The variable associated with this alarm has been deleted. A variable should be associated for this alarm to work. There are no variables in this server. Please create a variable before creating an alarm. You must associate a data source name with the flashboard.
Select one from Configuration tab. The data source you selected does not contain any variables. Select a data source with variables. No data source has been defined. At least one data source is required to define a valid flashboard.
One of more variables have been deleted from the selected datasource since this flashboard was saved. The following parameter s needed to display the chart are missing: parameters. You may need to relogin to view the chart.
You have exceeded the allowed usage of Flashboards. Please obtain a license if you wish to continue using Flashboards. The specified import file has only one field -- ensure that you specified the import file correctly.
You have not added or saved your changes to the current fallback mapping -- if you continue, those changes will be lost. You have not saved or imported data with the current mappings -- if you continue, the mappings will be lost. You have not added or saved your changes to the current mapping -- if you continue, those changes will be lost.
You have not saved your changes to the current mapping -- if you continue, those changes will not be used for this import. You have not saved your changes to the current fallback mappings. If you continue, your changes will not be used for this import. You made but did not save changes to the Save Mapping window.
If you continue, your changes will be lost. This file contains duplicate or empty field titles. A number has been appended to those titles. Those titles have been replaced by their field ids. This form contains duplicate or empty field labels. Those labels have been replaced by their field ids. Import completed successfully: numberImported records imported; numberTruncated records were truncated.
Import completed with errors: numberImported records were imported; numberNotImported records were not; numberTruncated records were truncated. User stopped import after numberProcessed records were processed, of which numberImported were imported.
Two forms containing all the reserved application pending fields encountered -- delete one to continue. Another copy of the Approval Server is already running or the Application Dispatcher is in use. A required action parameter, such as a form name or a request ID, is missing in the incoming email message. Please enter the parameter and continue.
An expected attachment was missing while processing an incoming email message. Please provide the expected attachment. An invalid security key was entered. If the problem still occurs, contact your AR System administrator. The security key does not match the originating email address.
Verify that you specified the correct security key for the email address used. The modify key contains an invalid entry ID. Make sure that the modify key was not modified and that the original outgoing email message was not deleted. The modify key in the incoming modify action email message is invalid.
Make sure that the modify key was not modified. The modify key is missing from the incoming modify action email message, unable to execute Instructions.
The email message with the modify action is missing a security key. Provide the security key. No matching entries found for the qualification. Verify your qualification or contact your AR System administrator.
Problem with the connection to the AR System server. Wait for the email engine to reconnect to the server and complete all pending actions. If the connection is not reestablished, then check the AR System server and then check network connectivity. The supplied value for an option radio button or a drop-down list item is invalid.
Verify that you provided the correct value. No field values were specified for submit or modify operation. Specify values for the action. Message will be deleted without logging in email messages form because there is an error on submit. The current object reservation setting requires Subadministrators to have permission for accessing the form formName. The form cannot be saved. A dynamic field value in tableFieldType tableFieldName contains an invalid field or keyword reference.
Provide a correct dynamic value. Unable to add a menu item because there are too many levels in the character menu. Character menus cannot exceed 15 levels. The entry point guide will not be executed because it does not have a starting active link. You cannot create or modify a view form data field without specifying a corresponding database column name.
Specify a valid database column name for field. You can't call another method on the parent method because parent return type is not an object. MathWorks Answers Support. Close Mobile Search. Trial software. You are now following this question You will see updates in your followed content feed. You may receive emails, depending on your communication preferences. Show older comments. Jeroen on 3 Oct Vote 0. Accepted Answer: Image Analyst. Ive written a program that can save a mesh plot as a.
It worked perfectly a couple of hours ago, but after i closed matblab and started it again it keeps giving me an error everytime it has to write the file.
I'm pretty sure the solution to this problem has to be quite simple, but after looking for it on the internet for almost my entire evening now without any results so far ive descided to post it on here At the moment ive written another program that only tests the 'writing function'. It should simply create the array [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] and write the first 3 elements to the file graph.
Here's what i did:. The problem is i'm getting the following errors:. Invalid file identifier. Few times i have manage to burn media and it worked but now i keep getting this error:.
Update your burner's firmware remove any disc and close the tray before updating then reboot after it's finished and try burning again at 6x or 4x with a brand new blank disc.
There must be some other explanation. As in everything, you get what you pay for. If you want to burn at full speed you have to use the good stuff. Well i gues there is no point to keep arguing this coz everybody is Verbatim guys. It's not that we are 'Verbatim guys', it is simply that we know what works and what is crap. We know that Taiyo Yuden and Verbatim have extremely close quality tolerances and that the other couple of producers in the world, who sell their stuff to anyone that wants to name it as their own, do not.
We know that crap media will work for a while in almost every instance, and we also know that, when it fails, it's time to quit using it because something has changed on the users side of the process.
Who knows all the maybe's involved and who can tell which maybe you're affected by?