Attitude activator sikes

2022.01.14 16:33

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This audio program has been a best seller since ! Reviews There are no reviews yet. Add to cart Add to Wishlist. Sports Hypnosis — Sports Hypnosis Training 0 out of 5. Michael Yapko — Managing Pain with Hypnosis 0 out of 5. James R. Parker Walbeck — Full Time Filmmaker 5. They focus you on what you want and help you discover avenues for getting it. And what we focus on becomes dominant in our lives.

They utilize your imagination and creativity and put your focus on you want instead of what you lack. A third reason for their power is that the answers come from within you. So they feel more authentic, making it natural for you to accept the answers they generate for you. Unlike affirmations, PAQs have a very low backfire potential. When you use affirmations your mind has that tendency to argue with you. You fumble and bumble and blow it every time.

Well, on rare occasions—and I do mean rare— some PAQs can backfire, too. But why am I so happy now? Of course I was a newbie with PAQs at the time. I could even have used a PAQ to find a better question.

By now, you probably see how easy it is to create PAQs. First, you decide what you want—a change in attitude, a new approach to something, a behavior change , even a tangible acquisition. Finally, you take action on the answers—not only because the answers will lead to success, but to reinforce the whole process and prove its worth to you. Sikes recommends that you think up questions for yourself every morning and every night, and that you practice with the method for 21 days in a row.

You can start right now. Still, asking any positively phrased questions is useful. Others have come along since I shared my work and since this article. The others mentioned in the article missed important nuances about the work.

They missed the heart of how to use questions to direct the mind, but they got that asking questions is important. If you want to powerfully learn to direct your mind contact me. I released much of my work and information on the Inet in articles, in my live workshops and many of my audio programs. Get it. It is useful!

It is built from how the brain most naturally operates. Would you like to learn more about this powerful process? I deep dive and share more in my online programs and live events. Use the links to visit these powerful programs that will increase your effectiveness and return on investment. Be sure to visit, learn more, order programs and claim your free gift! Can you begin to imagine how good your life can become when you begin directing your mind in powerful ways to help you get what you want while helping others get what they want?

Can you? Of course, you can. And if not, the. This is up there with the greats and maybe beyond. Besides extraordinary insights, the style is accessible and compelling. Buy it! Truly, learn from this and master it. Benefits are great! Study it and use it. Go deeper and learn more and your effectiveness will grow and grow. When you learn how to direct your own mind you become its master. You may notice many things from this article that are common place today. This pleases me to no end. The work made its way near and far.

Some even showed up in some popular movies. See if you can spot or recognize a particular reference from a wildly popular film. Did you know there are actually three languages inside the English language?

There is the language of pictures or how things appear, how we see or view them in our mind as well as out there in the real world. Second, there is the language of sounds or what we say to ourselves and what we hear on the inside. And third there is the language of feelings, like when something wonderful grabs hold of us and makes us feel warm and special inside.

Knowing the three languages and incorporating them into your hypnotic writing makes your appeals even more powerful. By spicing up your writing with these words you help others begin to imagine more clearly what you are saying because you appeal to at least three of our five senses.

There is something even more incredible, that directs the human mind to pay attention. Do you know what that is? Not yet, but I have just given you some great examples.

It is the power of questions. You see questions direct the mind. That is true whether you are asking a question of yourself or another person. And the incredible thing is that this is what our brains are designed to do: Ask and answer questions posed to it and find solutions and new behaviors. Brains love questions! They go in search of things they can do that make life more interesting.

Your brains already know how to search for and find information. The key is learning how to use questions to direct your mind in powerful and positive ways. And guess what? Your brain knows exactly where to go in your personal history to find the answers.

You see, it is automatic. Ask a question of the brain and it answers in a great variety of ways. In fact the brain keeps on working on the questions long after the answers start being delivered. You certainly do if you ever experienced that critical voice that keeps ragging and nagging on you long into the night. Would you like to find a way to end that? Would you like to be able to direct your mind in powerful, positive ways? Do you want to be more influential and positively persuasive in person—and in your writing?

The key to having more wonderful things happen within you is to help the brain help you by redirecting what it already does well. If instead of asking questions like the negative ones above, we learn to instead begin asking questions about how wonderful things are, then the brain has a positive direction to follow.

Good or bad, it just does what it knows. So we need to grab hold of it and utilize it to our advantage by redirecting it and then letting it run. If you are familiar at all with powerful hypnotic languaging, you will already notice the kinds of useful hypnotic language patterns I use in these questions.

If not, well then be happy there is more for you to learn which will help improve what you do. The incredible thing is your brain already knows exactly what to do. It knows how to go after the class of information you present it with. And realize that I directed your mind with a question to the kind of information I was after.

If others were listening to us as we spoke, their minds would be directed to where you got your shirt, as well. This is powerful to know although it may seem obvious. So the key for your own personal improvement is asking yourself questions which lead your mind in useful directions. And as I begin to notice those how many more can I discover that delight and amaze me?

Well, in fact you are using another hypnotic pattern known as embedded commands. Stop sitting around. Get up and go out. Get fresh air. Hang out in nature as the weather permits. Make the most of your moments.

Make them fun and memorable. Everything begins with thought! Thought precedes action. Whatever we create we first create inside our mind. If we hold it in our head, we can hold it in our hands someday. Realize you are the creator of your life. Accept responsibility for what you create.

Make good happen. Live life on your terms. Create your best life ever. Initiating and maintaining these processes is important. Do it! Create positive habits that serve you. These continue from my last blog. Get clear on your purpose. Know your mission and vision for being on the planet.

Clarify it. Write it down. Know why you are here. For what were you born? Once you know your purpose you live it. Get this.

Review out loud, at least twice a day, what you have written down. Carry a reminder with you in your pocket or purse to review during the day.

Read or state it with passion and enthusiasm! Imagine yourself as already having it. Feel how good that feels! Savor it. Be it. Do it. Have it. Make it your present reality and not far off in the future. Feel it as if you already are in possession of it.

See yourself already having what it is you want. Know this is your destiny. Energetically repeat or shout positive affirmations that move you forward. The more you do them the sooner you convince yourself they are true. The hidden stores of energy and resourcefulness within you become available. When this happens moving forward gets easier and easier. Find a variety of ways to add delight to yourself and others. Put a smile on your face and help someone else to smile. Be the reason you and they feel good.

Vibe hi and others can too. What goes around comes around. Remember this. When you help someone else to feel better you will too. Everything gets better when that is your intention. Make it a point to feel better. Express your positive energy. You go first. Be a light for yourself and others. More next time. Follow-through is a must. You want to create new habits. It is easier when you like the process. Read books, watch inspirational shows and DVDs. Listen to inspirational audio.

Fill your mind and heart with the best uplifting material. Feed your mind, heart, body and soul well! Surround yourself with positive people. If possible form a Mastermind Group to move forward. A mastermind is NOT what most people call a mastermind.

It is a specifically purposed group and an important assembly of specific personnel. This audio program has been a best seller since ! Reviews There are no reviews yet.

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